کتاب آموزش فارسی نرم افزار Adobe Illustrator با فرمت PDF
در این فیلم من شما را معرفی میکنم به علاوه اخیر به Illustrator CC، و این صفحه شروع است. و به طور پیش فرض، به نظر می رسد هر زمان شما هیچ سندی باز ندارید بنابراین برای مثال، همانطور که می بینید، در حال حاضر من فقط یک سند تک باز. اگر من آن را ببندم، از صفحه آغازین خوشحال خواهم شد. و اتفاقا، شما فقط این را میبینید اگر به نسخه Illustrator به روز رسانی شده اید که شروع به حمل و نقل 30 نوامبر 2015. توجه داشته باشید، در حال حاضر من آن را به آخرین، بیش از اینجا در گوشه بالا سمت چپ، که به من لیستی از فایل های اخیرا باز شده را نشان می دهد با شروع تازه ترین از همه آنها و رفتن به طور متوالی و به این ترتیب همه باید برای باز کردن یکی از این فایلها اقدام کنم با کلیک بر روی نام آن، مانند، و آن را باز می شود تا بالا. اما من می خواهم به شما بیشتر نشان دهم، پس من می خواهم برو جلو و این فایل را ببند علاوه بر دیدن این فایل ها در فرم لیست شما همچنین می توانید بر روی این آیکون راست کلیک کنید برای رفتن به نمایش تصویر بند انگشتی و اگر به هیچ وجه شما تصویر کوچک را نمی بینید، برای یکی از شما اخیرا فایلها را باز کرده اید به احتمال زیاد به این دلیل که فایل را باز نکردید در آخرین نسخه Illustrator. علاوه بر فایل های اخیر، ما همچنین دارای کتابخانه ها، که بین برنامه های مختلف به اشتراک گذاشته می شود.
And we're gonna discuss those in detail in a future course.
00:01:14 But for now, I'm just gonna skip down to Presets,
00:01:17 which lists a bunch of new file presets.
00:01:20 So for example, if you wanna create a letter-sized document,
00:01:23 all you have to do is click on Letter
00:01:25 and that's gonna open a new single artboard file,
00:01:28 without bringing up the new dialog box.
00:01:31 Alright, now I imagine some folks
00:01:33 are gonna find the start screen really useful.
00:01:35 If you don't, however, you can turn it off.
00:01:37 By going up to the Edit menu, that would be
00:01:40 the Photoshop menu on the Mac,
00:01:41 dropping all the way down to the Preferences command,
00:01:44 which isn't nearly this far down the menu on the Mac,
00:01:46 and choosing the very first command
00:01:48 in the sub-menu, which is General.
00:01:50 You also have the option of pressing
00:01:52 this keyboard shortcut of control+k,
00:01:54 or command+k, which might not make
00:01:56 a whole lot of sense, but it is
00:01:58 a consistent keyboard shortcut
00:01:59 across many of the Creative Cloud applications.
00:02:02 Anyway, once you choose the command,
00:02:04 you're gonna see this big Preferences dialog box.
00:02:06 And then notice these two check boxes right here,
00:02:09 Show "Start" Workspace When No Documents Are Open.
00:02:12 If you don't want that start workspace,
00:02:14 then just go ahead and turn that check box off.
00:02:16 And then we have this one called
00:02:18 Show "Recent" Files Workspace When Opening a File.
00:02:21 I'm gonna go ahead and turn that one on
00:02:23 so I can demonstrate that as well, and then I'll click OK.
00:02:26 And now I'll go ahead and close this document.
00:02:29 Notice this time around, we do not see the start screen.
00:02:32 But, you can actually still get to it if you like
00:02:35 by clicking on the word Essentials
00:02:37 up here in the top right corner of the interface,
00:02:39 and then choosing this guy right here, Start.
00:02:42 And that will go ahead
00:02:43 and temporarily bring up the start screen.
00:02:45 I'm gonna go ahead and switch back to Recent
00:02:48 and click on that Welcome.ai document
00:02:50 to once again bring it up.
00:02:52 And now I want you to see
00:02:53 that other feature that we just turned on.
00:02:55 If you go to the File menu and choose the Open command,
00:02:58 by default, you're still gonna see
00:02:59 the standard open dialog box.
00:03:01 But because I turned on that check box,
00:03:03 in the preferences dialog box, now I'm gonna get
00:03:06 this recent files list over here on the right hand side
00:03:10 of the screen, which, again, I can either look at
00:03:12 in list form or I can switch to a thumbnail view instead.
00:03:16 So if you end up working this way
00:03:18 and you still want access to the open dialog box,
00:03:21 afterall, that's the best way to open a document
00:03:24 that's not the list, then you just go ahead
00:03:26 and click on the Open button here
00:03:28 or press control+o, or command+o on the Mac,
00:03:31 and that will bring up the familiar dialog box.
00:03:34 Your other option, I'll go ahead and cancel out here,
00:03:36 is to just hide the recent files panel,
00:03:39 which you can do either by clicking on the word Close
00:03:41 or you can just press the escape key.
00:03:44 So just remember, if you wanna switch things around
00:03:47 to either not take advantage of the start screen
00:03:50 or to also take advantage of the recent files panel,
00:03:53 then just press control+k, that's command+k on the Mac,
00:03:56 to bring up your list of general preferences,
00:03:59 and then drop down to these two check boxes here
00:04:02 and change them as you like.
00:04:04 My case, I'm just gonna turn 'em both off
00:04:07 and then click OK.
00:04:10 And that is how you work with the new start screen
00:04:12 as well as the recent files panel
00:04:14 here inside the most recent version of Illustrator CC.