دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی

دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور



 - در این فیلم، من چند راه برای قالب بندی متون نمایش داده می شود. و با استفاده از متون نمایش داده شده، به معنای متن بزرگ، مانند عنوان، و یا یک خط از نوع، مانند این خط، که اساسا هر چیزی غیر از متن اصلی است، که به عنوان کپی بدن شناخته می شود. و من می خواهم همه چیز را با فرمت کردن اشیاء متن چندگانه در یک زمان شروع کنم. و بنابراین، با ابزار Black Arrow من مسلح شده ام، من قصد دارم به جلو بروید و این دو خط اول متن نقطه را بگذارید. و به این ترتیب، می توانم آنها را با هم فرمت کنم. حالا توجه کنید که خط بالایی از نوع متمرکز است، همانطور که در این نقطه در مرکز متن نشان داده شده است. در حالی که این خط دوم از نوع به سمت چپ از نقطه آن است. و ما می توانیم هماهنگی از پانل Paragraph را کنترل کنیم. و بنابراین، پاراگراف کلمه را اینجا ببینید؟ اگر بر روی آن کلیک کنید، آن را به ارمغان می آورد تعدادی از ویژگی های قالب بندی که بر تمام پاراگراف های نوع در یک زمان تاثیر می گذارد، مانند این مرد در اینجا وجود دارد. خط اول، عقب چپ و دلیل اینکه ما یک ارزش را نمی بینیم، این است که برای این دو شیء متن متفاوت است. این برای صفر صفر است و برای پایین یک چیزی غیر از صفر است. من می خواهم آنها هر دو صفر باشند، بنابراین من قصد دارم بر روی آن گزینه کلیک کرده و صفر را وارد کنید. و آن بیمار از خط اولی که در انتهای خط خطی قرار دارد خلاص می شود. حالا من هم می خواهم این بچه ها را پاک کنم.


00:01:18  Notice, they control the space before a paragraph,

00:01:20  and the space after a paragraph.

00:01:23  We just don't need them.

00:01:24  So I'm going to change both values to zero, like so.

00:01:27  But don't worry, we'll see uses

00:01:28  for these options in a future movie.

00:01:30  Now notice that there are alignment options

00:01:32  at the top of the panel.

00:01:33  They are also repeated to the right of the of the

00:01:36  word paragraph, up here in the control panel.

00:01:38  And so I can either Align Left, in order to align

00:01:42  both the text objects to the left of their point.

00:01:45  Or I can click Align Right, to shift

00:01:48  both lines of text to the right of their points.

00:01:50  But what I want is Align Center.

00:01:53  So I'll go ahead and click on that option.

00:01:54  And now I have two lines of center type.

00:01:56  In which point I'll press the escape key,

00:01:58  in order to hide that panel.

00:02:00  Now what I want to do, is align

00:02:02  this text to the center of the art board.

00:02:04  And I'll do that by clicking on the word Align.

00:02:07  I need to confirm that Align to is set to Align to Artboard,

00:02:11  which it is in my case.

00:02:12  And then I want to click on Horizontal Align Center.

00:02:16  That second icon in right there,

00:02:17  in order to center both lines of type like so.

00:02:20  Alright, the next thing I was to do,

00:02:22  is overwrite this funky type size value.

00:02:24  And so I'm going to click on this

00:02:26  down pointing arrow head, and choose 14 to start with.

00:02:30  So you can choose a preset if you like.

00:02:32  Or you can enter your own custom value.

00:02:34  Or in my case, I'm going to click on that value

00:02:36  and press the up arrow key a couple of times,

00:02:38  in order to increase that type size to 16 pt.

00:02:42  Alright, now I'm going to click off

00:02:44  the text objects to deselect them.

00:02:46  And I'll go ahead and drag this guy down to the guideline,

00:02:48  while pressing the Shift key, so I don't mess up

00:02:51  the way the text is centered in the artboard.

00:02:54  Alright, now lets take a look at font.

00:02:55  I'll go ahead and click on this top bit of point text.

00:02:58  And notice up here, we've got the Character panel.

00:03:01  And the Character panel offers formatting attributes that

00:03:04  affect just those selected characters of type.

00:03:08  But in my case, I have an entire text object selected.

00:03:11  So I'm going to change the formatting

00:03:12  of all of that selected text.

00:03:15  Right next door to the word Character, is my font option.

00:03:18  And I can use it in a few different ways.

00:03:20  I can click the down pointed arrowhead,

00:03:22  in order to see a list of all the fonts

00:03:24  that are installed in the system,

00:03:26  and you're fonts by the way, are going to be different,

00:03:29  because you're going to see

00:03:30  the fonts installed on your system instead.

00:03:32  And then once I come across something that looks good,

00:03:35  notice that we have these samples of each font.

00:03:38  I'll go ahead and click on that font to select it.

00:03:41  Another way to work is to click inside the font,

00:03:44  and then press the down arrow key in order

00:03:46  to advance to the next font in alphabetical order.

00:03:50  Or you can press the up arrow key,

00:03:52  in order to move backward through your fonts.

00:03:54  But lets say you know the name of

00:03:56  the font you want to work with.

00:03:57  Then just enter the first few characters of that font name.

00:04:00  For example, I entered T-R-A-J for the font Trajon.

00:04:05  It which point I'll see,

00:04:06  all the styles associated with that font.

00:04:09  And for my part, I'm going to choose Trajon Pro Bold.

00:04:12  If you can't find that font installed on your system,

00:04:14  then you can try out a different font.

00:04:16  Now notice this style option that's right next door.

00:04:19  Now instead of seeing an italic button,

00:04:22  and a bold button, the way you do in some programs,

00:04:25  Illustrator is smarter about things,

00:04:27  and it just shows you the actual designer styles

00:04:30  that are associated with the given font.

00:04:32  So in this case, in the case of Trajon,

00:04:34  I'm seeing Regular and Bold.

00:04:36  There is no Italic.

00:04:38  Compare that to a font that has way more going on.

00:04:41  I'll go ahead and click this second line of type right here,

00:04:44  in order to select it.

00:04:46  And then, instead of entering the font name,

00:04:48  this time I'm just going to enter

00:04:49  a style name into the font area.

00:04:52  And the specific style is italic.

00:04:54  And I can now see all of the fonts that have italic styles,

00:04:58  which of course, is a very long list indeed.

00:05:00  And I'm going to scroll down

00:05:01  until I find this one right here.

00:05:03  Minion Pro Italic.

00:05:05  And then I'll go ahead and click on it to select it.

00:05:08  But now notice, that if I were to click on a style option,

00:05:11  I am seeing a ton of style names.

00:05:15  Now even if you have Minion Pro installed on your system,

00:05:17  you probably don't have this many styles.

00:05:20  It's just that I've gone ahead and installed every single

00:05:23  style of Minion there is.

00:05:25  Which is a very long list indeed.

00:05:27  So again, we have more than bold and italic to choose from.

00:05:31  At which point, I'll go ahead and press the Enter key,

00:05:33  in order to dismiss that menu.

00:05:35  And those are a few basic ways to format display types,

00:05:39  including font, style, type size, and alignment,

00:05:44  here inside Illustrator.

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