دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی

صفر تا صد آموزش ایلوستریتور illustrator cc








در این فیلم، به شما نشان خواهم داد که چگونه متن خود را که قبلا در یک پردازشگر کلمه وارد کرده اید وارد کنید. حالا این کاملا ضروری نیست که شما این کار را انجام دهید. شما می توانید مستقیما در Illustrator نوع را به آسانی به عنوان انتخاب Type Tool ایجاد کنید که با فشار دادن کلید T می توانید آن را دریافت کنید. و سپس من می توانم پیش برویم و در داخل سند من کلیک کنم تا نشانگر مورب چشمک زدن را درست در آنجا قرار دهم. و من قصد دارم به جلو برویم و اندازه نوع را در اینجا در کنترل پنل افزایش دهیم تا بگوئیم 24 پوند و سپس من می توانم از هر صفحه ای که متن را دوست دارم وارد کنم. و هنگامی که یک خط از نوع را اینجا یا آنجا ایجاد می کنید، همانطور که در فیلم های آینده مشاهده می کنیم، کار خوبی می کند. اما در مورد ما، ما این سند سه صفحه ای را داریم و بنابراین بهتر است این سند را در پیش نویس مایکروسافت در مایکروسافت یا آنچه شما دارید آماده کنید، زیرا پس از آن میتوانید حداقل سند را امتحان کنید. از آنجا که بین شما و من، املا بودن یکی از نقاط قوت Illustrator نیست. بنابراین من قصد دارم به جلو بروید و کلید فرار را برای خروج از حالت ورود متن فشار دهید و سپس کلید برگشتن و یا حذف کلید Mac را فشار دهید تا از این متن خلاص شود. برای قرار دادن متن ایجاد شده در برنامه دیگری، به منوی File بروید و فرمان Place را انتخاب کنید. در حال حاضر اگر با من کار میکنید، پیش بروید و مسیر زیر را به زیر پوشه 08_text اضافه کنید که در آن، این فایل RTF را در اینجا خواهید یافت.


00:01:18  RTF stands for Rich Text Format,

00:01:20  which allows you to save formatting along with your text,

00:01:23  but it could just as easily be a .doc file,

00:01:26  which is Word's native format,

00:01:28  or it could be a text-only document.

00:01:30  In a case, once you've selected a wordprocessing document,

00:01:33  go ahead and click on the Place button.

00:01:35  In which case you may then see this Microsoft Word Options

00:01:38  dialog box.

00:01:39  It doesn't really apply to my text, however.

00:01:42  Notice that we can choose whether or not to include

00:01:44  table of contents, footnotes and index text.

00:01:48  So if your document contain such things, then great.

00:01:50  You also have the option of just getting rid

00:01:53  of any and all text formatting.

00:01:55  In my case, I'm not going to change any of these settings,

00:01:57  I'm just going to click OK.

00:01:59  At which point, I will load my cursor with the text.

00:02:02  And now I can do one of two things.

00:02:04  I can just click inside the document

00:02:06  in order to create a new text object,

00:02:08  or if I want to define the size of that text object,

00:02:11  I can drag with my cursor like so.

00:02:14  And notice as I'm dragging, I'm getting a constraint here

00:02:17  which is going to prevent me from exactly

00:02:19  filling up the space.

00:02:21  But that's okay, given that I can resize this text frame

00:02:24  anytime I like.

00:02:25  And you do that by going to the View menu

00:02:27  and choosing Show Bounding Box

00:02:30  in order to turn the bounding box on.

00:02:32  You also have this keyboard shortcut of ctrl + shift + b,

00:02:35  for box, that's cmd + shift + b on the Mac.

00:02:38  At which point, you will now see these handles

00:02:41  surrounding this text frame,

00:02:43  which means we can now go ahead and resize this text frame

00:02:47  so it fits inside of this area right here.

00:02:50  And notice that I'm filling the margins

00:02:52  all the way up to the second horizontal guide.

00:02:55  All right, now notice if you will

00:02:57  this red thing down here in the lower right corner

00:03:00  of the text frame.

00:03:01  That is supposed to be a little red square

00:03:04  with the plus sign inside of it,

00:03:06  which indicates that we have what's known as overflow text.

00:03:09  In other words, there's more text than we're seeing

00:03:11  inside this first frame.

00:03:13  To flow that text onto the next artboard,

00:03:16  go ahead and click on that little plus sign right there

00:03:19  and that will load your cursor once again

00:03:22  at which point, you want to press shift + pgDn

00:03:25  in order to advance to the next artboard.

00:03:27  And now you can just go ahead and click

00:03:30  with his cursor in order to create a new text frame,

00:03:33  or you can drag with it, if you prefer,

00:03:36  if you want to go ahead and fill up that entire space.

00:03:39  After which point, you would see that you still have

00:03:41  more overflow text as witnessed by the appearance

00:03:45  of this plus sign inside the red box.

00:03:48  But here's another way to work.

00:03:50  I'm going to ctrl + z or cmd + z on the Mac

00:03:52  to undo the placement of that text

00:03:54  and reload my cursor as you're seeing here.

00:03:57  Another option is to press the alt key,

00:04:00  or the opt key on the Mac, in which case you'll see

00:04:03  a little loopy arrow next to your cursor.

00:04:05  Don't drag with this cursor.

00:04:07  Just go ahead and click with it

00:04:09  in order not only to place some additional overflow text

00:04:12  but you automatically reload your cursor

00:04:15  with still more overflow text.

00:04:18  At which point, you want to press shift + pgDn

00:04:21  in order to advance to the third artboard,

00:04:23  and this time I'm going to drag across the entire

00:04:26  margin guide in order to fill the page like so.

00:04:29  All right, but that leaves a sloppy second artboard frame,

00:04:33  so I'll press shift + pgUp to go back to the second artboard

00:04:36  and I'll click on this text frame like so,

00:04:39  and I'll go ahead and drag it

00:04:40  so it snaps into alignment with the top left corner

00:04:43  of that margin guide.

00:04:44  And now I'll go ahead and drag this bottom corner down

00:04:48  until it snaps in alignment with the bottom right corner.

00:04:51  All right, now I'm going to zoom out to take in

00:04:53  all the artboards by going up to the View menu

00:04:56  and choosing Fit All and Window,

00:04:58  or you can press that keyboard shortcut,

00:05:00  ctrl + alt + 0, or cmd + opt + 0 on the Mac.

00:05:04  And you can see in this bottom frame down here

00:05:06  that we no longer have any overflow text,

00:05:08  so that's a good thing.

00:05:10  And we're also seeing how the frames are threaded.

00:05:12  That's what's meant by these big, thick, purple lines here.

00:05:15  So in other words, the textblock on the first artboard

00:05:18  is threaded to the textblock in the second artboard,

00:05:20  which is then threaded to this final textblock.

00:05:24  And that's how you place text that you prepare in advance

00:05:27  in a word processor and then flow it onto multiple artboards

00:05:30  here inside Illustrator.

  • ۹۶/۰۷/۲۳

