just so we can really see what's going on.
00:00:59 All right, now I want to make a copy of this guy,
00:01:01 so I'll go ahead and drag it by its center point
00:01:03 over to the other side of the door,
00:01:05 and then I'll press the Alt key or the Opt key on a Mac,
00:01:08 and drop it into place in order to create a copy like so.
00:01:12 And I just want to make sure that this guy is
00:01:14 the same distance from the door as the other rectangle,
00:01:18 as the other window, and notice, now, did you see that,
00:01:20 just a second ago?
00:01:21 Boy, it kind of went away there.
00:01:23 There it is.
00:01:24 We have new Smart Guide action in this most recent version
00:01:27 of Illustrator, so we're seeing that the two windows are
00:01:30 the same distance from that door,
00:01:33 which is exactly what I want.
00:01:35 All right, now, I want to subtract these windows
00:01:37 from the house, so I'm going to click off the house
00:01:39 in order to deselect it, because any time you're doing
00:01:42 these combinations, you want everything deselected
00:01:45 inside the illustration, and then just go ahead
00:01:48 and scribble inside each one of the windows.
00:01:51 And you want to keep your scribble inside there.
00:01:54 You don't want to start out and go in like that,
00:01:57 because that's going to end up combining
00:01:59 those two shapes together, so I'm going
00:02:02 to undo that change and just scribble inside
00:02:04 of here once again.
00:02:05 All right, now, at this point, it's difficult
00:02:07 to tell if what we have are rectangles
00:02:09 that are filled with white, or whether they're transparent,
00:02:12 so I'm going to make a couple of changes here.
00:02:15 First, I'm going to click inside this window,
00:02:17 and notice I can't get to it, and that's because
00:02:19 it is a hole, so I'm not clicking on anything.
00:02:21 I need to click on its outline to select it,
00:02:24 and then I'll Shift+click on this guy
00:02:25 to select him as well, and now I'll go up here
00:02:28 to the Control Panel and increase that line weight value
00:02:31 once again to six points.
00:02:33 And now I'm going to draw a straight line,
00:02:35 don't make it a zigzag, just draw a straight line.
00:02:37 That is not a horizontal line, however,
00:02:40 so I'm going to try again by dragging more horizontally,
00:02:43 and then I'm going to drag vertically as well,
00:02:47 in order to create a vertical line.
00:02:49 All right, now I'll click on one
00:02:50 and Shift+click on the other to select them both,
00:02:53 and I'll go up here to the Control Panel,
00:02:55 make sure Align to Selection is active,
00:02:58 and then click on the second icon,
00:03:00 Horizontal Align Center, and then click on the fifth icon,
00:03:03 Vertical Align Center, in order to align those guys
00:03:06 with each other.
00:03:07 And then I want to make sure that they're centered
00:03:09 inside the window, so I'm going to press Ctrl+Y,
00:03:11 or Cmd+Y on the Mac, to switch to the Outline mode,
00:03:14 and that way I can see that center point,
00:03:17 right there in the center of the rectangle.
00:03:19 And I'll go ahead and drag these guys into alignment,
00:03:22 so that they more or less snap, not really necessarily
00:03:24 getting any snapping action,
00:03:26 but I can see that's close enough.
00:03:28 And I'll press Ctrl+Y, or Cmd+Y on the Mac,
00:03:30 to switch back to the Preview mode,
00:03:32 and I'll increase the line weight value
00:03:34 to a whopping 10 points, let's say, and for some reason,
00:03:38 I'm ending up with round caps, and if that bothers you,
00:03:41 obviously you can click on the word Stroke
00:03:44 and change them back to butt caps.
00:03:46 Doesn't really matter, but I want you to see that behavior.
00:03:49 And then, I'm going to switch back to the Black Arrow tool,
00:03:52 up here at the top of the Toolbox, and I'm going
00:03:54 to grab these guys like so, click on one,
00:03:56 Shift+click on the other, and then drag them over
00:03:59 until they intersect with the center of the other window.
00:04:02 I've got the Shift key down, I'm adding the Alt key,
00:04:05 or the Opt key on the Mac, in order to create a clone
00:04:08 of those lines like so.
00:04:10 And now go ahead and Shift+click on the other guys,
00:04:13 the originals, and I'll right-click anywhere
00:04:15 inside the document window, choose Arrange,
00:04:17 and choose Send to Back, and you can see
00:04:20 that we are now seeing through the windows
00:04:22 to those panes.
00:04:24 All right, now let's say I want to recolor the roof.
00:04:27 In that case, I'll go ahead and select my Shaper tool
00:04:29 once again, and instead of clicking inside the roof,
00:04:32 I'll double-click in it, in order to select
00:04:35 just that triangular path outline,
00:04:37 and then I'll Shift+click on the chimney to select it.
00:04:40 Shift+clicking, even with the Shaper tool,
00:04:43 is going to select multiple path outlines,
00:04:45 and then I can change the Fill color
00:04:47 up here in the Control panel to, let's say,
00:04:49 this darkish shade of blue over here.
00:04:51 And notice what happens if I now click off the paths
00:04:54 and deselect them.
00:04:56 I have managed to change the color of the roof and chimney,
00:04:58 but I have lost any stroke between the two.
00:05:02 So I don't have a stroke, as you can see here,
00:05:04 and that's just the kind of stuff that you can do
00:05:06 with Dynamic Shaper Groups here inside Illustrator.
00:05:10 I want you to also notice that, even though we've called
00:05:12 for mitered joins where our strokes are concerned,
00:05:15 we end up with round joins at the path intersections.
00:05:20 So, for whatever reason, that is something
00:05:22 that Illustrator goes ahead and does.
00:05:24 So let's say I want to bring back a stroke
00:05:26 along the roof line.
00:05:28 Well, the easiest way to do that is to zoom out
00:05:30 by pressing Ctrl+0 or Cmd+0 on a Mac,
00:05:33 and now I'm going to switch back
00:05:34 to my Black Arrow tool.
00:05:35 Now, of course, if I were to click on that path,
00:05:38 I'm going to select the whole darn thing,
00:05:40 as indicated by these red outlines here,
00:05:43 because, after all, I'm working on a red layer.
00:05:45 If you had the Bounding Box turned on,
00:05:47 you could see it as well.
00:05:49 I don't want to edit the entire house, however,
00:05:51 so I'm going to switch to the Group Isolation mode
00:05:53 by double-clicking on the roof.
00:05:57 And so, now notice, because I double-clicked
00:05:59 I'm seeing that I'm working inside the Shaper Group
00:06:02 up here in the upper left corner of the window,
00:06:05 and now, what that means is I can click on the roof
00:06:07 to select it independently, Shift+click on the chimney
00:06:10 to select it independently as well,
00:06:12 and then I'm just going to Shift+drag these elements up,
00:06:15 so that they're no longer intersecting the green house,
00:06:18 and that restores the stroke, as you can see.
00:06:20 And now, if I drag these guys back down,
00:06:23 we have managed to reinstate that stroke
00:06:26 along the bottom of the roof.
00:06:28 All right, that's a little low, however, so I'll probably
00:06:30 Shift+Up Arrow in order to nudge the roof
00:06:32 up a little bit, and then, now that I'm done
00:06:35 modifying the roof, I'll go ahead
00:06:36 and press the Esc key in order to escape
00:06:39 out of that Group Isolation mode,
00:06:41 at which point, if I were to click on the house,
00:06:43 I would end up selecting the entire thing.
00:06:45 I don't want it selected, however,
00:06:47 so I'm just going to click off the house
00:06:49 in order to deselect it, and then I'm going
00:06:52 to hide my Guide lines by going to the View menu,
00:06:55 choose Guides, and choose Hide Guides
00:06:58 to turn them off.
00:07:00 And that's how you subtract paths in order
00:07:02 to create the windows, as well as split paths
00:07:04 in order to create this independent roof and chimney
00:07:07 using the new Shaper tool here inside Illustrator.