دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی

دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور


در این فیلم، من چند روش مختلف برای فرمت کپی بدن، که متن اصلی درون یک سند است، به شما نشان می دهم. بنابراین اولین کاری که من انجام می دهم این است که در هر یک از این ستون های متن دوبار کلیک کنید تا به طور خودکار به ابزار Type بروید و موقعیت نشانگر موربم را قرار دهید. و پس از آن من قصد دارم به انتخاب تمام متن در تمام فریم متن رشته با رفتن به منوی انتخاب و انتخاب همه دستور و یا فقط فشار دادن کلیدهای Ctrl در اینجا بر روی PC، کلیدهای Cmd A در مک. بسیار خوب، در حال حاضر در این نقطه من قصد دارم به جلو بروید و زوم در فشار دادن Ctrl + کلیدهای Cmd + چند بار، و در حال حاضر من می خواهم به حرکت سند من، بنابراین من می توانید پاراگراف اول را ببینید. و شما ممکن است از فصل ناوبری یادآوری کنید که نمیتوانید فضاپیما را فشار دهید تا ابزار Hand را فشار دهید زیرا این کار پیش میرود و همه متن شما را با کاراکترهای فضایی جایگزین میکند. بنابراین، به جای آن، می خواهید کلید Alt یا کلید Opt را در Mac فشار دهید و سپس سند خود را مانند آن بکشید. خوب، اولین چیزی که می خواهم انجام دهم این است که برخی از ویژگی های قالب بندی پاراگراف را با کلیک بر روی کلمه پاراگراف بالا در اینجا در کنترل پنل تنظیم کنید. و توجه کنید که در حالی که مقدار تورفتگی چپ من صفر است، و ارزش تورفتگی راست من صفر است، و هر دو از آن ارزشها توسط راه، در حال رفتن به تورفتگی متن در سمت چپ و راست دو طرف از ستون. مقدار اولیه ی خط اول ما گم شده است، زیرا احتمالا از یک پاراگراف تا بعد متفاوت است. اگر ما می خواستیم یک ردیف اول خط، من می توانم یک مقدار مانند نه امتیاز را در آن زمینه وارد کنم و سپس ما فقط 9 خط از هر ردیف را برای خط اول هر پاراگراف داریم.


00:01:34  But where this text is concerned,

00:01:35  that's not the way I want to work.

00:01:37  So I'm going to change that value to zero

00:01:40  and then press the Tab key.

00:01:42  And so instead of having a first line indent

00:01:44  in order to distinguish one paragraph from another,

00:01:47  I'm going to enter a Space before

00:01:49  or Space after the paragraph,

00:01:51  but I'm going to start by just zeroing out these values

00:01:54  so I know what I have to work with.

00:01:56  So you can see, if you don't have a first line indent

00:01:58  or you don't have some kind of paragraph spacing,

00:02:01  then your text is just going to run together.

00:02:03  But, if I were to just click

00:02:05  in this Space before value right here,

00:02:07  and press the Up arrow key a few times,

00:02:10  you can see that that helps to move those paragraphs apart,

00:02:13  and at a value of five points things look pretty great.

00:02:17  Now, when you're working with body copy,

00:02:19  you can Align the text to the left.

00:02:21  You generally never want to center it,

00:02:23  or align it to the right.

00:02:25  But while left is okay,

00:02:26  it leaves a ragged effect on the right-hand side.

00:02:29  If you want to make sure everybody's aligned

00:02:31  on the right as well,

00:02:32  then you want to switch to one of the Justify options,

00:02:35  most likely Justify with last line aligned left,

00:02:39  which is this fourth setting right here,

00:02:42  and that's going to give you this effect

00:02:44  with the last line on the left as we're seeing right here.

00:02:48  At which point I'll go ahead and press the Escape key

00:02:50  in order to hide that Paragraph panel.

00:02:52  Now let's take a look

00:02:53  at our character formatting attributes

00:02:55  by clicking on the word Character

00:02:57  and I'm going to change the font,

00:02:58  which you can see is already selected, to Minions.

00:03:01  So I'm just going to type in M-I-N-I

00:03:04  and that should get me to the various styles

00:03:06  of Minion Pro.

00:03:07  The one I want is this guy right here,

00:03:09  that's just called Minion Pro and nothing more,

00:03:12  and what does is it selects the regular style.

00:03:15  Alright, so having done that,

00:03:16  I'm going to dial in a type size value

00:03:19  into this very first numeric field,

00:03:21  and I'm going to set that type size to 14 points.

00:03:25  And by the way, the type size is a container

00:03:27  that holds everything from the highest ascenders

00:03:30  down to the lowest descenders.

00:03:33  And you can get a sense for just how tall that container is

00:03:36  by tabbing your way over to the Leading value.

00:03:39  Now notice when I hover over this little icon here,

00:03:42  that I can see the tool tip that says Set the leading.

00:03:46  It's actually led-ing,

00:03:47  because back in the days of hot metal type

00:03:49  they used to insert lead between one line of type

00:03:53  and the next.

00:03:54  And so leading is the distance between the baseline,

00:03:57  the line upon which the type sits,

00:04:00  and the next baseline up.

00:04:01  So it's essentially the distance between one line of type

00:04:04  to the next line of type.

00:04:06  If I were to set it to the same value

00:04:08  as the type size,

00:04:10  we'd end up with solid leading.

00:04:12  So a type size of 14 on 14 point leading,

00:04:15  is solid leading,

00:04:17  and we can see how the tops of the ascenders,

00:04:19  or at least the top of this capital letter here,

00:04:21  is almost touching the bottom of the descender,

00:04:23  meaning the bottom of that letter Y.

00:04:27  If you want a little more space,

00:04:28  as you generally do,

00:04:29  then you can click this down pointing arrowhead,

00:04:31  and swich to Auto.

00:04:33  And Auto is going to automatically assign

00:04:36  a leading value that's 120% of the type size,

00:04:40  so notice right now it's 16.8 points.

00:04:42  If I was to click in the Size value

00:04:44  and press the Up arrow key to send it up to 15,

00:04:47  then the leading value would expand to 18 points.

00:04:51  I actually want that leading value to be exactly 17 points,

00:04:55  so I'm going to override the current value,

00:04:57  and then I'm going to take the type size value

00:04:59  back down to what it was, which is 14.

00:05:02  Alright finally, we don't want to leave

00:05:04  this kerning value set to zero.

00:05:06  That is never a good idea.

00:05:08  If you ever see that,

00:05:10  then go ahead and click this down pointing arrowhead,

00:05:12  and choose Auto.

00:05:14  Auto is going to work great for body copy,

00:05:16  and you can see it's slightly adjusting

00:05:18  the horizontal positions of all of the selected characters.

00:05:22  And for the most legible results,

00:05:24  you also want to leave the Tracking value

00:05:26  set to its default, which is zero.

00:05:28  At which point you can go ahead and press the Escape key

00:05:30  in order to hide the Character panel.

00:05:32  And then you can press the Escape key a second time

00:05:35  in order to escape the text editing mode

00:05:37  and switch back to the black arrow tool,

00:05:39  at which point I'll click off the text to deselect it.

00:05:43  And now, even if I press Ctrl 0,

00:05:45  or Cmd 0 on the Mac,

00:05:46  to fit the document on screen,

00:05:48  it remains nice and legible

00:05:50  even within the context of this video.

00:05:53  And those are a few different ways

00:05:54  to format body copy here inside Illustrator.

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