دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی

دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور




00:01:21  in the bottom left corner of the appearance panel

00:01:23  to add a new fill and I'll go ahead and click on it there

00:01:26  to bring up a list of swatches.

00:01:28  And notice this last free swatch is a pattern called jive

00:01:32  which is included by default inside any basic RGB document.

00:01:36  So I'll go ahead and select it like so

00:01:38  and then I'll twirl this little fill open,

00:01:40  I'll click on the word opacity,

00:01:42  and I'll change the opacity value to 50 percent

00:01:45  and I'll press the enter key or the return key on the Mac

00:01:48  in order to create that unusual background.

00:01:50  Alright, now I'm going to switch back to the layers panel

00:01:53  and I'm going to click in the lock column right here

00:01:55  to lock that rectangle down so that it doesn't interfere

00:01:58  with otherwise coloring the artwork.

00:02:00  Alright, now I'll go ahead and zoom back in

00:02:02  and what we want to do is create a layer of fills

00:02:05  based on our open and closed path outlines right here.

00:02:09  And so I'm going to go ahead

00:02:10  and duplicate this drawing layer

00:02:12  by clicking the flyout menu icon

00:02:14  in the upper right corner of the layers panel

00:02:16  and choosing duplicate drawing.

00:02:18  And now I'll go ahead and drag the new layer down

00:02:21  so that it appears below the drawing layer

00:02:23  and I'll double-click on an empty portion of it

00:02:25  to bring up the layer options dialogue box

00:02:27  and I'm just going to call this layer fills

00:02:30  and I'm going to change its color to gold.

00:02:32  Alright, now I'll click okay to accept that change.

00:02:34  And I'll turn off the drawing layer

00:02:36  so that we can focus exclusively on this new fills layer.

00:02:40  Alright, now we need to get rid of a few shapes

00:02:42  so press the v key in order to

00:02:45  switch back to the black arrow

00:02:46  and now you can just sort of marquee around

00:02:49  to select all of these lines for example.

00:02:51  We don't need them.

00:02:52  So I'll go ahead and select them and delete them.

00:02:54  And also get rid of this path outline right there

00:02:57  these two extra pathlines inside the right foot

00:03:01  and these two inside the left foot as well.

00:03:03  I don't think these things are called feet, but still.

00:03:06  Now I'll go ahead and marquee these lines and delete them.

00:03:10  And I want these lines gone as well.

00:03:12  And now what you want to do is zoom in on the head

00:03:14  and marquee these lines right there in order to select them.

00:03:19  Do not select the mouth and don't select the eyes.

00:03:21  And then press the backspace key

00:03:22  or the delete key on a Mac to get rid of them.

00:03:24  Alright, now I'm going to select

00:03:26  the creature's carapace here.

00:03:27  And I'll go up to the edit menu

00:03:29  and choose the copy command.

00:03:30  Or you can press control c here on a PC

00:03:33  or command c on a Mac.

00:03:35  Alright, we're done using the pencil tool

00:03:37  so I'm going to go ahead and close this floating toolbar.

00:03:39  And also press control a or command a on a Mac

00:03:43  in order to select all the shapes like so

00:03:45  and I'm going to change their fills

00:03:48  by clicking on this first color swatch

00:03:49  to this medium shade of green which is R57 G181 and B74.

00:03:55  And that will go ahead and fill all the shades,

00:03:57  and that gives us a sense

00:03:58  for how things are going to come together.

00:04:00  Alright, now I'll shift click on both of the eye shapes

00:04:04  right here in order to deselect them.

00:04:07  And I'll go ahead and grab my shape builder tool.

00:04:09  And I want to change a setting here,

00:04:11  I don't want to replace this color,

00:04:12  so I'll just press the enter key or the return key on a Mac

00:04:15  to bring up the shape builder options.

00:04:17  And I'll change this pick color from setting to artwork

00:04:20  and then I'll go ahead and click okay.

00:04:22  Alright, now the easiest thing to do

00:04:24  is to press the shift key

00:04:25  and drag around all of these shapes like so.

00:04:29  Which in my case, produces this effect right here.

00:04:31  So again, we do not want those eye shapes to be selected.

00:04:35  Alright, now somehow we've got to fill in

00:04:37  this little area here and the easiest way

00:04:39  to do that is with an oval.

00:04:42  And so I'm going to go ahead and switch

00:04:44  from the rectangle tool to the ellipse tool

00:04:46  here inside the shape tool flyout menu.

00:04:49  And I'm going to drag to create an oval

00:04:50  that's about this big let's say.

00:04:52  And then I'll switch back to the black arrow tool

00:04:54  which of course I can get by pressing the v key

00:04:56  and I'll go ahead and drag this bottom point

00:04:58  until it snaps into alignment right there.

00:05:00  Alright, now I'll just go ahead

00:05:03  and zoom out a little bit here

00:05:04  and I will select these two shapes by marqueeing them

00:05:07  and then I'll switch back to the shapebuilder tool

00:05:09  and I'll just go ahead and drag through all of them like so

00:05:13  in order to finish off that effect.

00:05:14  Alright now you want to switch back to the black arrow tool

00:05:17  and I'm going to press control zero

00:05:18  or command zero on the Mac to zoom out.

00:05:20  And I'll return to the edit menu

00:05:22  and choose the paste in front command

00:05:24  or you can press control f or command f on a mac

00:05:27  to bring back that shell.

00:05:29  And now I'm going to change its color

00:05:31  to this darker shade of green

00:05:33  which is R0 G146 B69 in order to produce this effect.

00:05:38  Alright, now click on his outer eye shape right there

00:05:41  and I want it to be the same color.

00:05:42  So I'll go ahead and switch it as well.

00:05:45  So I'm changing the fill colors of course,

00:05:46  and then I'll click on the inner eye shape

00:05:48  right there if I can grab it.

00:05:50  And I will change it to white.

00:05:53  The fill, that is.

00:05:54  Alright, now we don't need any of these strokes,

00:05:56  so go ahead and press control a or command a on a Mac

00:05:59  to select all of these shapes,

00:06:01  and then click the second color swatch

00:06:02  up here in the control panel and change it to none

00:06:05  in order to get rid off all those strokes.

00:06:07  Alright, now let's bring it back

00:06:08  in the form of the drawing layer

00:06:10  which I will turn on here at the top of the layers panel

00:06:13  and then I'll go ahead and click off

00:06:15  the path outlines to deselect everything.

00:06:17  And that friends, is how you assign color

00:06:20  to your pencil tool art in part using the immense power

00:06:23  of the shape builder tool here inside Illustrator.

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