در این فیلم ما بحث خواهیم کرد که چگونه خطوط مسیر را به خطوط مسیرشان برسانند. در ابتدا به نظر می رسد که کمی، اما مبهم است، اما به قلب چگونه سکته مغزی در داخل Illustrator کار می کند. عنوان این سند را "راهنمای 220 x 420" ذکر کنید. آنچه در اینجا داریم، سه راهنمایی مستطیلی است که هر یک از آنها 220 نقطه و 420 نقطه بلند را اندازه گیری می کند. اکنون که میخواهم انجام دهم، یک ابزار مستطیل را کلیک کنید و آن را نگه دارید تا منوی ابزار «شکل» را بیرون بیاورم و ابزار بیضی را انتخاب میکنم و سپس مکان من را در اینجا قرار میدهم مرکز این مستطیل و من قصد دارم کلید Alt یا کلید Option را بر روی Mac و کلیک کنید. سپس در داخل جعبه محاوره بیضی من قصد دارم مقدار عرض را تعیین کنم نه به 220، بلکه به 200 امتیاز و من قصد دارم مقدار ارتفاع را به 220 و نه به 400 امتیاز بگذارم. به عبارت دیگر، هر دو مقدار عرض و ارتفاع 20 کمتر از عرض و ارتفاع مستطیل است. من روی «OK» کلیک میکنم تا این بیضی را از مرکز بیرون بیاورم.
00:01:05 I'm going to go up to the line weight value,
00:01:07 click the down pointing arrowhead and change the line weight
00:01:10 to 20 points, just as we saw in the previous movie.
00:01:13 I'm also going to change the color of that stroke to that
00:01:16 same shade of purple, just for the sake of demonstration,
00:01:19 R 102, G 45, B 145.
00:01:23 I'm going to get rid of the fill, just so it doesn't
00:01:25 get in our way, by clicking on the first swatch
00:01:28 and selecting none.
00:01:30 Now let's duplicate the shape a couple of times
00:01:33 by first switching to the black arrow tool,
00:01:35 which of course you can get by pressing the V key
00:01:38 and then I'm going to drag the center of this ellipse
00:01:40 over to the right until it snaps into alignment with the
00:01:44 rectangular guide line.
00:01:45 Now I'll press the 'Alt' key or the 'Option' key on a Mac
00:01:48 and if you're doing things right you should see a
00:01:51 double white arrow head, which tells you that you're
00:01:53 snapping and that you're going to create a duplicate
00:01:56 of this ellipse.
00:01:57 Then go ahead and press Ctrl+D or Command+D on a Mac
00:02:01 in order to create another duplicate of that shape.
00:02:05 Now I'll go up to the 'Select' menu and choose the 'All'
00:02:08 command, or press Ctrl+A or Command+A on a Mac
00:02:11 to select all three of these shapes.
00:02:13 I'm going to zoom in as well and I want you to see
00:02:17 that they exactly fill their rectangles.
00:02:21 You might think, 'Well, gosh Deke, that's really
00:02:23 entertaining, but why is this important?'
00:02:26 What's happening here is that the stroke is exactly
00:02:29 centered on the path outline and so,
00:02:31 because it measures 20 points thick,
00:02:34 it extends 10 points (that's half of 20 points)
00:02:36 outside the ellipse, and the other 10 points
00:02:39 into the ellipse.
00:02:41 As a result we're filling that 20 point gap between
00:02:44 each one of these shapes and we're doing so exactly.
00:02:48 If I were to turn off the guides layer for a moment
00:02:51 and then I was to zoom in on the inner section
00:02:54 of these two ellipses you can see that they
00:02:57 exactly touch each other.
00:02:59 That's because there's a 20 point gap between
00:03:01 the two ellipses and in both cases we have 20 point strokes
00:03:05 which extend 10 points to the left from the right shape
00:03:09 and 10 points to the right from the left shape.
00:03:12 You can modify that if you like.
00:03:15 I'll go ahead and zoom out just a little bit by pressing
00:03:17 Ctrl + - a few times.
00:03:19 To modify the alignment you click on the word 'Stroke'
00:03:22 up here in the control panel to bring up the stroke panel
00:03:25 and you drop down to this 'Align Stroke' option.
00:03:28 Notice that by default it's set to 'Align Stroke to Center'.
00:03:31 You can, if you like, set it to 'Align Stroke to Inside',
00:03:34 in which case all 20 points of the strike is going to move
00:03:37 to the inside of that path outline and none of the shapes
00:03:41 will touch each other as we're seeing right here.
00:03:43 Or, you can set it to 'Align Stroke to Outside'
00:03:47 in which case the entire 20 points of that stroke is
00:03:50 going to go outside the path outline and in our case
00:03:53 because each one of the ellipses is 20 points away from
00:03:56 it's neighbor, the strokes are going to entirely overlap
00:04:00 at this location.
00:04:02 We'll end up, if I press the 'Escape' key and then press
00:04:05 Ctrl+0, Command+0 on a Mac, to zoom out,
00:04:08 we'll end up with this perfect overlapping effect
00:04:11 right here.
00:04:11 Notice, the reason I say it's so perfect, is because
00:04:15 the stroke that's associated with this path outline,
00:04:17 for example the center one, is not extending at all,
00:04:20 it's just touching the inside edge of both of it's neighbors
00:04:24 but it's not overlapping into the neighbors one whit.
00:04:28 One of the things you should know about aligning strokes
00:04:31 is that it only works with closed path outlines.
00:04:35 In other words, if I were to switch to the
00:04:37 white arrow tool here, which I can get by pressing the A key
00:04:40 and then I click on, let's say, this segment right here,
00:04:44 and were to select it independently of the others
00:04:46 and then I press the 'Backspace' key,
00:04:48 or the 'Delete' key on a Mac, that goes ahead and
00:04:51 opens up that path outline so that it begins at one point
00:04:55 and ends at another, at which point I lose that alignment.
00:05:00 Notice now that the stroke is once again centered
00:05:02 on the path outline?
00:05:04 That's just the way it is.
00:05:06 For example, if I were to switch back to my letters
00:05:09 right here, you can see that they're either
00:05:11 open path outlines, in the case of the C for example,
00:05:15 or they're compound paths.
00:05:18 Whenever you're working with open paths or compound paths
00:05:21 when you click on 'Stroke' you'll see that your
00:05:24 'Align Stroke' options are dimmed.
00:05:27 Whereas if I was to switch to the infinity symbol,
00:05:30 which is a closed path outline, notice that it has
00:05:34 complete and total continuity, there are no end points,
00:05:37 I'll go ahead and press the V key to switch to the
00:05:39 black arrow tool, I'll click on that path to select it
00:05:43 and then I'll grab my eye dropper near the bottom
00:05:45 of the tool box, which has a keyboard shortcut of I.
00:05:48 I'll go ahead and click on any one of these paths,
00:05:51 whether it's an open path or a compound path,
00:05:54 that'll go ahead and lift that purple 20 point stroke
00:05:57 at which point I'll go ahead and zoom in by
00:05:59 Ctrl+Spacebar clicking or Command+Spacebar clicking on a Mac
00:06:02 now if I click on the word 'Stroke' the 'Align Stroke'
00:06:05 option is once again active so that I can switch the stroke
00:06:09 to the inside or to the outside, like so,
00:06:12 or I can move it back so that it's centered
00:06:15 on the path outline.
00:06:17 This is going to be integral because most strokes
00:06:20 are centered on their path outline.
00:06:22 That''s because we have a lot of different kinds of
00:06:24 path outlines that are available to us in Illustrator.
00:06:28 You want to think in terms of half of that line weight.
00:06:32 It's not so much that we have a 20 point line weight
00:06:35 as we have a 10 point weight on the outside
00:06:38 and a 10 point weight on the inside.
00:06:41 I'll show you exactly why that matters
00:06:43 in the very next movie.