خوب، پس از جمع آوری تعداد کافی از نمونه ها، چالش می تواند آنها را مدیریت کند؛ به همین دلیل، Illustrator به شما امکان می دهد که اسم های خود را به صورت نام و نام خانوادگی جستجو کنید و از کادر محاوره ای Color Picker استفاده کنید. برای رسیدن به آنجا، به ویژگی فعال فعال در پایین جعبه ابزار بروید و روی آن دوبار کلیک کنید و کادر محاوره ای Color Pickup را انتخاب کنید. سپس روی دکمه Color Swatches کلیک کنید و یک لیست از نمونه هایی که داخل این سند ذخیره شده اند را مشاهده خواهید کرد و مهم است که توجه داشته باشید که نمونه ها در واقع با سند ذخیره می شوند. در حال حاضر، علاوه بر این لیست طولانی نمونه هایی که در اینجا در سمت چپ کادر محاوره ای قرار دارند، ما نیز این ستون از تکه های کوچکی که رنگ ها را نیز نشان می دهند، داریم و بنابراین شما می توانید کشویی را به بالا و پایین این ستون بکشید جهت تغییر در swatch های مختلف در لیست دست چپ. چیز دیگری که می توانید انجام دهید این است که در فیلد جستجو اینجا کلیک کنید و بنابراین، به عنوان مثال، بگذارید بگویم من می خواهم نگاهی به تمام نمونه هایی که هیچ سیاه و سفید در آنها نیست. اگر نامه K را وارد کنم، من خواهم دید
In this movie, I'll introduce you to a simple
00:00:02 but powerful feature known as the global swatch.
00:00:06 A great thing about global swatches
00:00:08 is that they're linked to the objects
00:00:09 that are colored with them.
00:00:11 So if you make a change to a global swatch,
00:00:13 then all objects linked to that global swatch
00:00:16 will update in kind.
00:00:18 Notice, over here in the Swatches Panel,
00:00:20 these squares that have little white wedges
00:00:22 in their bottom-right corners,
00:00:24 those are global swatches.
00:00:26 In fact, this one right here, Bright silver,
00:00:28 is associated with the fill
00:00:30 of these objects in the background.
00:00:32 If I were to double click on Bright silver
00:00:35 in order to open the Swatch Options dialogue box,
00:00:38 and let's say I take the cyan value up to 60%,
00:00:42 as soon as I turn on the Preview check box,
00:00:44 I can see that I've updated
00:00:45 all of those objects in the background.
00:00:48 Now, that's not a change I want to make
00:00:50 so I'm going to go ahead and click the Cancel button,
00:00:52 but it is a remarkable function.
00:00:55 Compare that to what happens
00:00:56 if I double click on Seafoam here,
00:00:58 the swatch that I created in the previous movie.
00:01:01 If I go ahead and raise the magenta value up to 100%
00:01:04 and turn on the Preview check box,
00:01:06 nothing happens inside the illustration.
00:01:09 That's because this is not a global swatch.
00:01:12 Notice, the Global check box is turned off.
00:01:15 All right, so I'm just going to go ahead
00:01:16 and cancel out of here.
00:01:17 Let's say that you not only want to turn the swatch
00:01:19 into a global swatch,
00:01:21 and all that takes is turning on the Global check box,
00:01:24 but you want to make sure that your objects
00:01:25 are associated with it as well,
00:01:27 because currently, they're not.
00:01:30 Notice here that I've kind of messed things up
00:01:33 because my stroke was active.
00:01:34 So I now have a white fill and a Seafoam stroke,
00:01:37 that's the opposite of what I want,
00:01:39 so I'll go ahead and click on this little Swap icon
00:01:42 at the bottom of the toolbox
00:01:43 to swap the fill and stroke attributes like so.
00:01:46 Notice it has a keyboard shortcut of shift + x.
00:01:49 So here's the idea,
00:01:50 if you press the "x" key by itself,
00:01:52 then you're going to switch focus between the fill
00:01:55 and the stroke, like so.
00:01:57 That's why pressing shift + x
00:01:59 goes ahead and swaps the attributes.
00:02:02 Anyway, I'm going to press shift + x again
00:02:04 and I'm going to click on the fill to make it active.
00:02:06 That goes ahead and automatically switches me back
00:02:08 to the Color Panel, which is not what I want,
00:02:10 so I'll go ahead and click on the Swatches tab.
00:02:13 All right, now, we need to select all the objects
00:02:15 that are filled with this color.
00:02:17 You do that by going over here
00:02:19 to this Select Similar Objects icon
00:02:21 on the right side of the Control Panel
00:02:23 and then you click the down-pointing arrowhead
00:02:25 and choose Fill Color.
00:02:27 Now, we'll go ahead and select
00:02:28 the inside hexagon around March
00:02:30 as well as the outside hexagon around September.
00:02:34 Now, if you go ahead and double click on the Seafoam swatch,
00:02:37 in order to bring up the Swatch Options dialogue box,
00:02:40 all you have to do is select the Global check box
00:02:42 and then click OK.
00:02:44 Now notice, if I click off these objects to deselect them,
00:02:47 I can still update them
00:02:49 by just double clicking on this Seafoam swatch,
00:02:53 and I'm going to go ahead and crank
00:02:55 the cyan value up to 60%
00:02:58 and turn on the Preview check box.
00:02:59 Keep an eye on March in particular
00:03:02 and you'll see it update right away, like so.
00:03:05 All right, I'll go ahead and click OK.
00:03:07 Now, I need to do the same thing with my Harlequin swatch
00:03:10 so I'll click on it to make it active.
00:03:12 Then if you click on this down-pointing arrowhead,
00:03:14 you'll see that Fill Color is still the active attribute,
00:03:17 so all you have to do now is click on that icon
00:03:20 in order to select the inside hexagon around April
00:03:23 and the outer hexagon around October.
00:03:26 Now, I'll just go ahead and double click on this swatch
00:03:28 in order to bring up the Swatch Options dialogue box
00:03:31 and I'll turn on the Global check box.
00:03:33 On this case, I don't want to make any changes
00:03:35 so I'll just go ahead and click OK.
00:03:36 You can see that I now have white wedges
00:03:39 in the bottom-right corners of each of my new swatches.
00:03:43 Now, let's see what it looks like
00:03:44 when you're creating a swatch in the first place.
00:03:46 I'm going to go ahead and click on the interior hexagon
00:03:49 around August
00:03:50 and then I'll go up to the Select Similar Objects icon
00:03:53 and once again click on it.
00:03:54 That'll make sure that I have
00:03:56 everything that's filled with this color active
00:03:59 which includes the outer hexagon around February.
00:04:01 Now, I'll go ahead and create a new swatch
00:04:04 by clicking on the little page icon
00:04:05 at the bottom of the Swatches Panel.
00:04:07 I'll call this guy Magenta because it is 100% magenta
00:04:11 and then I'll turn on the Global check box
00:04:13 and I'll click OK,
00:04:15 and nothing happened.
00:04:16 For whatever reason, we appear to have a bug right now
00:04:19 because I can work around this
00:04:20 just by clicking on that New Swatch icon once again,
00:04:23 turning on Global without changing its name
00:04:25 and clicking OK,
00:04:26 at which point, I've successfully
00:04:28 created a new global swatch.
00:04:30 All right, so I'm going to go ahead and click off my objects
00:04:32 to deselect them
00:04:34 and I'm going to drag this swatch to this position here,
00:04:37 between that Harlequin swatch
00:04:39 and the one that's called Orange.
00:04:41 Now, let's say I want to modify this swatch,
00:04:43 for one thing, I'd like to name it,
00:04:44 so I'll go ahead and double click on it
00:04:46 and I'll call it Magenta.
00:04:48 Now, I'm going to reduce the amount of magenta in this color
00:04:52 and then I'll go ahead and increase the amount of cyan
00:04:56 until I get a little bit more of a purple color.
00:04:58 If I turn on the Preview check box,
00:05:00 I can see that modification occurring on the fly,
00:05:03 at which point, I'll click OK.
00:05:05 Now, I'm going to hover over the color
00:05:07 just to make sure that it took this time,
00:05:09 and sure enough, it has a new name and everything.
00:05:11 Actually, you know what? It's not the right name.
00:05:14 So I'll go ahead and double click on it again
00:05:15 because it really isn't any longer magenta,
00:05:18 it's more of a lavender, don't you think?
00:05:21 Now, I might give just a little bit of yellow,
00:05:24 we'll see how that works,
00:05:25 and I'll turn on the Preview check box.
00:05:27 That looks pretty darn good to me,
00:05:29 at which point, I'll click OK
00:05:31 in order to accept my newest change.
00:05:34 That's how you create and modify global swatches
00:05:37 which affect any and all objects that are linked to them
00:05:40 here inside Illustrator.