00:00:54 upward to the top of the shape, and you can do that by
00:00:57 clicking on the word Transform,
00:00:59 up here in the Control Panel,
00:01:00 and then, make sure the center point is selected,
00:01:03 in a Reference Point Matrix,
00:01:04 and change this Rotate Value to 90 degrees,
00:01:08 and press the Enter key or the Return key on the Mac.
00:01:10 It will not look any different,
00:01:12 but it will behave differently.
00:01:13 Now, go up to the first color swatch,
00:01:16 up here in the Control Panel,
00:01:18 and change the fill color to the darkest brass
00:01:20 which is e21m49y100k7 and then let's go ahead
00:01:26 and change the stroke color to this last guy,
00:01:29 c1m8y32k5, and now what I want you to do,
00:01:34 is increase the Line Weight Value to 15, like so.
00:01:37 Now, go ahead and get the Width tool,
00:01:40 which, as you may recall, has a keyboard shortcut
00:01:41 of Shift + W, and go ahead and double-click
00:01:45 on this top Anchor point, there,
00:01:47 to bring up the Width Point Edit dialogue box,
00:01:49 Change the first Size value to 0,
00:01:51 and change the second Size value to 15, and then click OK.
00:01:56 You notice, we cannot delete this point,
00:01:58 because this is the point at which the shape starts.
00:02:00 Now, just go ahead and click OK.
00:02:02 The reason we're not seeing anything,
00:02:03 is because the fill's in front of the stroke,
00:02:05 so, go to the Appearance panel,
00:02:07 and just drag the stroke up to in front of the fill like so.
00:02:12 Now what you want to do is,
00:02:14 double-click on this bottom point,
00:02:15 and go ahead and change the Size 1 value to 0,
00:02:18 and change the Size 2 value to 1,
00:02:21 and then click OK in order to accept that change.
00:02:24 Now, we want to reduce the Opacity of this stroke,
00:02:28 so you want to click on the actual stroke itself,
00:02:30 and notice, I want you to see something.
00:02:32 When we're seeing this Asterisk after the Line Weight Value,
00:02:35 that's telling us that we have a Variable-Weight stroke.
00:02:38 I just want you to notice that.
00:02:40 I'm going to go ahead and click on that stroke,
00:02:42 twirl it open as well, by clicking on it's little triangle,
00:02:45 and then click on the word Opacity,
00:02:47 and I want you to take this Opacity value down to 25%
00:02:51 and press the Enter key or the Return key on a Mac,
00:02:54 so that we have this translucent stroke.
00:02:56 Now we're going to build it up
00:02:57 by selecting the stroke once again,
00:02:59 and then clicking on the little page icon
00:03:01 at the bottom of the panel.
00:03:02 Now, you want to reduce the Line Weight to 10;
00:03:06 you don't have to do anything
00:03:07 about the Variable Width, it's all fine.
00:03:09 Then click on the word Opacity and take it up to 50%
00:03:12 this time, and now let's make another copy
00:03:15 by clicking on the 10 point stroke,
00:03:17 clicking on the little page icon at the bottom of the panel,
00:03:19 reducing the Line Weight to 5 points,
00:03:22 and this time I'm going to click on the word
00:03:24 Opacity right there, and then click on the trash can
00:03:26 at the bottom of the Appearance Panel,
00:03:28 in order to restore an Opacity of 100%.
00:03:32 Now, I'm going to zoom out,
00:03:34 so you can take in the entire illustration,
00:03:35 and I have to once again duplicate this circle,
00:03:38 so you might have figured it would have been
00:03:41 a better idea to bring over all six circles
00:03:44 and modify them all at the same time,
00:03:45 but in my experience, it doesn't really work.
00:03:48 Things get all messed up.
00:03:49 We're just going to duplicate this guy again,
00:03:51 by pressing the V key
00:03:53 to switch back to the Black Arrow tool.
00:03:54 Go to your Layers panel and turn on the Shapes layer,
00:03:58 just so we have something to snap into alignment with.
00:04:00 Then go ahead and drag this guy by its center point,
00:04:03 until it snaps into position right there,
00:04:05 do it again over to this position,
00:04:08 and by the way, I'm pressing the Alt key,
00:04:09 or the Option key on the Mac,
00:04:11 in order to make it duplicate of these circles.
00:04:14 Shift + Click on that guy, and then drag him down
00:04:17 while pressing the Alt key, or the Option key on the Mac.
00:04:19 Then, finally, grab this top guy again,
00:04:22 and drag him down by his center point,
00:04:23 by pressing the Alt key or the Option key on the Mac,
00:04:26 in order to make that final copy.
00:04:29 Then, I'll go ahead and turn off the Shapes layer,
00:04:31 so we can take in our artwork.
00:04:33 That's how you create a kind of sculptural effect,
00:04:35 by layering multiple, Variable-width strokes,
00:04:38 here, inside Illustrator.