دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی

دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور

00:01:02  So the first step is to go up to the File menu

00:01:04  and choose New from Template,

00:01:05  or once again, you have that keyboard shortcut

00:01:07  of ctrl + shift + N, or cmd + shift + N on a Mac,

00:01:11  then locate your center guides template

00:01:13  and click on the New button in order to create it.

00:01:15  Now in this case we don't really need the guides,

00:01:18  so I'm going to get rid of them

00:01:19  by going up to the View menu,

00:01:21  choosing Guides, and then choosing Clear Guides.

00:01:25  Alright, now I'll go ahead and click on the guides layer

00:01:27  to make it active, and I'll place my image

00:01:29  by going to the File menu and choosing the Place command,

00:01:32  or you have that fairly predictable keyboard shortcut

00:01:35  of ctrl + shift + P, or cmd + shift + P on a Mac.

00:01:39  Alright, now if you're working along with me

00:01:41  I've got the pencil sketch ready and waiting,

00:01:43  Pencil sketch.jpg.

00:01:45  Go ahead and select it, and then click the Place button.

00:01:48  Now notice at this point you could make it a template

00:01:51  just by turning on the Template checkbox,

00:01:53  but that tends to be a fairly messy experience

00:01:56  and it doesn't allow you to control the placement

00:01:58  or the scale of the template.

00:02:00  So just go ahead and click the Place button.

00:02:02  That will load the cursor with the image,

00:02:04  as we're seeing here.

00:02:05  At which point just go ahead and click

00:02:07  in order to place the image inside the document.

00:02:10  Now what you want to do

00:02:11  is go up here to the control panel,

00:02:13  make sure that the alignment option

00:02:14  is set to Align to Artboard,

00:02:16  and then click on each of the Center icons.

00:02:18  First Horizontal Align Center,

00:02:20  and then Vertical Align Center.

00:02:23  Alright, now click on the word Transform

00:02:25  in order to bring up the Transform panel.

00:02:27  And make sure the center point is selected

00:02:29  over here in the Reference Point matrix.

00:02:32  Then turn on the link, so that we're constraining

00:02:34  the width and height values to each other.

00:02:36  And that will allow us to proportionally resize the image.

00:02:40  At which point I'm going to change

00:02:41  the width value to 940 points.

00:02:44  And that will change the height value in kind.

00:02:47  Alright, now you can press the escape key

00:02:48  in order to hide that panel.

00:02:50  Next what you want to do is double-click

00:02:52  in an empty portion of this guides layer

00:02:54  in order to bring up the Layer Options dialog box.

00:02:57  Let's go ahead and call this layer template,

00:02:59  since that's what it is.

00:03:01  And you also want to turn on

00:03:02  the Template checkbox right here.

00:03:04  And that'll go ahead and automatically dim the image to 50%,

00:03:07  which is going to work out great.

00:03:09  You can change that value if you want to,

00:03:10  but 50% works well for this specific template.

00:03:14  So I'll go ahead and click OK

00:03:16  in order to create that new tracing template.

00:03:18  At which point I can go ahead

00:03:19  and begin drawing with the Pencil Tool

00:03:21  here on the drawing layer.

00:03:23  Which is exactly what we'll be doing

00:03:25  by the way, starting in the next movie.

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