to switch back to my Black Arrow tool.
00:01:00 And I'm going to move this shape to right about there
00:01:04 while I press the alt key or the option key on the Mac
00:01:07 to create a duplicate of it.
00:01:08 And then I'll press ctrl + C, ctrl + F,
00:01:11 or cmd + C, cmd + F, to make a copy of this shape,
00:01:14 and I'll click on the word Transform
00:01:16 to bring up the transform panel,
00:01:18 make sure that the right point in the reference point matrix
00:01:21 is selected, then go to the fly out menu
00:01:23 and choose Flip Horizontal
00:01:25 in order to flip that shape like so.
00:01:27 And now I'm just going to marquee both these shapes
00:01:29 and drag them down.
00:01:30 And what I want to do is create a slight gap
00:01:32 between these three shapes like so.
00:01:36 All right, so now let's say I go ahead and marquee
00:01:38 all three shapes to select them,
00:01:40 and I grab my Shape Builder tool and I press the shift key
00:01:43 so that I can marquee all three shapes,
00:01:45 and that basically doesn't do anything.
00:01:48 They're still independent shapes as we can see
00:01:51 by pressing the V key to switch back
00:01:52 to the Black Arrow tool.
00:01:54 And as you can see, I can drag them around
00:01:56 just as much as I ever could.
00:01:57 All right, so I'll press ctrl + Z,
00:01:59 or cmd + Z on the Mac to undo that change,
00:02:01 and then I'll just go ahead and marquee though shapes again,
00:02:03 click on the Shape Builder tool
00:02:05 and this time I'll press the enter key
00:02:07 or the return key on the Mac to bring up
00:02:09 the Shape Builder Tool Options dialog box,
00:02:11 and I'll turn on Gap Detection.
00:02:13 And now you have the option of setting how big the gap is.
00:02:17 And you can just fool around with that to see what works,
00:02:20 but I'm going to set it to medium,
00:02:22 or you can dial in your own custom value if you like.
00:02:25 And then I'll go ahead and click OK,
00:02:27 and now if I once again shift marquee those shapes,
00:02:31 I join them altogether because Illustrator
00:02:34 is filling in the gap.
00:02:35 Now it's not necessarily the most beautiful effect,
00:02:38 as you can see right here,
00:02:39 but it is possible and it may be the kind of thing
00:02:41 that you'll find useful at some point in time.
00:02:44 All right, I'm going to zoom back out
00:02:46 and press the backspace key to get rid of that thing.
00:02:48 Now let's check out what happens when you work with
00:02:50 absolutely open unfilled paths.
00:02:53 So I'm going to go ahead and select, let's say,
00:02:57 the Arc tool right here,
00:02:58 and then I'll draw a big arc like so
00:03:00 while pressing the shift key to constrain it
00:03:02 to exactly a quarter circle like so.
00:03:05 And it happens to have a width and a height of 400 pts,
00:03:09 not really all that important but there it is.
00:03:11 All right, now I'm going to go ahead and cross this arc
00:03:14 with a straight line that I'll draw
00:03:16 with the Line Segment tool.
00:03:17 So I want to get my cursor into the right position here,
00:03:20 and thanks to the fact I have smart guides on,
00:03:22 I can see those intersect lines.
00:03:24 And now I'll drag up into the right
00:03:26 while pressing the shift key like so.
00:03:29 And that'll give me a perfectly diagonal line.
00:03:31 All right, now I'm going to press the V key
00:03:33 to switch back to the Black Arrow tool.
00:03:34 I'll marquee both of these paths
00:03:36 and let's set the line weight to something like 10 pts
00:03:39 so we can see what we're doing.
00:03:40 Now if you go over here to the Shape Builder tool
00:03:43 and you try to do something to these lines
00:03:45 like shift marquee them, nothing really happens
00:03:49 as you can see.
00:03:50 And that's because once again, they are open
00:03:52 and they are unfilled.
00:03:54 If you would like something to happen,
00:03:55 if you would like to split the arc at that straight line,
00:03:57 for example, then go ahead and press the enter key
00:04:00 or the return key on the Mac,
00:04:02 to bring up the Shape Builder Options dialog box.
00:04:04 And you might as well turn off Gap Detection
00:04:06 while we're here, and then turn on this checkbox,
00:04:09 In Merge Mode, Clicking Stroke Splits the Path,
00:04:12 and click OK in order to dismiss the dialog box.
00:04:15 And now notice, if you hover over that stroke,
00:04:18 it turns red, at which point you can click on it.
00:04:21 And with any luck, that'll work.
00:04:23 It doesn't always work but in my case it did,
00:04:25 because I can see a little anchor point at this location,
00:04:28 and now I'm going to click on a straight line as well
00:04:30 to break it hopefully.
00:04:32 And now I'll press the V key to switch back
00:04:34 to the Black Arrow tool.
00:04:35 I'll click off the paths to deselect them.
00:04:37 This guy is now split like so,
00:04:39 and this guy did not get split.
00:04:41 Notice that?
00:04:42 So it doesn't always work the way it's supposed to,
00:04:45 but I'm going to go ahead and press the A key
00:04:48 to switch to my White Arrow tool,
00:04:50 and I'll click on this end point right there
00:04:52 to select it and I'll drag it until it snaps into alignment
00:04:55 with the end of the arc.
00:04:56 And then I'll drag it again to the other end of the arc
00:04:59 and press the alt key or the option key on the Mac,
00:05:02 to create a copy of that line.
00:05:04 I'll press the V key to switch back to my Black Arrow tool.
00:05:07 I'll click on this arc to select it
00:05:09 and then I'll press the backspace key to get rid of it,
00:05:11 and now I'm going to marquee all three of these lines
00:05:14 like so, and I'll go up to the Object menu,
00:05:16 choose Path and then choose Join,
00:05:19 or you can just press ctrl + J or cmd + J on the Mac
00:05:22 in order to join those open paths into a single closed one.
00:05:26 All right, now I'm going to click on the word Transform
00:05:28 up here in the control panel,
00:05:30 and I'm going to change my rotate value right there,
00:05:32 but first I'm going to rotate around the center.
00:05:35 And now I'll dial in a rotate value
00:05:38 of -90-22.5.
00:05:42 And the reason -22.5 is because that's half
00:05:44 of the 45 degrees that are left to this arc.
00:05:47 And now I'll press the enter key,
00:05:49 or the return key on the Mac, and that's going to rotate
00:05:51 my shape upward like so.
00:05:52 And now if I grab my Ellipse tool and I draw a little circle
00:05:56 in there and I go up to the control panel
00:05:59 and click on the first swatch,
00:06:01 change it to this dark shade of red
00:06:03 and then click on the second swatch for the stroke
00:06:05 and change it to none, and then press the V key
00:06:08 to switch back to my Black Arrow tool
00:06:10 and drag this guy down just a little bit
00:06:13 and click off of it, I end up with a pepperoni pizza!
00:06:16 And so that's how you work with those two
00:06:18 Shape Builder Tool Options, which are Gap Detection
00:06:21 and In Merge Mode, Clicking Stroke Splits the Path.