این چیزی نیست که من می خواهم، بنابراین من ctrl + z را فشار می دهم یا cmd + z روی یک مکینتاش برای لغو این تغییرات. اگر آنچه شما می خواهید انجام دهید، گسترش است00:00:52 مارپیچی از خارج، سپس شما باید کلید esc را فشار دهیدبرای خلاص شدن از شر آن خط باند لاستیکی وجود دارد،00:00:58 و سپس شما می خواهید بر روی آن نقطه پایان خارج کلیک کنید00:01:00 و سپس کلیک کنید تا امتیاز اضافه کنید.00:01:03 حالا بگم که میخواهی یک نقطه رو حذف کنی00:01:05 به عنوان مثال، من می خواهم خلاص شدن از شر این نقطه در اینجا وجود دارد.00:01:08 سپس، به جلو بروید و روی آن کلیک کنید تا آن را انتخاب کنید00:01:10 و سپس کلید Backspace را فشار دهید00:01:12 یا کلید حذف در مک برای حذف آن00:01:14 و قطعه جدیدی را بین نقاط باقی مانده بکشید.00:01:18 اگر دکمه Backspace را فشار داده یا دوباره پاک کنید،00:01:20 شما قصد دارید از کلیه خطوط مسیر خلاص شوید.00:01:23 این چیزی نیست که من می خواهم00:01:24 بنابراین من فقط به جلو بروید و ctrl + z یا cmd + z را روی مک بگیرید00:01:26 آن مسیر را به عقب بر گردانید و می توانید ببینید00:01:29 ابزار منحنی در حال حاضر بر روی آن است.00:01:30 آماده است تا امتیازات را از مرکز بازگردانیم.00:01:33 این چیزی نیست که من بخواهم.00:01:34 بنابراین من کلید esc را فشار می دهم00:01:36 به منظور خلاص شدن از آن گروه لاستیکی.00:01:37 و سپس بر روی این نقطه کلیک کنید تا آن را انتخاب کنید00:01:40 و من کلید برگشتن را فشار می دهم00:01:41 یا کلید حذف در Mac برای خلاص شدن از آن.
00:01:44 All right, now let's you want to convert a point
00:01:46 from corner to smooth or smooth to corner.
00:01:48 Then, I'll go ahead and click on this path outline
00:01:51 right here to select it.
00:01:52 And notice, for whatever reason,
00:01:54 if I drag this top point down,
00:01:56 it was actually a corner point just a moment ago,
00:01:59 but as soon as I start dragging it with a curvature tool,
00:02:01 Illustrator converts it to a smooth point
00:02:04 and that is just sometimes
00:02:05 what the curvature tool is going to do.
00:02:07 It's going to automatically convert
00:02:08 and invent points for you,
00:02:10 depending on its interpretation of a path outline.
00:02:14 If you want to convert this guy back to a corner point,
00:02:17 then you can double click on it, like so.
00:02:20 And I could do the same thing to this point, for example.
00:02:22 I could double click on it to covert it to a corner point.
00:02:26 If you want to convert a corner point to a smooth point,
00:02:28 you just double click once again.
00:02:30 And I want you to notice the difference
00:02:32 between smooth points and corner points.
00:02:34 They actually appear differently.
00:02:36 You'll have to look very closely at the video here.
00:02:38 The smooth points appear as hollow circles.
00:02:41 The corner points appear as hollow circles
00:02:43 with dots inside of them.
00:02:45 Another way to convert points is to
00:02:47 alt or option click on them.
00:02:49 So, if I alt or option click on this guy,
00:02:51 he goes from being a smooth point to a corner point.
00:02:54 And, if I click on a different point,
00:02:55 you can see now that he has a dot inside of him.
00:02:58 If I want to convert him back to a smooth point,
00:03:00 then I would alt or option click on him again.
00:03:04 Now, here's one of the most interesting things.
00:03:05 It's a little bit of a gotcha, might even be a bug,
00:03:08 I'm not sure, but you can have fun with it.
00:03:10 When you have a closed path outline selected
00:03:13 and you click on the end point of an open path,
00:03:15 that's going to open up the closed path outline
00:03:18 and fuse things together.
00:03:20 Now, depending on the position of the points,
00:03:22 you may end up with this effect here,
00:03:24 where you have a new closed path outline
00:03:26 that includes a spiral.
00:03:28 I'll go ahead and press ctrl+z or cmd+z on the Mac
00:03:30 to undo that and I'll grab the stop point right there
00:03:33 and drag it upward a little bit.
00:03:34 And now, I'll click on that end point again
00:03:37 and this time it just opens up the entire path outline,
00:03:40 so it's all going to depend on where the points are
00:03:43 in the first place.
00:03:45 All right, here's another one.
00:03:46 If you want to constrain the angle of your cursor
00:03:48 with respect to the active point,
00:03:51 then you can press the shift key and notice,
00:03:53 with the shift key down, you're going to move your cursor
00:03:56 at some multiple of 45 degrees.
00:03:59 And finally, if I go ahead and double click on this point,
00:04:01 this end point here to convert it to a corner point.
00:04:04 And then, I shift click with my cursor.
00:04:06 Then, I'm going to create a straight segment
00:04:08 at an angle that's a multiple of 45 degrees.
00:04:11 In my case, of course, horizontal.
00:04:13 And then finally, I'll deactivate the path
00:04:15 by pressing the esc key and that will make
00:04:17 that rubber band connection go away.
00:04:19 And then I'll press ctrl+shift+a or cmd+shift+a on the Mac
00:04:23 in order to deselect my path outline.
00:04:26 And so, in other words, there's a ton
00:04:27 you can do with the curvature tool,
00:04:29 some of which is predictable and some of which is not.