دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی

دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور




در این فیلم، من به شما نشان می دهم که چگونه یک رنگ را به عنوان یک نمونه در داخل Illustrator ذخیره کنید، و نمونه ها اساسا یک مربع از رنگ های ذخیره شده می باشند که می توانید به هر زمانی که از پنل Swatches می خواهید دسترسی پیدا کنید و پنل Swatches در بسیاری از مکان ها یافت می شود همانطور که مشاهده خواهیم کرد در Illustrator. در حال حاضر چیز زیادی در مورد نمونه ها این است که آنها به شما کمک می کنند یک تم رنگی را درون یک سند ایجاد کنید. آنها همچنین به شما کمک می کنند تا با آن تم رنگی پوشانده شده و در نهایت آنها را به طور خودکار رنگ ها را به هر دو سکته و تزریق بسپارید، و بنابراین نتیجه عملی این است که اگر فکر می کنید یک رنگ را در یک سند بیش از یکبار استفاده کنید ، به جلو بروید و آن را به عنوان نمونه ذخیره کنید. اکنون اولین قدم این است که یک رنگ را در داخل پنل رنگ تعریف کنیم و بنابراین شما می توانید این مقادیر HSB را به هر چیزی که دوست دارید را تنظیم کنید یا فقط می توانید پیش بروید و بر روی یک شی که در داخل خود از رنگ تصویر. برای مثال، من قصد دارم روی این شش گوشه در ماه مارس کلیک کرده و ارزش HSB آن را ببینیم. این چیزی است که این یک سند CMYK است، همانطور که می توانید در برگه عنوان در اینجا مشاهده کنید، بنابراین ارزش های اولیه به معنای بیشتر خواهد بود. اگر بر روی آیکون منو پرواز در گوشه بالا سمت راست پانل رنگ کلیک کرده و CMYK را انتخاب کرده و سپس همانطور که می بینید، مقدار cyan از 30، مقدار زرد 30 است و دو مقدار دیگر صفر قرار دارد درست است، حالا برویم جلو برویم و این رنگ را نجات دهیم



00:01:22  as a swatch by going to the window menu

00:01:25  and then dropping way down here to the bottom

00:01:27  of that menu, and my screen is so short

00:01:30  that I have to scroll down, but one way or other

00:01:33  you should find the Swatches command

00:01:35  which will bring up the Swatches Panel.

00:01:38  Now, by default the swatches are pretty darn dinky,

00:01:41  which is why I like to go ahead and click on

00:01:42  this fly out menu icon and choose "Medium

00:01:45  "Thumbnail View" in order to make them

00:01:48  a little large like so, and then I'll just go ahead

00:01:50  and drag the bottom edge of the panel to expose

00:01:53  all the swatches associated with this document.

00:01:56  All right, now all you have to do is click on

00:01:58  the little page icon, which, just as it makes a new layer

00:02:00  or a new art board, creates a new swatch

00:02:03  inside the Swatches Panel, and it'll be automatically

00:02:07  named after its CMYK values, as you're seeing here

00:02:10  but you can override that name if you like

00:02:12  just by entering in your own name,

00:02:14  and I'm going to call this guy "Seafoam"

00:02:15  and click "OK" and sure enough,

00:02:18  I have a new swatch here inside the Swatches Panel,

00:02:21  and now I can use that swatch to fill a different shape.

00:02:24  So, for example, I'm going to zoom in

00:02:26  on the month of September, and I'm going to click

00:02:29  this rear item right here, and you see that

00:02:32  there's actually one hexagon inset within another,

00:02:35  so go ahead and click on the outline

00:02:37  of the outermost hexagon for September

00:02:40  and then make sure the fill's active up here

00:02:42  at the top of the Swatches Panel,

00:02:44  and if it isn't, if the stroke is active instead,

00:02:47  then you can just click on the fill, or you've got that

00:02:50  keyboard shortcut that's popping up there,

00:02:52  which is the "x" key.

00:02:53  So you press the "x" key to switch back and forth

00:02:55  between the fill and stroke either inside the

00:02:59  Swatches Panel or inside the Color Panel works as well.

00:03:03  All right I'll go back to the Swatches Panel here

00:03:05  and with the fill active, you can just go ahead

00:03:08  and click on "Seafoam" and you will

00:03:10  adjust that rear shape's fill.

00:03:12  Another way to work, I'll go ahead and undo that

00:03:15  by pressing "ctrl + z" or "cmd + z" on the Mac,

00:03:17  is to go over here to this first swatch

00:03:19  on the far left side of the Control Panel

00:03:21  and click on it to bring up a miniature version

00:03:24  of the Swatches Panel, and if you'd like

00:03:26  these thumbnails to be bigger as well,

00:03:28  then click on this fly out menu and choose

00:03:30  "Medium Thumbnail View" and you'll be able

00:03:32  to see your thumbnails a lot better,

00:03:34  and now you can just go ahead and click "Seafoam,"

00:03:36  and so the idea here is it doesn't matter

00:03:38  whether the fill or stroke is active.

00:03:40  If I undo that change and click on a stroke

00:03:43  here in the Swatches Panel, I can still go ahead

00:03:46  and click on the first swatch, which represents

00:03:48  the fill no matter what, and select "Seafoam"

00:03:51  and that will affect the fill and not the stroke.

00:03:55  All right, another way to work is to drag and drop.

00:03:58  So let's say I click on the hexagon for April right there,

00:04:01  why then I can save that color as a swatch

00:04:04  either by switching to my two-column toolbox

00:04:07  by clicking on that little double arrowhead icon

00:04:10  and I can grab the fill right there and I can drag it

00:04:13  and drop it into the Swatches Panel just like so,

00:04:17  or I'll undo that change, by the way, so anything you do

00:04:21  in the Swatches Panel is undoable.

00:04:23  You can also drag from the Control Panel

00:04:25  and drag it into the Swatches Panel,

00:04:28  or here's another way to work:

00:04:30  you can drag and drop from the Color Panel.

00:04:32  Now if we working in the Essentials Workspace

00:04:34  as by default, then our Color Panel

00:04:37  and our Swatches Panel would be in different groups

00:04:40  and so that way, if I were to go ahead

00:04:42  and expand the Color Panel by clicking on this

00:04:44  little double arrowhead icon a couple of times,

00:04:46  I can just drag and drop like so,

00:04:49  but I'll just go ahead and undo that

00:04:50  because I want to show you if you're working

00:04:52  with this one-on-one work space, as I recommended

00:04:55  a couple of chapters ago, then you can't see the color

00:04:57  in Swatches Panels at the same time

00:04:59  because they're in the same group, but watch this.

00:05:02  You can go ahead and click on that swatch

00:05:04  and then drag it over to the tab, to the Swatches Tab,

00:05:08  wait for the Swatches Tab to come up in front,

00:05:11  and then just drop your swatch into place.

00:05:13  Now you may wonder after all this,

00:05:15  well, gosh, it seems so much easier just to click on the

00:05:18  little page icon as opposed to dragging and dropping.

00:05:21  The advantage of dragging and dropping, however,

00:05:23  is that you can drop your swatch in a specific location.

00:05:27  So, for example, I want all these colors to be

00:05:29  in the same order as they appear in the months

00:05:32  and so I want to drop that new color right there

00:05:35  at that location, as opposed to this guy right here,

00:05:38  Seafoam, which came in at the end,

00:05:40  and you can drag your swatches around if you want to,

00:05:42  but that is, of course, the second step.

00:05:45  Now I am going to have to rename the swatch

00:05:46  I just created in a separate step

00:05:49  by double clicking on it, and then I'll just

00:05:51  go ahead and call this guy "Harlequin," let's say,

00:05:53  and I'll click "OK" in order to

00:05:56  accept that new swatch name.

00:05:58  Now note that I have messed things up.

00:06:00  The stroke was active and then now I've changed

00:06:02  the stroke to the same shade of green

00:06:04  and that happened as soon as I double clicked on it,

00:06:07  by the way, and the best way to remedy that

00:06:09  is to just click on white, which is one of the

00:06:11  default swatches in Illustrator, and that will go ahead

00:06:14  and return the stroke to its original color,

00:06:16  after which point I'll go ahead

00:06:17  and click off the shape to deselect it,

00:06:20  and that's how you save your colors to swatches

00:06:22  as well as how you apply a swatch to a fill

00:06:24  or a stroke of a selected object here inside Illustrator.

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