00:01:02 I just happen to know these values in advance,
00:01:03 because I've played around with this file,
00:01:05 but what we want to do is subtract this inner rectangle
00:01:08 from the outer one in order to create the bars.
00:01:11 And because we're creating those shapes from
00:01:12 the center out, our bars will be exactly centered, as well.
00:01:16 All right, now press the V key to
00:01:18 switch to the black arrow tool,
00:01:19 and Shift click on that other rectangle to select it.
00:01:22 And now go to the Layers Panel
00:01:24 and notice that we have a little square representing
00:01:26 the selection.
00:01:27 I want to put these objects on a new layer,
00:01:29 so I'm going to click on the Inset leyer
00:01:31 to make it active and then I'll Alt click,
00:01:33 or Option click on the little page icon
00:01:35 at the bottom of the Layers Panel,
00:01:37 and I'm going to go ahead and call this
00:01:38 new layer Text, and I'll change the color,
00:01:41 to let's say, Gold, and click Okay.
00:01:44 And now I will Alt drag, or Option drag that red square
00:01:48 all the way up to the Text layer
00:01:49 in order to create a duplicate of these shapes.
00:01:52 And then I'll turn off the Shapes layer
00:01:54 and I'll go ahead and turn the Inset,
00:01:56 and main Star layers back on.
00:01:59 All right, now I want to subtract the forward rectangle
00:02:01 from the rear one, by once again,
00:02:03 grabbing the Shape Builder Tool.
00:02:05 And notice I can see my swatch is still
00:02:07 so I'm going to advance to the black swatch, like so,
00:02:11 and you can also just select it
00:02:12 up here in the Swatches Panel, if you want.
00:02:14 And then click in this top bar to make it black,
00:02:18 click in the bottom bar to make it black,
00:02:20 and then Alt drag, or Option drag
00:02:22 all the way through the central rectangle
00:02:24 in order to subtract that shape away.
00:02:27 All right, now let's create the text,
00:02:29 and I'm going to do that by grabbing my Type Tool and
00:02:32 I'll go ahead and click right there at that center guide.
00:02:35 And the font I'm looking for
00:02:37 it may not be installed in your system,
00:02:38 but it's called Birch.
00:02:40 And then I'll just go ahead and Tab over
00:02:42 to the Type Size value
00:02:43 and take it up to 140 points,
00:02:45 and I'll enter the word sheriff,
00:02:48 which has one R and two Fs,
00:02:50 and then I'll click on the Align Center icon
00:02:53 next to the word Paragraph,
00:02:55 and I'll press the Escape key to create that text,
00:02:58 and also click on the word Character
00:03:00 up here in the Control Panel,
00:03:01 and I'll click this icon right there All Caps,
00:03:04 in order to turn the text into All Caps, like so.
00:03:07 All right, now you might figure we could
00:03:08 align this text vertically to our artboard,
00:03:11 by clicking on the word Align over here
00:03:13 on the far right side of the Control Panel.
00:03:16 Go ahead and make sure that it's set to Align to Artboard,
00:03:19 and then we could Center Align the text,
00:03:21 it needed a little bit of that,
00:03:22 and then we can also vertically align the center,
00:03:26 but that obviously doesn't work properly,
00:03:28 and that's because Illustrator's looking at
00:03:29 any potential descenders.
00:03:31 So what we need to do is drag this guy
00:03:34 by its baseline down until it
00:03:35 snaps into alignment with the bottom bar.
00:03:38 And then I want you to drag it by the top
00:03:41 of one of these letters until it more or less
00:03:43 snaps into alignment with the top bar.
00:03:45 And that's going too far,
00:03:46 so I'm going to have to try again,
00:03:48 I'll go ahead and zoom in here
00:03:49 and drag this up, like so.
00:03:51 And I should see a D, Y, value,
00:03:54 of about negative 45 points,
00:03:55 which is what I'm looking for,
00:03:56 so I'll go ahead and release.
00:03:58 And now we need to split the difference
00:03:59 by pressing the Enter key,
00:04:00 and because an arrow tool is active,
00:04:02 that brings up the Move dialog box.
00:04:04 Make sure that Preview is turned on,
00:04:06 go ahead and make that Vertical value positive,
00:04:09 so get rid of the minus sign,
00:04:11 and then after that value enter slash two,
00:04:14 which is going to divide the value by two
00:04:16 so it's going to move it back half as far,
00:04:18 which ends up putting it exactly where we want it,
00:04:21 at which point go ahead and click Okay
00:04:23 to accept that change.
00:04:25 All right, now I want to combine these objects all together.
00:04:28 And so the first thing I'm going to do
00:04:30 is convert my text to Path Outlines.
00:04:32 And you do that by first copying your text,
00:04:34 so I'll press Control C, or Command C on the Mac,
00:04:37 and then you want to paste it in front
00:04:38 by pressing Control F, or Command F on the Mac.
00:04:41 And then go ahead and twirl open
00:04:43 your Text layer right there,
00:04:45 and turn off the original text object.
00:04:48 And that will protect it from harm,
00:04:49 in case you have to come back to it.
00:04:51 And then with the new one selected,
00:04:53 go up to the Type Tool and choose Create Outlines.
00:04:56 Or you can press Control Shift O,
00:04:58 or Command Shift O on the Mac,
00:04:59 and that converts the text to Path Outlines, like so.
00:05:03 Now I want you to Shift click
00:05:04 on each one of the bars in order to select it,
00:05:07 and I want to combine this thing into one object
00:05:10 by grabbing my Shape Builder tool and then
00:05:13 press the Shift key, and Marquee everything, like so,
00:05:16 in order to select it all.
00:05:18 And that's actually going to create a problem for us.
00:05:21 Notice that we lost the hole in the R?
00:05:24 I don't want that, so I'm going to press
00:05:25 Control Z, or Command Z on the Mac,
00:05:27 to undo that move.
00:05:28 And instead of using the Shape Builder,
00:05:30 I'll just go up to the Object menu,
00:05:32 choose Compound Path, and choose Make
00:05:35 to turn everything into one big compound path, like so.
00:05:39 All right, now we want to give our text
00:05:40 a little bit of an edge,
00:05:41 so I'm going to zoom in on it,
00:05:43 and I'm going to switch to the Appearance Panel right here
00:05:46 and I'm going to click on a stroke, but first I forgot,
00:05:49 I need to switch back to the black arrow tool
00:05:51 where I will not affect the stroke at all.
00:05:53 All right, now I'll grab that stroke,
00:05:55 I'm going to leave it set to one point
00:05:57 and I'm going to change its color to this last guy here,
00:06:00 C1, M8, Y32, K5.
00:06:03 And now I'm going to move the stroke below the fill,
00:06:05 I'm going to click on the stroke to make it active,
00:06:07 and I want to offset it by going up to the Effect menu,
00:06:10 choosing Distort and Transform,
00:06:12 and then choosing the Transform command.
00:06:13 And I'm going to take the Horizontal value down one,
00:06:16 in order to move that stroke to the left a little bit,
00:06:20 and then I'll take the Vertical move value up one, like so,
00:06:23 to move it down, and then I'll click Okay.
00:06:26 Now the problem is that that produces
00:06:28 a little bit of a gap there,
00:06:29 so I'm going to have to fill it in with another fill.
00:06:32 So I'll go ahead and drop down to the second icon
00:06:35 in the bottom left corner of the Appearance Panel,
00:06:38 which adds a new fill.
00:06:39 And then I'll click on the Color Swatch for that fill
00:06:41 and change it to that same bright color right there.
00:06:44 And now I'm going to twirl the stroke open
00:06:48 and I want to basically apply this Transform effect
00:06:50 to the fill, as well, so I'm going to click on it
00:06:52 to select it, then you want to press the Alt key,
00:06:54 or the Option key on the Mac,
00:06:56 and drag it and drop it onto the new fill, like so.
00:07:00 And that will go ahead and scoot that fill over
00:07:02 and fill in the gaps.
00:07:04 All right, now I'll just go ahead and zoom out here
00:07:06 and I'll click off the text to deselect it.
00:07:08 And I'll switch back to my Layers Panel,
00:07:10 I'll make sure the Text layer is active,
00:07:12 and I'm just going to paste in some other Text elements
00:07:14 that I created in advance here.
00:07:16 I'll go ahead and twirl that Text layer closed
00:07:19 and then I'll turn off the Guides layer.
00:07:21 And that's the final Sheriff's badge,
00:07:22 complete with text that has been converted
00:07:24 to Path Outlines, here inside Illustrator.