اگر میخواهید اندازه آن را سریعتر ببرید، فقط کلید را فشار دهید و نگه دارید. اگر می خواهید اندازه قلم مو خود را کاهش دهید،شما می توانید کلید را فشار دهید، یا برای حرکت به سرعت، مطبوعات و نگه داشتن کلید زمانی که شما می بینید که من انجام اینجا. درست است، حالا من فقط می روم به جلو برویم و تقریبا روی این صورت مرد، و من واقعا می خواهم همه چیز را پوشش می دهم، اما پلک ها با رنگ و همانطور که می بینید، من یک کار بسیار فاسد انجام می دهم، اما کار درستی انجام می شود. و بنابراین من فقط نوع اسکراب را به عقب و جلو در اینجا کمی، اسکراب در اطراف چشم نیز هست. 00:01:30 من می خواهم شما را متوجه شوید که تا کنون، این یک طرح عمومی مسیر است، 00:01:35 و باید یک مسیر استاندارد 00:01:37 در سراسر تجربه نقاشی خود را اینجا بمانید. 00:01:39 اما اگر من می رفتم و دوباره به عقب وصل می کردم 00:01:42 با شروع ضربه قلم من، 00:01:44 من می خواهم کلمات را ببینم مسیر کامپایل شده 00:01:46 در اینجا در اینجا از طرف چپ کنترل پنل، 00:01:49 و این به این دلیل است که من این شکل داخلی را دارم 00:01:51 که یک سوراخ و یک خارج از آن را برش می دهد. 00:01:54 و به همین ترتیب به یک طرح عمومی مسیر بازگشت، 00:01:56 من فقط می خواهم حجم قلموی من را مانند دیوانه افزایش دهم 00:01:59 و من قصد دارم در اطراف این منطقه نقاشی کنم. 00:02:01 من هنوز یک سوراخ دارم، بنابراین من هنوز هم می بینم که کلمات: 00:02:04 مسیر ترکیب در سمت چپ سمت کنترل پنل. 00:02:07 بنابراین حالا من فشار داده و نگه می دارم [کلید 00:02:09 برای کاهش اندازه برس من و من در اینجا نقاشی می کنم. 00:02:12 و به محض اینکه من از سوراخ خلاص میشوم، 00:02:13 باید Illustrator را به کلمه Path بازگردانم، 00:02:16 به من بگو که من هیچ سوراخ دیگری ندارم 00:02: 19 در طرح مسیر من 00:02:20 درست است، حالا من قصد دارم به اندازه اندازه مکان خودم را کاهش دهم 00:02:23 و رنگ در این زمینه، و من هم می خواهم نقاشی کنم 00:02:26 داخل گردن.
00:02:29 So I'll just go ahead and whip that stuff in there like so,
00:02:32 and then paint back and forth to make sure
00:02:34 that I don't have any holes.
00:02:36 Oh, and I missed the ear, so I'll just go ahead
00:02:38 and paint inside of the ear as well.
00:02:40 So we want everything about the face,
00:02:42 except for the eyelids, to be painted orange.
00:02:45 Now notice, your results are going to vary,
00:02:47 but I'm now seeing the word Group
00:02:49 on the far left side of the control panel.
00:02:51 We don't really want that, so to get rid of it,
00:02:54 go to the Object menu and choose Ungroup,
00:02:56 or you've got that keyboard shortcut of ctrl + shift + g,
00:02:59 or cmd + shift + g on the Mac,
00:03:01 and then switch to the Black Arrow Tool
00:03:03 by pressing the V key and go ahead and shift click
00:03:05 on this big path outline to deselect it,
00:03:07 and you'll see the culprit, this little guy here
00:03:10 somehow got disassociated with the other path,
00:03:12 and so just press the backspace key,
00:03:14 or the delete key on the Mac, to get rid of it.
00:03:16 All right, now I'll go ahead and click on the path outline
00:03:19 to select it.
00:03:19 And notice now, it reads Compound Path,
00:03:22 which means there's some kind of tiny little hole
00:03:24 inside of it.
00:03:25 And so to get rid of it, right-click on the path
00:03:27 and choose Release Compound Path.
00:03:30 That's the easiest way to work.
00:03:31 And then I'll go ahead and shift click on a big orange path
00:03:34 to deselect it.
00:03:35 And now, I'm down to no selection.
00:03:37 We can see the words No Selection
00:03:38 up here in the control panel,
00:03:39 which means we now have a standard path outline.
00:03:41 All right, so I'll go ahead and click on it
00:03:43 to select it again.
00:03:44 And then I'll right-click and choose Arrange
00:03:47 and then choose Send to Back
00:03:48 in order to send that shape in back of the black outlines.
00:03:52 All right, now you can see that I've gone outside the lines
00:03:55 quite a few times,
00:03:57 especially up here in the eyes.
00:03:59 So I'm going to ahead and zoom in
00:04:00 by ctrl + space bar, or cmd + space bar + clicking
00:04:02 on the Mac.
00:04:03 And now, I'll select the Eraser Tool,
00:04:06 which is located two tools down from the Blob Brush
00:04:08 in the single column toolbox.
00:04:10 And now notice, if I start painting,
00:04:13 I'm seeing myself paint through both the orange shape,
00:04:17 as well as the black outlines.
00:04:19 But as soon as you release,
00:04:21 you'll see that the black outlines are fine
00:04:23 and all you've done is erase the orange.
00:04:26 And the reason for that is that the Eraser Tool
00:04:28 requires a path outline to be selected
00:04:31 in order for it to do anything.
00:04:34 So if I were to paint up here back and forth,
00:04:36 it looks like I'm painting away those black outlines.
00:04:38 But as soon as I release, you can see they're just fine.
00:04:41 So again, you can only erase selected things
00:04:45 with the Eraser Tool.
00:04:47 All right, I'm going to paint over this another time there
00:04:49 in order to do a little better job.
00:04:51 And I'm going to paint down in this region as well,
00:04:55 in order to erase that stuff away.
00:04:57 Now I'll just paint down the outside of this guy's neck,
00:05:00 then I'll paint over here just to be safe.
00:05:03 Now notice in this case,
00:05:04 we've got a little bit of an edge here
00:05:06 that didn't get painted in.
00:05:08 And so I'll go ahead and switch back to my Blob Brush Tool.
00:05:11 You can see that the fill color is orange, no stroke.
00:05:15 That's going to work out just fine.
00:05:16 At which point, I'll go ahead and paint that region in,
00:05:19 but the problem is, it didn't join,
00:05:21 and that's because the shape is in the background.
00:05:24 And so Illustrator cannot paint to a background shape
00:05:27 by default.
00:05:28 And so what you have to do is press the V key
00:05:30 to switch back to the Black Arrow tool,
00:05:32 go ahead and shift click on the big shape to select it,
00:05:35 and then switch once again to the Shape Builder Tool
00:05:38 and go ahead and drag over these three regions like so
00:05:42 in order to merge them altogether.
00:05:44 That also brings them to the front,
00:05:46 so you got to press the V key to switch back
00:05:48 to the Black Arrow, right-click, choose Arrange,
00:05:51 and then choose to Send to Back
00:05:53 to once again move that shape to the back of the stack.
00:05:56 All right, now I'm going to switch back to my Eraser Tool
00:05:58 and I'm going to go ahead and paint down like so.
00:06:01 Of course, you're going to find different errors
00:06:03 in your artwork than I'm finding in mine,
00:06:06 or you may not find that many errors
00:06:08 because you may have been a lot more careful than I was.
00:06:10 All right, but throughout, you want to make sure
00:06:12 that you're not seeing anything but the word Path
00:06:15 up here in the control panel.
00:06:16 For example, if I were to paint like that,
00:06:18 I painted a hole into my path outline,
00:06:20 and as a result I would see the words Compound Path,
00:06:24 which I don't want so I'll just go ahead and press
00:06:25 ctrl + z or cmd + z on the Mac to undo that change,
00:06:28 and now I'll just paint away these final mistakes up here
00:06:32 toward the top of the head,
00:06:33 and we end up with a nice orange fill
00:06:36 that never exceeds the outlines,
00:06:38 after which point, I'll just go ahead and press the V key
00:06:40 to switch back to the Black Arrow Tool,
00:06:42 and a click off my artwork to deselect it.
00:06:45 And that's how you paint in a colorful fill,
00:06:47 as well as erase away any mistakes
00:06:49 using the combined abilities of the Blob Brush
00:06:52 and the Eraser Tool here inside illustrator.