دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی

آموزش تغییر حذف آرت بورد ایلاستریتور Illustrator CC Artboards Deleting  scaling


فیلم آموزشی کار کردن سریع با Illustrator 





در این فیلم، من شما را چگونه به حذف و مقیاس را نشان می دهد artboards داخل Illustrator، زیرا پس از همه، شما می توانید به عنوان بسیاری از artboards داشته باشد به عنوان دوست دارید، در هر نقطه از یک تا 100، و این تبلت ها می توانند همه اندازه های مختلف باشند و جهت ها بنابراین بگذارید بگوییم آنچه من می خواهم انجام دهم این است که من می خواهم خلاص شویم از Artboard 8 و پس از آن من می خواهم در آن تازه خالی پر کنید فضای با مدرد 7، به طوری که صفحه 7 در حال حاضر حدود دو برابر بزرگتر است. اولین کاری که من انجام می دهم البته، سوئیچ است به Artboard Tool که یک بار دیگر شما می توانید با فشار دادن shift + o، و سپس این X کمی در بالای هر یک را متوجه می شوید از این هیئت مدیره اگر روی آن کلیک کنید، پیش بروید و جلوی آن را ببندید که همانند حذف آن در Illustrator است. راه دیگری برای کار، من به جلو بروید و کنترل + z را فشار دهید یا فرمان + z در Mac، برای بازگرداندن آن صفحه، کلیک بر روی آن و / یا آن را انتخاب کنید، و سپس فقط فشار دهید کلید "backspace" یا کلید "delete" در Mac. اما چیزی که می خواهید در ذهن داشته باشید این است که همیشه باید حداقل یک مگابایت را ترک کنید بنابراین، اگر من از همه این آثار هنری خلاص شدم به استثنای تخته صفحه 1 اینجا، جعبه نزدیک آن کمی است ناپدید خواهد شد درست است، در حال حاضر، من قصد دارم به جلو بروید و پیمایش کنید


  just a little bit like so, and I'm also going to scroll

 over to the right so I have a little more room to work.

  We have all sorts of options for scaling artboards

 inside of Illustrator.

  If you want to go with a preset paper size,  then go up here to the Control panel, click on

00:01:30  what is now the word Custom, and choose a size,

00:01:33  such as Letter here inside the States,

00:01:36  or A4 in Europe and elsewhere,

00:01:39  and notice that that page is scaling

00:01:40  from the center outward, so if I select a massive

00:01:43  paper size, such as Tabloid, I am going to grow that page

00:01:47  in all directions.

00:01:49  You can also change the orientation of that page

00:01:52  by clicking on one of these icons,

00:01:54  either Portrait as we're seeing now,

00:01:56  or Landscape in order to make it wider than it is tall.

00:02:00  All right, I'm going to go ahead and drag this page

00:02:02  downward, and notice, by the way, that the Move/Copy

00:02:05  Artwork with Artboard button is turned off,

00:02:09  so that I can move that artboard independently,

00:02:12  which is typically very important when you're trying

00:02:14  to scale and position an artboard.

00:02:18  All right, another way to work is to just go ahead

00:02:20  and drag one of these eight handles that surrounds

00:02:22  the artboard.

00:02:23  If you want to constrain the aspect ratio, then go ahead

00:02:27  and press the shift key as you drag, like so,

00:02:30  and you need to keep that shift key down,

00:02:32  because if at any point you release it,

00:02:35  then you're going to be able to change the aspect ratio

00:02:37  to anything you want.

00:02:38  If you want to reconstrain it, then go ahead and press

00:02:41  and hold that shift key once again, until you go ahead

00:02:44  and release the mouse button.

00:02:46  Another thing I want you to notice is that as you're

00:02:49  dragging a corner handle, you're going to see

00:02:51  width and height values in that heads up display,

00:02:55  and that is once again a function of Smart Guides.

00:02:58  If I were to go up to the View menu, and choose the

00:02:59  Smart Guides command off, and then drag that corner

00:03:03  handle once again, those width and height values

00:03:06  are going to disappear, so as I was saying in the previous

00:03:09  movie, you really want to make sure that Smart Guides

00:03:11  are turned on when you're working with artboards

00:03:14  inside Illustrator.

00:03:16  Also notice these width and height values up here

00:03:18  in the Control panel, which allow you to dial in

00:03:20  specific measurements.

00:03:22  For example, I could change the Width value to something

00:03:24  like 16 inches, so 16", and then press the "Tab" key

00:03:28  to advance to the Height value, and change it,

00:03:31  let's say to 10 inches, and then press the "Enter" key

00:03:35  or the "Return" key on a Mac in order to make that change,

00:03:38  and now that I've done that, now that I've established

00:03:40  this 16 by 10 ratio, I can go ahead and click on this chain

00:03:45  icon right there to constrain the width and height values,

00:03:49  and so now if I change the width value to let's say

00:03:52  20 inches, I'm going to change the height value by that

00:03:56  same amount, in this case to what amounts to 900 points.

00:04:00  The problem is, everything is happening from the center

00:04:03  once again, and that's a function of this little Reference

00:04:07  Point matrix right there.

00:04:09  Notice that the center square is turned on,

00:04:12  so let's say that I really want everything to align the way

00:04:16  it was aligning before,

00:04:17  that is to say the upper right corner of the page

00:04:19  should be right where you see my cursor.

00:04:22  Well the first thing I'm going to do is drag this corner

00:04:24  handle like so until I snap into alignment with the

00:04:28  left side of artboard 3 and the top of artboard 6,

00:04:32  which is actually going to happen right here,

00:04:34  and then I'll go ahead and release, so notice,

00:04:36  at this point, I'm aligned to the bleeds, those red bleed

00:04:40  outlines, which is not what I want.

00:04:41  I want this artboard to align to the other ones

00:04:44  which is what I'm going to get at this point right here.

00:04:47  All right, having done that, I'm now going to go ahead

00:04:50  and select the upper left corner in that Reference Point

00:04:53  matrix, in order to lock that corner down,

00:04:56  and now I'll just go ahead and dial in whatever values

00:04:59  I want, such as, let's say 16 inches once again for

00:05:02  the width value.

00:05:03  That's going to change the height value in kind

00:05:06  to 10 inches, which is the same as 720 points

00:05:10  because I have this chain icon turned on.

00:05:12  That's not what I want, however, so I'm just going to

00:05:14  turn that chain off, and now,

00:05:16  I'll just go ahead and drag this bottom right corner handle

00:05:20  until things snap into alignment like so

00:05:22  and now I have this perfectly scaled artboard

00:05:25  that takes up the space that was formerly occupied

00:05:28  by both artboard 7 and 8.

00:05:30  All right, now I'm just going to press the "escape" key

00:05:32  to switch back to that black arrow tool

00:05:34  and now I'm going to go ahead and click on that 8

00:05:36  to select it.

00:05:37  I don't really need it anymore because we only have

00:05:39  seven artboards, but, oftentimes, instead of getting rid

00:05:42  of an object by pressing the "backspace" key

00:05:45  or the "delete" key on a Mac, I'll go ahead and Undo that,

00:05:48  what you want to do instead is just set it aside

00:05:51  by dragging it out into the Paste board,

00:05:53  and that can be really useful for keeping objects

00:05:56  that you spent a lot of time on, but you're not sure if you

00:05:58  want in this specific document, or if you're working

00:06:02  with other people and they're creating elements

00:06:04  and you're creating elements,

00:06:06  and you're not sure if they want this one anymore

00:06:08  so you just move it out here into what is essentially

00:06:11  a junk drawer, so that if somebody does need that object

00:06:15  ever again, they can just drag it back into an artboard

00:06:18  and make it part of the real printing exportable version

00:06:21  of the document.

00:06:23  All right, now I'll go ahead and select the 7 right there

00:06:25  by clicking on it, and I'm going to align it to the artboard

00:06:28  by clicking on the word Align up here in the Control panel

00:06:32  and making sure that Align To down here in the bottom

00:06:34  right corner is set to Align to Artboard,

00:06:37  and then I'll go ahead and click on this guy,

00:06:40  the second icon, and Horizontal Align Center, in order to

00:06:44  center the 7 like so, and then I'll just click off the 7

00:06:47  a couple of times in order to hide the panel

00:06:49  as well as deselect the 7.

00:06:52  And now I'll go up to the View menu and choose

00:06:53  Fit All in Window in order to center all of my artboards

00:06:57  on screen,

00:06:58  and that's how you delete and scale artboards,

00:07:01  using the Artboard tool, here inside Illustrator.

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