در این فیلم، من شما را به دنیای هیجان انگیز سحابی متغیر عرض در Illustrator معرفی می کنم، و همچنین به شما نشان می دهم که چگونه این سکته ها را با استفاده از ابزار عرض سفارشی کنید. بنابراین برای شروع، من قصد دارم بر روی این طرح بزرگ، ضخیم، سبز در اینجا کلیک کنید. و در اینجا کنترل پنل را مشاهده می کنید، می توانیم ببینیم وزن خط 50 پیکسل است، و در سمت راست هم کلمه Uniform را می بینیم. و این نشان می دهد که سکته مغزی به طور مداوم 50 نقطه در کل طرح مسیر است. اما این نباید اینگونه باشد. شما می توانید با کلیک کردن بر روی این arrowhead down-pointing به سمت یک سویی متغیر عرض تغییر دهید و یکی از این پروفایل های عرضی مانند پروفایل Width را انتخاب کنید. حالا می توانیم ببینیم که مسیر در اینجا در سمت چپ ضخیم تر است سمت سمت، و سپس آن را می شود نازک بالا سمت راست، و سپس آن را ضخیم تر دوباره به سمت راست.
00:00:48 Now the line weight value indicates
00:00:51 the maximum thickness of the line.
00:00:53 And so if I take that value up to 80 points, let's say,
00:00:57 then a line is allowed to get as thick as 80 points
00:01:00 but no thicker, or more reasonably, I would go ahead
00:01:04 and take that value down to, let's say, 30 points.
00:01:07 But my guess is that instead of just accepting
00:01:09 one of these default profiles,
00:01:11 you'll want to customize the thickness of your path.
00:01:14 And you can do that by selecting the Width Tool
00:01:16 midway down the Toolbox.
00:01:18 And if you don't see it, then go ahead and click and hold
00:01:21 on one of these Liquefy Tools,
00:01:23 and choose the Width Tool from the top of the flyout menu.
00:01:26 Notice also that it has a keyboard shortcut
00:01:28 of shift + w for width.
00:01:30 And now if you hover over the path outline,
00:01:32 you'll not only see the usual anchor points,
00:01:34 but you'll also see these white width points.
00:01:37 And as soon as you find one with your cursor,
00:01:40 then you'll see two handles on either side of it as well.
00:01:43 And so one way to use a width point
00:01:44 is to click on it to select it,
00:01:46 and that makes it persistent so you can keep track of it,
00:01:49 at which point, you can drag out on one of these handles
00:01:52 to make the stroke thicker,
00:01:53 or you can drag inward to make it thinner.
00:01:56 Now if you're lucky, you don't have to actually
00:01:58 click on a width point, you can just hover over it
00:02:01 to find the handles and drag the handles directly like so.
00:02:06 Now one of the more amazing things about the Width Tool
00:02:08 is that it allows you to work on deselected
00:02:11 and selected paths alike.
00:02:13 So notice this orange sunshine path right here.
00:02:17 It ends in two round arrowheads.
00:02:20 In front of those arrowheads we're seeing stars.
00:02:23 And so notice clicking on a star
00:02:25 isn't going to make any difference,
00:02:26 and that's because the star doesn't have a stroke.
00:02:29 So you need a stroke to start with.
00:02:31 But assuming that you have a stroke,
00:02:32 as we do in the case of this orange path,
00:02:35 then I can just go ahead and click and drag
00:02:37 in order to create a new width point,
00:02:40 and what I'm going to do is go ahead
00:02:41 and make the path a little thinner at this location.
00:02:44 Now notice whereas normally if I was to change
00:02:48 the line weight value, I would change the size
00:02:50 of the arrowheads as well,
00:02:51 but that doesn't happen when you're adding width points.
00:02:54 The arrowhead goes ahead and stays its original size.
00:02:57 Also notice that once you're working
00:02:58 with a variable-width stroke,
00:03:00 you will see width points at either end,
00:03:03 in which case I can go ahead and make that stroke flare
00:03:05 by dragging outward on this handle.
00:03:09 All right so now let's say I decide
00:03:10 to put another width point right there,
00:03:13 and then, of course, I decide that's not really
00:03:16 a good location for it.
00:03:17 Why, then, you can drag a width point to any location
00:03:21 you like, and it will expand and contract the stroke
00:03:24 like some sort of crazy tapeworm.
00:03:27 All right, now I'm going to go to the end point here,
00:03:29 and I'm going to make it thinner like so,
00:03:31 and I might add another width point
00:03:33 right about there and make it pretty thin as well.
00:03:37 All right now I want you to see down here at the bottom
00:03:40 of the stroke panel, that in addition to the profile
00:03:43 which represents the profile as it exists now,
00:03:47 so in other words, we're seeing our customized changes,
00:03:50 we've got this icon right here
00:03:51 that allows us to flip the direction
00:03:54 of our variable-width stroke.
00:03:55 But notice if I click on it, I flip the mountain
00:03:58 and not the orange stroke,
00:04:00 and that's because it's the mountain that's selected.
00:04:02 Even though we were working on the orange stroke,
00:04:04 it is not a selected path outline,
00:04:06 as indicated by the stroke color
00:04:09 up here in the control panel.
00:04:11 And so if you want to switch focus to that stroke,
00:04:13 you need to press and hold the control key,
00:04:15 or the command key on the Mac,
00:04:17 to temporarily gain access
00:04:18 to the last used arrow tool,
00:04:20 which in my case is the black arrow,
00:04:22 and then go ahead and click on that orange path outline,
00:04:25 and then release the control or command key
00:04:28 to return to the width tool.
00:04:30 And now notice in addition to the stroke turning orange
00:04:32 up here in the control panel,
00:04:34 we're seeing a very different profile
00:04:37 listed at the bottom of the stroke panel.
00:04:39 And so now if I click on the Flip Along icon,
00:04:41 I end up flipping the desired path outline.
00:04:44 All right, also notice next door to Flip Along
00:04:47 is Flip Across, but it's dimmed,
00:04:50 and that's because so far our variable-width strokes
00:04:52 are centered on their path outlines.
00:04:55 You can change that, however, and I'll demonstrate that
00:04:57 on this green path outline.
00:04:59 So I'll go ahead and control click or command click on it
00:05:03 in order to select that path,
00:05:05 and then instead of just dragging
00:05:07 one of these handles right here,
00:05:09 I'm going to press the alt key
00:05:11 or the option key on the Mac and drag a handle,
00:05:14 and notice what that does is it allows me
00:05:16 to move one handle independently of the other
00:05:20 in order to make the thickness of the path asymmetrical.
00:05:24 And now that I've done that, you can see that
00:05:26 the Flip Across icon is now available,
00:05:28 at which point I'll go ahead and click on it
00:05:31 in order to flip the thick portion of the path
00:05:33 to the inside of this mountain.
00:05:36 And now I want you to see that if I just go ahead
00:05:38 and drag one of these handles
00:05:40 instead of pressing the alt or option key,
00:05:42 that I move them together with each other,
00:05:45 but I'm doing so relative to their new length.
00:05:48 And that, folks, is how you assign variable-width strokes
00:05:51 as well as customize those strokes using the Width Tool
00:05:55 here inside Illustrator.