دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی

صفر تا صد آموزش ایلوستریتور illustrator cc

00:01:23  What I want to do is create some guides

00:01:25  that will help demonstrate how things have gotten off,

00:01:29  where these letters are concerned,

00:01:30  as a function of that 20-point stroke.

00:01:33  And so I'll go ahead and press Control + R,

00:01:36  or Command + R in a Mac, in order to bring out my rulers.

00:01:39  And I'll drag a horizontal guide down

00:01:41  from the top ruler so that it snaps into alignment

00:01:44  with the top anchor point in the f,

00:01:47  which by the way notice aligns perfectly

00:01:49  with the top anchor point in the h,

00:01:52  and yet we're not seeing that alignment

00:01:53  because 10 points, that is half of that stroke,

00:01:56  pops up on the edge of the f,

00:01:59  whereas it just abruptly ends at the top of the h.

00:02:02  All right, now I'll go ahead and drag out

00:02:04  another horizontal guide from that top ruler,

00:02:07  so that it snaps into alignment

00:02:09  with the bottom of the f.

00:02:10  And notice even though that bottom anchor point

00:02:13  in the f is precisely aligned with

00:02:15  the bottom anchor point in the e,

00:02:17  we're not seeing that alignment.

00:02:19  And that's because the bottom of the f ends abruptly,

00:02:22  whereas half of that stroke continues around

00:02:24  the bottom of the e.

00:02:26  We have an even bigger problem

00:02:28  where the bottoms of the b and d are concerned,

00:02:31  because notice here as a function

00:02:34  of this half-a-line weight,

00:02:36  that's dropping down below the curved portions

00:02:39  of both letters, we're covering up the stems,

00:02:42  which come down just as far.

00:02:44  So what I'm gonna do,

00:02:45  just to make my point that much more obvious,

00:02:47  I'm gonna scroll over here just a little bit,

00:02:50  and I'm gonna hide the rulers by pressing Control + R,

00:02:52  or Command + R on a Mac.

00:02:54  And then I'll go up the the view menu, choose Guides,

00:02:56  and choose the Lock Guides command to turn it off,

00:03:00  and then I'll marquee this bottom guide right there,

00:03:03  and I'm gonna make a copy of it ten points down

00:03:06  by pressing Shift + Alt + Down Arrow,

00:03:08  that would be Shift + Option + Down Arrow on the Mac,

00:03:10  so that we now have a guide that's aligned

00:03:13  to the bottom of the curved portions of these letters.

00:03:16  And now I'll click on this top guide to select it,

00:03:19  and I'll press Shift + Alt + Up Arrow,

00:03:22  or Shift + Option + Up Arrow on the Mac,

00:03:24  in order to create a guide at the perceived top of the f.

00:03:28  All right now I'll go ahead

00:03:28  and click off the guide to deselect it,

00:03:30  and I'll return to the View menu,

00:03:32  choose Guides, and then choose Lock Guides

00:03:35  to turn the command back on,

00:03:36  and that way I won't mess up my guidelines.

00:03:39  All right now I'll return to the Select menu

00:03:41  and choose letters

00:03:43  in order to select all the letters in the document,

00:03:45  and I'll click on

00:03:46  the word Stroke up here in the Control panel,

00:03:48  and I'll switch to the Projecting Cap,

00:03:51  just so we can see what kind of difference it makes.

00:03:53  And notice that it goes ahead and extends

00:03:55  the crossbar here on the f quite nicely,

00:03:58  so that we have some nice sharp transitions,

00:04:01  but we have a few problems here in the g,

00:04:03  as well as the other letters

00:04:05  such as the d, and the b,

00:04:07  that have multiple subpaths

00:04:08  that are intersecting each other.

00:04:10  However, notice that all the letters

00:04:12  are rising to the occasion right here.

00:04:15  So we can see that the projecting cap

00:04:17  is extending all the way to that top guideline

00:04:20  as well as all the way down to the bottom guideline

00:04:23  which means that we have some decent stems

00:04:26  for our b and d in particular.

00:04:29  But what's gonna work out better all the way around,

00:04:31  is to click on the word Stroke once again

00:04:33  and switch to the Round Cap

00:04:35  in order to produce this rounded effect here.

00:04:38  That does leave us with a problem however.

00:04:40  Notice if I go ahead and scroll over here,

00:04:43  we're missing an edge down here on the left side of the h,

00:04:46  and we also have a sharp corner

00:04:48  over here on the right side of the letter e.

00:04:51  Now to demonstrate why we're having this problem on the h,

00:04:54  I'll press the A key to switch to the white arrow tool,

00:04:56  then I'll go ahead and click off the letter,

00:04:58  and I'll select this anchor point

00:05:00  as well as these other three.

00:05:02  So in other words I'm clicking on this anchor point

00:05:04  and then I'm Shift + clicking on the other three.

00:05:07  And now I'll press Shift + Right Arrow

00:05:09  to nudge those points to the right.

00:05:10  And you can see what we really have here

00:05:12  is a corner at this location.

00:05:15  And now that I've moved the points over,

00:05:17  we've reestablished this miter join,

00:05:20  but as soon as I move things back

00:05:22  we lose the miter join because our miter limit is too low.

00:05:26  And as soon as you have two segments

00:05:27  that are right on top of each other like this,

00:05:29  then it doesn't matter what you set the miter limit to,

00:05:32  your corner is gonna get beveled.

00:05:34  All right so to take care of this problem,

00:05:36  I'll return to the Select menu

00:05:37  and chose the letters command,

00:05:39  and then I'll click on the word Stroke.

00:05:41  Obviously the miter join is not gonna work out for us.

00:05:44  You could try a bevel join,

00:05:46  but it's not gonna have any effect on the h,

00:05:48  and it's just gonna slightly clip the corner on the e.

00:05:51  What we really want is the nice Round Join,

00:05:54  which is gonna give us a round corner on the e,

00:05:56  and it's gonna totally take care of our problem

00:05:58  here on the h, after which point,

00:06:00  I'll just go ahead and press the Escape key

00:06:02  to hide that panel,

00:06:03  and I'll press Control + zero, or Command + zero,

00:06:05  to center my zoom.

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