خوب، در اینجا پروژه سطح فصل ما است که شما کاملا از ابتدا ایجاد خواهید کرد. این یک سند سه صفحه ای است که فصل 5 را از جادوگر فوق العاده جادویی اوز، که توسط L. Frank Baum در سال 1900 نوشته شده و توسط W.W. Denslow کتاب فوق العاده فوق العاده، یکی از مورد علاقه من. اکنون وقتی می گویید که می خواهید آن را از ابتدا ایجاد کنید، منظورم تمام درمان های متن است. من پیش رفته ام و آثار هنری را از قبل آماده کرده ام، و من اینجا هستم که به شما بگویم، چند ساعت طول کشید. خیلی زیاد ادامه دارد و شما می توانید ببینید که ما چند سکته مغزی متغیر نیز داریم. درست است، در حال حاضر در این فصل، ما قصد داریم سند جدید سه صفحه ای را ایجاد کنیم و همچنین ما در حال ایجاد یک راهنمای حاشیه ای در مورد هر سه صفحه هستیم. و ما قصد داریم یک راهنمای هدایت افقی ایجاد کنیم تا عنوان را از کپی بدن جدا کنیم. بنابراین اولین کاری که می خواهید انجام دهید اینست که به منوی File بروید و فرمان جدید را انتخاب کنید یا می توانید آن کلید میانبر ctrl + n یا cmd + n را در Mac فشار دهید. شما می خواهید مشخصات را به RGB پایه تنظیم کنید، و ما به دنبال همان مقادیر عرض و ارتفاع که در فصل های قبل استفاده کردیم. بنابراین مقدار عرض 1008 فوت و ارتفاع 672 پوند. ما خونریزی نمی کنیم، زیرا ما هیچ چیز را به لبه های ماتوبونت چاپ نمی کنیم. و در نهایت، ما در مجموع سه طرح هنری را می خواهیم، فقط ساده تر برای ایجاد آنها در پیشبرد. و من قصد دارم مقدار فاصله را در اینجا به 100 تنظیم کنم، چیزی است که من دنبال آن هستم، 100 پوند. و سپس من روی این آیکون کلیک میکنم که توسط ستون مرتب شده است.
00:01:29 And that's it, now you can go ahead and click OK
00:01:32 in order to create that new document,
00:01:33 and you will see three artboards arranged
00:01:36 in a single column like so.
00:01:37 All right, now make sure the first artboard is active
00:01:39 and then press ctrl + 0 or cmd + 0 on the Mac
00:01:43 in order to fit the first artboard on screen.
00:01:45 All right, now if this were InDesign
00:01:48 or some other page layout program,
00:01:49 then you would have a command that would let you automate
00:01:51 the creation of your margin guides,
00:01:53 but this is illustrator, so there is no margin function.
00:01:57 Instead, what you have to do is draw your own margin
00:02:00 as a rectangle.
00:02:02 So go ahead and select the Rectangle Tool
00:02:04 from the shape tool fly out menu.
00:02:06 And then go to the View menu and make sure
00:02:08 that your smart guides are turned on.
00:02:10 And now you want to drag from one corner of the artboard
00:02:13 to the opposite corner like so.
00:02:16 Now we don't want this shape to have a fill,
00:02:18 so go up to the control panel, click on the first swatch
00:02:21 and change it to none like so.
00:02:24 All right, now click and word Transform
00:02:27 on the right side of the control panel
00:02:29 to bring up the transform popup panel,
00:02:31 and you should see a width of 1008 pt
00:02:34 and a height of 672 pt, which is exactly the size
00:02:37 of the artboard.
00:02:39 What I want you to do is make sure that the centerpoint
00:02:42 is selected inside the reference point matrix
00:02:44 over here on the left side of the panel,
00:02:46 then click after the width value and enter -100
00:02:50 and then press the tab key.
00:02:51 And that'll take the width value down to 908 pt,
00:02:54 and then click after the height value and enter -80
00:02:58 and press the tab key.
00:03:00 And that will take the height value down to 592 pt.
00:03:03 And I just came up with these values incidentally
00:03:05 through trial and error.
00:03:07 All right, now we need to convert the rectangle to a guide,
00:03:11 and you can do that by going to the View menu
00:03:13 or there's an easier way to work.
00:03:14 Just right click on the rectangle
00:03:16 and choose the Make Guides command,
00:03:19 and you'll create an initial margin guide.
00:03:21 All right, now let's add those horizontal guides
00:03:23 in order to set off the headline
00:03:25 by pressing ctrl + r or cmd + r in a Mac
00:03:28 to bring up the rulers.
00:03:29 And then go ahead and drag a horizontal guide down
00:03:32 from the top ruler and drop it any old place for now.
00:03:35 All right, now you can press ctrl + r,
00:03:37 or cmd + r in a Mac to hide the rulers,
00:03:39 and then go to the View menu, choose Guides
00:03:42 and choose Lock Guides in order to turn the command off.
00:03:46 So we have access to that guide that we just created.
00:03:49 Now you'll want to press the V key
00:03:50 to switch to the Black Arrow Tool
00:03:52 and go ahead and marquee that horizontal guide like so,
00:03:55 or you can click on it if you like
00:03:57 in order to select it.
00:03:58 And now click on the word Transform once again.
00:04:00 We don't care about any of these values
00:04:02 except the Y value, which is going to set
00:04:04 the vertical position of that horizontal guide.
00:04:07 And you want to change that Y value to 100
00:04:10 and then press the enter key, or the return key on the Mac.
00:04:13 Now we want to make a copy of this guide 34 pt down,
00:04:16 and another way to do that,
00:04:18 in addition to using the Move Tool,
00:04:20 is to click on the word Transform
00:04:23 and then click after that Y value, enter +34
00:04:26 and instead of pressing the enter key,
00:04:28 or the return key on a Mac, press alt + enter here on the PC
00:04:32 or opt + return on the Mac.
00:04:34 And because you have the alt or opt key down,
00:04:36 that will make a copy of that guide.
00:04:38 All right, now we need to take this margin guide
00:04:41 and duplicate it onto the other two artboards.
00:04:44 So go ahead and click on it to select it
00:04:46 and then go up to the Edit menu and choose the Copy command.
00:04:48 Or you can press ctrl + c or cmd + c on the Mac,
00:04:51 then press shift + pgDn,
00:04:53 or somehow otherwise navigate to the second artboard.
00:04:57 For example, you can select the 2 down here
00:04:59 in the lower left corner of the screen
00:05:01 and then go up to the Edit menu and choose Paste in Front,
00:05:05 or you can just press ctrl + f, or cmd + f on a Mac,
00:05:08 and now press shift + pgDn again
00:05:10 in order to advance to the third artboard
00:05:12 and press ctrl + f or cmd + f to paste the guide
00:05:16 on to this artboard.
00:05:17 And finally, what you want to do is click off the guide
00:05:20 to deselect it, and then go to the View menu,
00:05:22 choose Guides and choose Lock Guides
00:05:24 in order to protect those guides from further harm.
00:05:27 And finally, we want to do a little bit of work here
00:05:29 inside the Layers panel.
00:05:31 Go ahead and click on that fly out menu icon
00:05:33 in the upper right corner of the Layers panel
00:05:35 and choose Panel Options.
00:05:37 And then select Other and change the size value
00:05:40 to 60 pixels, and click OK.
00:05:42 And then go ahead and double-click on the name of this layer
00:05:45 and rename it guides like so.
00:05:47 And then finally, let's create a new layer for our text
00:05:50 by alt or opt clicking on the little page icon
00:05:53 at the bottom of the Layers panel.
00:05:55 I'm going to call this new layer text,
00:05:57 and I'm going to change its color to violet, let's say,
00:06:00 just so we can easily see the handles and other doodads
00:06:03 on screen.
00:06:05 And then go ahead and click OK
00:06:06 in order to accept that change.
00:06:08 And then finally, click on the little down pointing
00:06:10 arrow head next to the artboard number and choose 1
00:06:13 in order to return to the very first artboard.
00:06:15 And that's how you create a new multipage document
00:06:19 complete with custom margin guides
00:06:21 here inside Illustrator.