Adobe Illustrator چیست؟
در این فیلم من با شما چندین تکنیک کاربردی ر را به اشتراک می گذارم راهنمایی ها و ترفندهای Artboard که من می دانم به نظر می رسد کمی مبهم، اما امیدوارم آن را به نظر می رسد جذاب، نیز زیرا این ها برخی از مهارت های بسیار مفید هستند. بنابراین بگذارید بگوییم آنچه من می خواهم انجام دهم این است یک صفحهنمایش را ایجاد کنید که شامل آن میشود تمام موانع موجود، که ممکن است چیزی شگفت انگیز به نظر برسد اما اغلب اوقات بسیار مفید است چون کارهای هنری به عنوان ظروف برای خدمت می کنند صفحات چاپ، به طوری که آنها به عنوان صفحات واقعی خدمت می کنند در داخل یک سند و همچنین به عنوان ظروف صادراتی عمل می کنند. و بنابراین شما نه تنها می خواهید صادرات مثلا تعداد صفر اما شما ممکن است بخواهید در برخی موارد چاپ و یا صادرات تمام اعداد به عنوان یک سند بزرگ. و به همین ترتیب برای ایجاد این برنامه uber من قصد دارم به جلو بروید و ابزار Artboard را انتخاب کنید دوباره می توانید این ابزار را با فشار دادن Shift O دریافت کنید. حالا آنچه من میخواهم انجام دهم این است که یک صفحهنمایش را جلب کنم این دقیقا به اندازه کافی بزرگ برای نگه داشتن موجود است. من نمی توانم از این گوشه گوشه کشیدن است.
because it's selected and that means
00:01:02 I'm going to go ahead and scale artboard zero,
00:01:04 which is not what I want.
00:01:05 So I'll press Control Z,
00:01:07 or Command Z on the Mac
00:01:08 to undo that change.
00:01:09 But notice even if I try to start
00:01:11 at the opposite corner of the bottom right corner
00:01:13 of artboard eight I end up scaling it,
00:01:17 even though it wasn't selected.
00:01:19 So what I need to do is press Control Z,
00:01:21 or Command Z on the Mac,
00:01:22 make sure I'm starting on a deselected artboard
00:01:25 and press the Shift key in order to tell Illustrator
00:01:28 that I want to create a new artboard.
00:01:31 So once again, that's the Shift key,
00:01:33 and notice as I start to drag
00:01:34 I'm creating a brand new artboard.
00:01:37 The problem is because I still
00:01:39 have the Shift key down,
00:01:40 I'm constraining it to the aspect ratio
00:01:43 of the last selected artboard,
00:01:45 which of course, is artboard zero.
00:01:47 So what I need to do is now release the Shift key.
00:01:50 So you just need to have the Shift key down
00:01:51 at the beginning of your drag,
00:01:53 and then just go ahead and drag
00:01:54 until you snap into alignment
00:01:56 with the upper left corner of artboard zero, like so,
00:02:00 and you have an artboard that's exactly big enough
00:02:02 to contain all the other artboards.
00:02:04 The problem is, it seems to me at least,
00:02:06 from an aesthetic perspective,
00:02:08 is that we should have a little bit of gap
00:02:11 around the edges of the artboard, as well,
00:02:13 that matches the gap between the artboards,
00:02:16 which you may recall from the previous movie,
00:02:19 is 60 points.
00:02:20 So what I'm going to do is go up to the
00:02:22 reference point matrix,
00:02:23 switch it from the upper left corner
00:02:25 to the center point right there,
00:02:27 and then go ahead and click in the Width value,
00:02:29 click after it, and we're going to enter not plus 60
00:02:33 because what we really want is 60 points on the left
00:02:35 and 60 points on the right,
00:02:37 so instead we need to enter plus 60 times two,
00:02:40 which by the way is plus 120.
00:02:43 And then press the Tab key
00:02:45 and we get an extra 60 points on either side.
00:02:48 And now that I have the Height value selected,
00:02:51 I'll go ahead and press the right arrow key
00:02:52 in order to move to the end of that value,
00:02:55 and I'll enter plus 120 once again
00:02:58 in order to add 60 points above, and below,
00:03:01 the existing artboards.
00:03:03 All right, Illustrator's calling this new Artboard 13,
00:03:06 for whatever reason, so I'm just going to click the word
00:03:09 Name up here in the Control Panel
00:03:10 in order to select the existing name,
00:03:13 and I'll replace it with Uber Board
00:03:15 and press the Enter key, or the Return key on the Mac,
00:03:17 to rename that artboard.
00:03:19 All right, now the problem becomes one
00:03:21 of stacking order, and what I mean by that is
00:03:24 that Illustrator thinks of one artboard as
00:03:27 being in front of another one,
00:03:29 and by default, the last artboard created
00:03:31 is the one in front,
00:03:33 and the first artboard is the one in back.
00:03:36 So the one that's called one oh one right there,
00:03:38 for Artboard one, that's at the back of the stack.
00:03:41 And the one that's called 10, Uber Board,
00:03:43 is in front of all the other ones,
00:03:45 which means if I try to click on Artboard one,
00:03:47 I don't end up selecting it.
00:03:50 If you want to select an artboard that's below
00:03:52 another artboard, all you need to do
00:03:55 is click on its title, like so.
00:03:58 And that's going to allow you to select
00:03:59 any artboard inside of your Illustration,
00:04:02 which means it's a good habit to get into, as
00:04:05 opposed to just trying to click on an artboard to select it,
00:04:08 notice I clicked on artboard three
00:04:09 and I ended up selecting the Uber Board instead.
00:04:12 Just go ahead and get in the habit of
00:04:14 clicking in the title, and that way there's less ambiguity,
00:04:18 you know exactly which artboard you're selecting.
00:04:21 So once again, if you want to create an artboard,
00:04:24 either on top of, or inside of another artboard,
00:04:27 you press and hold the Shift key,
00:04:29 and drag, like so.
00:04:31 Obviously I don't want this new artboard,
00:04:34 so I'm just going to press the Backspace key,
00:04:36 or the Delete key on the Mac to get rid of it.
00:04:38 And if you want to select an artboard
00:04:40 that's behind another one,
00:04:41 just go ahead and click on its Gray title, like so.