در این فیلم، من نشان خواهم داد که چگونه این نوع از نوع عنوان را متناسب با آن به درستی متناسب با عرض راهنمای حاشیه. بنابراین من به جلو بروید و به تصویر من در حال پیشرفت بروید. من روی این خط بالا نوع کلیک میکنم و چند بار فشار را به سمت پایین فشار میدهم تا آن را پایین بیاورم و به اتاقم کمی توجه میکنم. من می خواهم همه چیز را با چند کلید میانبر بسیار مفید برای تنظیم اندازه متن شما شروع کنم. برای این کار، متن شما باید با ابزار Type انتخاب شود. من به جلو بروید و در داخل متن دوبار کلیک کنید، به همین ترتیب، به طور خودکار به Tool Type بروید و موقعیت نشانگر چشمک زدن خود را قرار دهید. سپس تمام نوع در این شی متن را انتخاب می کنم. ساده ترین راه برای انجام این کار این است که به منوی Select بروید و تمام دستور را انتخاب کنید یا راحت تر، می توانید با استفاده از کنترل a یا command روی یک مکینتاش فشار دهید. حالا بگم من دقیقا مطمئن نیستم که چه نوع اندازه من دنبالش هستم من فقط می توانم در داخل این نوع اندازه اندازه کلیک کرده و دکمه فلش بالا را فشار دهید تا اندازه اندازه را افزایش دهد یا دکمه فلش پایین آن را کاهش دهید. همچنین می توانم کلید shift را با یک کلید فلش فشار دهم تا با افزایش 10 نقطه حرکت کند، اما راه دیگری برای کار وجود دارد و برای استفاده از آن، کلید کلید فرار را فشار می دهم تا اندازه اندازه نوع دیگر برجسته نشود و سپس من دوره تغییر کنترل را فشار می دهم، این دوره تغییر فرمان در Mac است، به طور پیوسته افزایش اندازه نوع من.
00:01:21 The reason it's period is because the period key
00:01:24 also features the greater than sign
00:01:26 on an American keyboard.
00:01:28 If you wanna reduce the size of your text,
00:01:30 you press control shift comma, or
00:01:32 command shift comma, which is the same as
00:01:35 control shift or command shift less than sign.
00:01:39 If you wanna move in bigger increments still,
00:01:41 then you can add the alt or option key.
00:01:43 This is the result of pressing control shift alt
00:01:46 greater than sign, or command shift option
00:01:49 greater than sign on the Mac, whereas
00:01:52 this is what happens when you press
00:01:53 control shift, or command shift, less than sign.
00:01:57 However you get there, we wanna end up
00:01:59 increasing the type size until it's 40 points,
00:02:02 as we're seeing up here in the control panel.
00:02:05 Now what I wanna do is take advantage
00:02:07 of a command under the Type menu
00:02:08 called Fit Headline, but currently, it's dimmed,
00:02:11 and that's because it doesn't work with point type.
00:02:13 You have to first convert your text to area type.
00:02:16 You do that by pressing the escape key
00:02:18 in order to escape the text entry mode,
00:02:20 and then you bring back your bounding box
00:02:23 by going to the View menu and choosing
00:02:25 Show Bounding Box, or you can press
00:02:27 control shift b, or command shift b on the Mac.
00:02:30 Now you can go over here to this little widget
00:02:33 and double-click on it, like so, and that
00:02:36 will convert your text to area type,
00:02:38 at which point you can go ahead and make it wider
00:02:41 so that the text frame fits the entire width
00:02:44 of the margin guide.
00:02:46 That still doesn't quite take care of our problem.
00:02:48 Notice here under the Type menu, Fit Headline
00:02:51 is still dimmed, and that's because I need
00:02:52 to perform one more step, which is
00:02:54 to double-click inside the text in order
00:02:57 to automatically switch to the Type Tool,
00:02:59 and then, with just that blinking insertion marker
00:03:02 sitting there and nothing more, go up
00:03:04 to the Type menu and choose the
00:03:06 now-available Fit Headline command.
00:03:08 That will increase the amount of horizontal space
00:03:10 between the letters in order to fit
00:03:12 the width of the margin guide.
00:03:15 Now I'm gonna press the escape key
00:03:16 in order to switch back to my Black Arrow Tool,
00:03:19 and I'm gonna press control shift b,
00:03:21 or command shift b on the Mac, to hide
00:03:23 that bounding box.
00:03:25 Now I wanna change the color of my text.
00:03:28 Color is a character-level formatting attribute,
00:03:30 just like Font and Style and Size and so forth,
00:03:34 but you're not gonna find it here inside
00:03:36 the Character panel.
00:03:37 Instead, you just wanna go ahead and bring up
00:03:39 the Swatches panel, which you can do
00:03:41 by going to the Window menu and choosing
00:03:43 the Swatches command, unless, of course,
00:03:45 it already has a check mark in front of it,
00:03:47 in which case the Swatches panel
00:03:49 is already onscreen.
00:03:50 Notice that I have all these global swatches
00:03:53 that came in along with my text.
00:03:55 I'm gonna get rid of them by selecting
00:03:57 Black 11 right here, and then shift clicking
00:03:59 on Blue to select all the global swatches.
00:04:03 Then to get rid of all of them without a warning,
00:04:05 I'll alt click, or option click, on the little trash icon,
00:04:09 and they will disappear.
00:04:10 Now I'll make sure my Fill is active.
00:04:13 As I can see, it is, in the top left corner
00:04:15 of the Swatches panel, at which point
00:04:16 I'll select this dark shade of red,
00:04:19 which is R193 G39 B45.
00:04:23 That will recolor the text, as we're seeing right here.
00:04:27 Now I wanna further adjust the amount
00:04:29 of horizontal space between my characters.
00:04:32 Notice if I go ahead and zoom in here,
00:04:35 that while the amount of horizontal space
00:04:37 between, let's say, the d and the e in the word
00:04:40 Denslow looks just fine, we have way too much space
00:04:43 between the w and the period.
00:04:45 That's a function of what's known as kerning.
00:04:48 So basically, every single character of type
00:04:51 has its own spacing metrics built in,
00:04:55 but every once in a while, two neighboring characters
00:04:57 don't really go together very well,
00:04:59 in which case, they become a kerning pair
00:05:01 that Illustrator is designed to modify automatically.
00:05:05 But right now, we have the kerning turned off,
00:05:08 and so what you need to do is go ahead
00:05:10 and marquee these top two lines of type,
00:05:12 taking care not to accidentally select
00:05:15 any of the body copy.
00:05:17 Make sure you're not seeing any purple lines,
00:05:19 as I'm seeing when I hover over that text.
00:05:22 Then go up to the Character panel
00:05:24 and notice this option right here.
00:05:26 It's the one that affects the kerning.
00:05:28 You can see right now, it's set to zero,
00:05:30 which means that all kerning pairs
00:05:32 are being ignored.
00:05:33 What you wanna do is click on this
00:05:35 down-pointing arrowhead, and at the very least,
00:05:37 select Auto, which is gonna look up
00:05:40 the kerning information that's built into
00:05:42 each and every font.
00:05:44 You can see, that took care of our spacing problem
00:05:46 quite nicely.
00:05:47 Another option is to go with Optical.
00:05:50 Optical tells Illustrator to automatically evaluate
00:05:53 the shape of each and every character
00:05:55 in a selection and adjust the spacing accordingly.
00:05:59 You may find that it really works wonders
00:06:02 on display type, which is why I'm going
00:06:04 to choose Optical in the case of my selected text.
00:06:08 Then I'll press the escape key to hide that panel.
00:06:11 I wanna do one more thing, and that's
00:06:13 to zoom out a little bit so that I can see
00:06:15 more of my text at a time.
00:06:17 Then I'm gonna click on this point text
00:06:20 right here, the one that represents the bylines.
00:06:22 Now I wanna space these characters out
00:06:25 a little more, and so I'll once again click
00:06:27 on the word Character and switch from
00:06:29 the Kerning option to its next-door neighbor,
00:06:32 which is Tracking.
00:06:33 Tracking is essentially kerning
00:06:35 for multiple characters at a time.
00:06:38 So, for example, if I change this Tracking value
00:06:40 to 100, let's say, I'm gonna really space
00:06:43 those characters out from each other,
00:06:45 which is why, in the end, I came up
00:06:47 with a Tracking value of 40, like so.
00:06:51 Now I'm gonna press control zero,
00:06:52 or command zero on a Mac, in order
00:06:54 to zoom out so that I can take in my entire document.
00:06:57 It seems to me that this top line of text
00:07:00 could be spaced a little bit better.
00:07:02 So what I'm gonna do is double-click
00:07:04 inside of it again in order to switch to the Type Tool,
00:07:07 and position that blinking insertion marker.
00:07:09 I'm gonna choose Type, Fit Headline.
00:07:12 You may wonder, well, why are you choosing
00:07:13 that command again, Deke?
00:07:15 Well, the fact is, you mighta see a shift onscreen there.
00:07:18 I have done a better job of filling up
00:07:20 the width of the margin job, and that's because
00:07:22 switching to optical kerning made a difference
00:07:25 in the amount of horizontal space, which means
00:07:27 that it was worth visiting the Fit Headline command
00:07:30 a second time, just to make sure everything's the way
00:07:32 it needs to be, at which point
00:07:34 I'll press the escape key in order
00:07:36 to switch back to the Black Arrow Tool,
00:07:38 and I'll click off my text to deselect it.
00:07:41 That's how you automatically adjust
00:07:43 the amount of horizontal space
00:07:45 between characters of type using a combination
00:07:48 of the Fit Headline command along with
00:07:50 optical kerning here inside Illustrator.