در این فیلم، من به شما نشان خواهم داد یک برنامه ساده اما کاربردی از کلاه ها و پیوستن این اجازه می دهد تا ما این فرم نامه های گرد را ایجاد کنیم پایین در اینجا در پایین این سند. و همچنین شما را به فرمان Save select معرفی می کنم. درست است که آخرین بار که ما این سند را دیدیم ما راه را به بی نهایت بنفش متصل کردیم. اما آنچه می خواهم بتوانم انجام دهم در این نامه ها به سمت پایین حرکت می کند در حالی که انتخاب همه آنها. و این چیزی است که می توانم انجام دهم اگر من یک لحظه برای ذخیره انتخاب من است. بنابراین من با فشار دادن کنترل + صفر شروع میکنم 00:00:32 یا Command + صفر در مک، متناسب با سند روی صفحه نمایش و سپس من رو به جلو و marquee این نامه ها مانند استفاده از ابزار فلش سیاه است. اکنون بگویم میخواهم این انتخاب را برای استفاده بعدی ذخیره کنم این است که بگویم من می خواهم این واقعیت را نجات دهم این نامه ها انتخاب شده اند بنابراین هر زمان که دوست دارم می توانم به آنها برگردم. در آن صورت من می خواهم به انتخاب منو بروید و دستور ذخیره انتخاب را انتخاب کنید. و من فقط می روم و این نامه های انتخاب را می خوانم و بر روی OK کلیک کنید. و حالا متوجه شدم اگر حروف را خاموش کنم آنها را از بین ببرید، و سپس به جلو بروید و زنگ بزنید، در مورد a و b مثل این است من می توانم تمام این نامه ها را مجددا انتخاب کنم فقط با بازگشت به منوی انتخاب و انتخاب آنچه در حال حاضر است آخرین فرمان در منو، حروف. و این به پیش می رود و دوباره انتخاب می شود هر حرف تک در سند. همه چیز درست است اما در حقیقت من بزرگ شده ام کمی بیش از حد تنگ در اینجا
Alright, now, one of the great things
about Variable Width, especially the fact that you can
00:00:04 adjust strokes asymmetrically, is that it gives you
00:00:07 a new control over the way that you align the stroke
00:00:10 to the path outline, that goes well beyond this
00:00:13 Align Stroke function that we saw a few movies back.
00:00:16 And it's just as applicable to open path outlines
00:00:19 as closed ones.
00:00:20 So, let's say for example, that I press the a key
00:00:23 to switch to the white arrow tool,
00:00:25 and I click on this upper right segment
00:00:27 associated with this ellipse here.
00:00:29 And notice, over here in the Stroke panel,
00:00:31 how the Stroke is currently aligned to the outside
00:00:34 of this path outline.
00:00:36 And so, I'll go ahead and click on this segment
00:00:37 and then shift-click on this this one,
00:00:39 and shift-click on this one, so that
00:00:41 the upper right segments are selected in each one
00:00:44 of the ellipses, and then I'll press the backspace key,
00:00:47 and I lose that alignment.
00:00:49 Illustrator goes ahead and automatically
00:00:51 switches my Align Stroke option back to
00:00:54 Align Stroke to Center.
00:00:56 But that's OK, because I can modify this setting
00:00:58 using Variable Width stroke.
00:01:00 And so, I'll just click off the paths to deselect them.
00:01:03 And then, I'll switch to the Width Tool,
00:01:05 which, once again, you can get by pressing shift + w.
00:01:08 And now, I'll just go ahead and double-click
00:01:09 on this top endpoint in this left-hand path.
00:01:12 And now, I'll change this Side 1 setting to 20 points,
00:01:15 and I'll change Side 2 to 0.
00:01:18 So, in other words, I've distributed all of the stroke,
00:01:21 all 20 points of it, to the outside of the path outline,
00:01:25 at which point I'll click OK to accept that setting.
00:01:27 And then, I'll double click on the other endpoint
00:01:30 for that same path, and I'll change its Side 1 setting
00:01:32 to 20 points, and I'll change Side 2 to 0 point, once again,
00:01:36 and then I'll click OK for that.
00:01:38 Alright, now, I'll press the v key to switch
00:01:40 to the black arrow tool, and I'll go ahead and marquee
00:01:43 the other two path outlines.
00:01:45 And now, I'll grab my eyedropper, which, once again,
00:01:47 I can get by pressing the i key.
00:01:50 And I'll go ahead and click on that first path outline,
00:01:52 the one on the left-hand side,
00:01:54 in order to lift its attributes and everybody
00:01:56 is aligned once again.
00:01:58 And it gets headier still.
00:02:00 I'll go ahead and collapse my Stroke panel
00:02:02 just a little bit, so that I have a little more room
00:02:05 for my Layers panel, down here
00:02:07 in the bottom right corner of the screen.
00:02:08 And I'll turn on the Spirals layer right here.
00:02:11 And I'll press the v key to switch
00:02:12 to the black arrow tool, and I'll go ahead and click on
00:02:15 any one of the spirals.
00:02:17 Notice that their light blue strokes are centered
00:02:19 on the path outline, as by default.
00:02:22 And then, I'll go up to the select similar objects icon,
00:02:24 up here in the Control panel, I'll click on
00:02:27 the down-pointing arrow head, and I'll just go ahead
00:02:29 and choose All or Stroke Color.
00:02:31 Either one's gonna work fine.
00:02:32 And that'll select all the spirals.
00:02:34 And now, I'll switch back to the eyedropper tool,
00:02:36 and I'll go ahead and click on one of the purple paths,
00:02:39 and that aligns everybody beautifully.
00:02:42 And now, I'll just press control + a, or command + a
00:02:46 on the Mac, in order to select all the path outlines,
00:02:49 and I'll go over to the Stroke panel right here,
00:02:51 and I'll switch the Caps option to round cap,
00:02:54 which goes ahead and fills in the gaps up there
00:02:57 at the top of the path outlines.
00:02:59 After which point, I can go ahead and press the v key
00:03:01 to switch back to my black arrow tool.
00:03:03 And I'll click off the paths to deselect them.
00:03:06 And so, thanks to your ability to asymmetrically
00:03:09 adjust strokes along their path outlines,
00:03:11 using the Width Tool, you can align strokes to path outlines
00:03:15 with this kind of precision control,
00:03:18 here inside Illustrator.