دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی


صفر تا صد آموزش ایلوستریتور illustrator cc






در این فیلم، من به شما نشان خواهم داد که چگونه پروفایل خود را به صورت سفارشی خود تغییر دهید که در این منوی کنترل پنل ظاهر می شود که می توانید به هر طرح مسیر در هر سند که دوست دارید اعمال کنید. بنابراین به عنوان مثال، بگذارید بگویم من می خواهم یک نماد بی نهایت ایجاد کنم که این فونت را با این ادعا مطابقت می دهد، Adobe Caslon Pro. بنابراین Caslon Pro، درست مانند بسیاری از فونتها، نماد بی نهایت را شامل نمی شود، به همین دلیل است که شما معمولا باید به چرخش هشت در سمت خود بپیوندید. مشکل با هشت در سمت آن این است که به نظر می رسد دقیقا مانند یک هشت طرفه است. این را با h خود در اینجا مقایسه کنید که دارای این ضخامت عمودی ضخیم و این شانه افقی باریک است. در عین حال هشت طرفه دارای افقی ضخیم افقی و عناصر عمودی نازک هستند، به همین دلیل است که ما باید کاری کنیم که نماد بی نهایت خودمان را همانطور که قبلا انجام دادم، بکشم و سپس یک سوییچ وزن متغیر به آن اضافه کنم. و بنابراین من قصد دارم به جلو بروید و بر روی این طرح مسیر با ابزار ابزار سیاه را کلیک کنید تا آن را انتخاب کنید. و به این ترتیب، می توانم نقاط پایه آن را ببینم. و بعد، من به جلو بروید و Width Tool را انتخاب کنید، که دوباره دارای میانبر صفحه کلید shift + w است. و به هر حال، اشتباه را فقط با فشار دادن کلید w انجام ندهید، زیرا این ابزار به شما کمک می کند که حتی با یک w، که Blend Tool است، آغاز نمی شود. درست است، پس به جلو بروید و Width Tool را انتخاب کنید و سپس روی این نقطه لنگر بالا سمت چپ دوبار کلیک کنید و مقدار عرض کل را به 10 pt تغییر دهید و سپس کلید Tab را بزنید تا مطمئن شوید که در هر دو طرف به طور مساوی توزیع شده است ، و سپس روی OK کلیک کنید. و اکنون خواهید دید که وزن خط در پنل کنترل 10 پوند است،

00:01:31  and that again represents the thickest point in the stroke.

00:01:34  All right, now I'll go ahead and double click

00:01:37  on this left-hand point right there,

00:01:38  and I'll change its total width value to 24 pt like so,

00:01:42  and then click OK.

00:01:43  And now we're just going to go back and forth

00:01:45  between those two values.

00:01:46  So I'll click on this bottom anchor point,

00:01:48  change it to 10 pt and press the enter key,

00:01:50  or the return key on the Mac,

00:01:52  at which point you may notice that Illustrator

00:01:54  has helpfully created a bunch of width points for you

00:01:57  over here on the right-hand side of the shape.

00:02:00  Unfortunately, they're not in the right location,

00:02:02  so what you don't want to do is double-click

00:02:04  on one of these anchor points like so

00:02:06  and then enter 10 pt like we've been doing

00:02:08  because you'll end up creating this unfortunate effect here.

00:02:11  In which case, just go ahead and click

00:02:13  on that width point that you don't want

00:02:15  and press the backspace key or the delete key on the Mac

00:02:17  to get rid of it.

00:02:18  All right, now I'll go ahead and hover

00:02:20  over the path outline.

00:02:21  That's very important, by the way,

00:02:22  that you hover over that path outline

00:02:24  in order to see those width points,

00:02:26  and then grab this guy right here that Illustrator

00:02:28  created for you, and drag it down

00:02:30  so it snaps into alignment with the anchor point,

00:02:32  then double-click on it and change that width value to 24.

00:02:35  And then go ahead and grab this guy,

00:02:37  drag him until he snaps into alignment

00:02:39  with the anchor point,

00:02:40  double-click on it, change its width value to 10

00:02:43  and click OK.

00:02:45  And then I'm going to zoom in on the center portion

00:02:47  of the infinity symbol, and notice right there,

00:02:50  we have a width point.

00:02:51  And you may recall, this is that same point

00:02:53  that the arrowheads were pointing to,

00:02:56  and that's because this is the beginning

00:02:57  of the path outline.

00:02:59  And so you always have a width point at this location.

00:03:02  So go ahead and double-click on it

00:03:03  and change its width value to 10,

00:03:06  and then we should see, yes, Illustrator went ahead

00:03:09  and created one for me,

00:03:10  and this one has perpendicular handles.

00:03:12  Notice that.

00:03:13  So these handles here, go down into the right

00:03:15  where these go down into the left.

00:03:17  And that indicates that it affects the other segment,

00:03:20  the one that's crossing.

00:03:21  So go ahead and double-click on it

00:03:23  and change its width value to 24 this time

00:03:25  in order to make it nice and thick.

00:03:27  All right, now we need to zoom out

00:03:29  and check that illustrator has not messed with

00:03:31  the left-hand portion of the shape, which it has

00:03:33  unfortunately.

00:03:35  It went and added the total of three handles.

00:03:37  And to tell which one is good and which one is bad,

00:03:39  just hover over it.

00:03:40  So this one has a width of 10, that's good.

00:03:42  This one has a width of 9.691, that's bad.

00:03:46  So I'll click on it to select it and press the backspace key

00:03:49  or the delete key on the Mac to get rid of it,

00:03:51  and that also gets rid of that lump

00:03:53  that Illustrator created.

00:03:55  Notice this area is really lumpy

00:03:57  thanks to the fact that right next to the width point

00:03:59  that I created, that has a width of 24 points,

00:04:02  we've got one that has a width of 23.944, which is bad.

00:04:06  So I'll go ahead and click on it to select it,

00:04:08  and press the backspace or delete key to get rid of it.

00:04:10  And then this guy right there is wrong too, 10.537.

00:04:13  I never created anything like that, so I'll click on it

00:04:16  and press the backspace key or the delete key on the Mac

00:04:18  to get rid of it.

00:04:19  And then I'll just hover my cursor over the path

00:04:22  to make sure that I'm seeing

00:04:23  three width points on the right,

00:04:24  three over here on the left and two in the middle,

00:04:26  and that's exactly what I want.

00:04:28  At which point, I'll go ahead and press the V key

00:04:30  to switch back to the Black Arrow Tool.

00:04:32  And notice now that we have an infinity symbol

00:04:35  that does not look like a sideways eight.

00:04:37  It looks like it matches the actual stroke weights

00:04:40  of Adobe Caslon Pro.

00:04:42  All right, now let's go ahead and save it off

00:04:44  as a variable width profile.

00:04:46  You can see a preview of the profile up here

00:04:48  in the control panel, but it has not yet been saved.

00:04:51  So just go ahead and click on that option

00:04:53  to bring up this pop-up menu.

00:04:55  And then click on this Add to Profiles icon

00:04:57  and let's go ahead and call this guy Trio,

00:05:00  after this trio of lumps, and then click OK.

00:05:03  All right, now let's test out the profile

00:05:05  and make sure it looks like this line right here

00:05:08  by clicking on a line above it and then, once again,

00:05:11  clicking on the Variable Width Profile options,

00:05:13  scrolling down to the bottom

00:05:14  and clicking on the width profile that we just created.

00:05:16  And at first, it's going to look like it's not working right

00:05:19  but that's because the line width is set to 1 pt,

00:05:22  meaning that at its thickest,

00:05:24  the stroke is just 1 pt wide.

00:05:26  And so if you want to see it properly,

00:05:27  you need to take that line weight up to our desired maximum,

00:05:31  which is 24 points, and then press the enter key

00:05:33  or the return key on the mac, and everything

00:05:35  should look great.

00:05:37  All right, now the thing about width profiles

00:05:39  is that unlike swatches and selections

00:05:41  that you save here in the Select menu,

00:05:43  they are not part of the active document.

00:05:46  Rather, they are global preferences

00:05:48  that transfer automatically between one document

00:05:51  and another.

00:05:52  So if I go ahead and switch documents like so,

00:05:54  then let's say I want to stroke these hills,

00:05:57  I'll go ahead and click on one of the hills

00:06:00  and shift click on the other with my Black Arrow Tool,

00:06:02  and I just need to establish a base stroke here.

00:06:05  So I'll go ahead and change the line weight value to 20 pt,

00:06:08  and press the enter key or the return key on the Mac,

00:06:10  and I will get two uniform strokes as we're seeing here.

00:06:13  And now I'm going to shift click on this green stroke,

00:06:15  which, as you may recall, is 30 pt thick.

00:06:18  And it already has a variable width stroke.

00:06:20  So the profile option up here is going to appear blank.

00:06:23  That's okay, you can override it just by clicking

00:06:26  on that blank field and choosing Trio once again

00:06:29  in order to assign that profile to all three path outlines.

00:06:32  And then if you want the strokes to match

00:06:34  so that we're not seeing this difference

00:06:36  between the green and black down here,

00:06:38  then go ahead and click on the second color swatch

00:06:40  up here in the control panel and select black.

00:06:42  And now, I'll go ahead and press the escape key

00:06:45  in order to hide that panel,

00:06:46  and I'll press ctrl + shift + a or cmd + shift + a

00:06:49  on the Mac to deselect my paths.

00:06:52  And that's how you create your own variable width profile

00:06:54  that you can assign to any path outline

00:06:57  inside of any document that you like.

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