در این فیلم، من به شما راه دیگری را نشان خواهم داد
برای مدیریت نمونه های درون Illustrator،
و این است که با حذف و اضافه کردن مجموع مجموعه های نمونه در یک زمان.
بنابراین، در مورد من، علاوه بر این به دقت سرپرستی
نمونه های جهانی که من می روممن هم فقط همه نمونه های پیش فرض را دارم
که با سند چاپی آمده است.بیایید بگویم که من قصد استفاده از CMYK قرمز ندارم
و زرد و این رنگ های دیگر.خوب، پس از آن، شما می توانید یک دسته از نمونه ها را انتخاب کنید
با کلیک بر روی یکی و سپس کلیک بر روی یکی دیگر را تغییر دهید. و این طیف وسیعی از نمونه ها را انتخاب می کند.
اگر می خواهید نمونه های غیر مجاور را اضافه کنید به انتخاب، سپس شما کنترل کلیک کنید،
و این فرمان روی Mac کلیک کنید.و سپس شما بروید و کلیک کنید
در آیکون trashcan برای حذف آنها،در آن نقطه یک هشدار دریافت خواهید کرد،
و من فقط در یک لحظه در مورد آن صحبت خواهم کرد.
اما Illustrator همچنین به شما اجازه می دهد تا تمام نمونه ها را انتخاب کنید
00:00:51 که در داخل سند شما استفاده نشده است.
00:00:54 و شما این کار را با کلیک کردن بر روی آیکون منوی پرواز انجام می دهید
00:00:57 در گوشه سمت راست بالای پانل،
00:00:59 و سپس انتخاب Select All Unused را انتخاب کنید.
00:01:02 و این به طور کلی بیشتر انتخاب می شود
00:01:05 از رنگ های استفاده نشده درون سند، نه کاملا همه.
00:01:09 به عنوان مثال، به هر دلیلی، این CMYK قرمز
00:01:13 همچنان انتخاب می شود، حتی اگر مطمئن هستم
00:01:15 من از آن استفاده نکردم
00:01:17 So, I'll go ahead and control
00:01:18 or command click on that color.
00:01:20 Also notice that I have two versions of black.
00:01:23 The standard black at the top of the swatches,
00:01:26 and then this black inside this Grays folder.
00:01:28 So I'll go ahead and control click or command click
00:01:31 on that folder to select it, and then finally,
00:01:34 even though this Yellow global swatch right here
00:01:36 has not been used inside the document,
00:01:38 I don't want to delete it, so I'll just go ahead
00:01:40 and control click or command click on it to deselect it.
00:01:45 So control or command clicking acts as a toggle.
00:01:47 It selects stuff that isn't selected,
00:01:49 it deselects stuff that is.
00:01:51 After which point, you can go ahead and click
00:01:53 on the trashcan icon, and Illustrator will display
00:01:56 a warning asking you if you really
00:01:57 want to delete those swatches.
00:01:59 Now it's not very often, in my experience,
00:02:01 that you go around accidentally clicking on things
00:02:04 that look like trashcans.
00:02:06 So, here's a couple of ways to avoid this warning.
00:02:09 One is to press the alt key, or the opt key
00:02:12 on the mac, and click on the trash.
00:02:14 And the other way is to go ahead and drag
00:02:16 any one of these selected swatches and drop it
00:02:20 into the trashcan, and that will delete
00:02:22 every selected swatch, as we're seeing right here.
00:02:25 Now, I want to go ahead and save any colors
00:02:27 that I am using inside the document,
00:02:30 but haven't gotten around to saving the swatches.
00:02:32 And you can do that in a couple of different ways.
00:02:35 One way is to just make a selection,
00:02:37 so I'll marquee across a handful of these objects here,
00:02:40 and then I'll return to the Swatches panel flyout menu
00:02:43 and choose the command directly below Select All Unused,
00:02:47 which is Add Selected Colors.
00:02:49 So that's one way to work.
00:02:51 The other way is to just deselect everything
00:02:54 by clicking off the selection, like so.
00:02:56 And then returning to that flyout menu
00:02:59 and choosing that same command,
00:03:00 which now has a different name, Add Used Colors.
00:03:03 And that will go ahead and add any colors
00:03:05 that have not yet been saved as swatches.
00:03:08 Now in my case, Illustrator went ahead and saved
00:03:10 a second copy of this pattern swatch.
00:03:12 I don't need it, so I'll go ahead and click on it
00:03:14 to select it, and then I'll alt click, or option click
00:03:17 on that trashcan icon.
00:03:19 But notice these other three swatches,
00:03:21 which Illustrator created automatically for me,
00:03:23 are automatically saved as global swatches,
00:03:27 which is a great thing.
00:03:29 Alright, so I'm going to go ahead and reorder these guys.
00:03:31 I'm going to drag this guy, this green swatch right there,
00:03:33 to this new position.
00:03:35 And I'll go ahead and double-click on it
00:03:37 and rename it Green.
00:03:38 Global is turned on, so that's great.
00:03:40 And now I'll grab this one, and drag it and drop it
00:03:43 right next to Green, and I'll double-click on it,
00:03:46 and I'll rename it Amber, so that it's still got
00:03:49 an e in its name, and then I'll click OK.
00:03:52 And then finally, I'll grab this red swatch right there,
00:03:55 and I'll drag it and drop it
00:03:56 right next door to the Amber swatch.
00:03:58 And the reason I'm putting these guys in this order
00:04:01 is because this is the order that they appear
00:04:03 inside the calendar.
00:04:04 And now I'll double-click on this item,
00:04:07 and I'm going to make a few modifications.
00:04:09 I'm going to turn on the Preview check box for starters,
00:04:12 and I'm going to click on the Magenta value
00:04:14 and take it down to 80,
00:04:15 and then I'll take the Yellow value down to 70%,
00:04:18 and I'll take the Cyan value up to 20%, like so.
00:04:22 And that just helps to settle that color down a little bit.
00:04:25 At which point, I'll go ahead and rename this color,
00:04:28 let's call it Deep Peach, and then I'll click OK.
00:04:32 And that, friends, is how you automate
00:04:34 the deletion and addition of swatches
00:04:37 here inside Illustrator, so that you have a more
00:04:39 carefully curated collection of colors.