در این فیلم، من به شما نشان می دهم که چگونه با استفاده از ابزار Type، شخصیت ها، کلمات و پاراگراف ها را انتخاب کنید، و همچنین به شما نشان می دهد که چگونه با متن هایی که از نقطه خاصی که به عنوان متن نقطه ای در Illustrator شناخته می شود، کار کنید. من قصد دارم تا Ctrl 0 یا cmd 0 روی Mac را فشار دهم تا از صفحه Artboard کم شود، زیرا هنوز به اولی نگاه می کنم و بگذارید بگویم من این خط اول را می خواهم و آن را تبدیل می کنم به عنوان فصل، در اینجا در بالای صفحه Artboard. خوب، پس از آن، من نیاز به برش آن متن، و سپس آن را به عنوان یک شیء متن جدید قرار دهید، و برای رسیدن به آن متن، من نیاز به استفاده از ابزار تایپ، و البته، شما می توانید به نوع ابزار را با انتخاب آن در اینجا در جعبه ابزار و یا می توانید کلید میانبر خود را که دقیقا همان چیزی است که به نظر می رسد را فشار دهید، که نامه T است، فشار دهید. راه دیگری برای کار این است که در داخل متن دوبار کلیک کنید با یکی از ابزارهای Arrow و این نه تنها شما را به طور خودکار به Tool Type تغییر می دهد، همانطور که در جعبه ابزار می بینیم، اما نشانگر درج لمسی در داخل متن قرار می گیرد. اکنون می توانید متن را با روش های معمول انتخاب کنید. شما می توانید در سراسر آن بکشید، مثل این. شما می توانید در یک مکان کلیک کنید و برای انتخاب طیف وسیعی از حروف، با کلیک بر روی یکی از گزینه های دیگر، یا می توانید تمام کلمات و پاراگرافها را انتخاب کنید. برای انتخاب کل کلمه، بر روی آن دوبار کلیک کنید، مانند. برای انتخاب یک پاراگراف کامل، سه بار کلیک کنید یک دو سه. شما لازم نیست واقعا به سرعت در یک ردیف کلیک کنید، به طوری که آن را لزوما یک کلیک سه گانه نیست؛ این فقط سه کلیک یکبار کلیک می شود. شما همچنین می توانید طیف وسیعی از کلمات را با کلیک کردن، و سپس کشیدن بر روی کلیک کنید دوم را انتخاب کنید، به طوری که یک کلیک و کشیدن راست در یک ردیف است.
00:01:42 If you want to select multiple paragraphs,
00:01:44 then click one, two, three times
00:01:47 and drag on that third click,
00:01:49 as you're seeing me do here.
00:01:51 You also have the option of using the Shift key,
00:01:54 and so, if I click between the A and the S in chasing,
00:01:58 and then I press shift right arrow,
00:02:00 I'm going to select the character to the right,
00:02:02 which is the S.
00:02:03 If I want to select a whole word,
00:02:05 then I would add the ctrl key, or the cmd key on the Mac,
00:02:09 and so this is the result
00:02:10 of pressing ctrl shift right arrow,
00:02:12 or cmd shift right arrow on the Mac,
00:02:15 so it's not necessary you remember
00:02:17 every single one of these tricks,
00:02:18 but I do want you to at least know they're there.
00:02:21 All right, let's go ahead and grab this headline
00:02:24 by clicking on it three times,
00:02:25 so, one, two, three, like so,
00:02:29 and then I'll go up to the Edit menu
00:02:30 and I'll choose the Cut command,
00:02:32 or you can press ctrl X, or cmd X on the Mac.
00:02:36 All right, now I'll go ahead and press the Escape key,
00:02:39 which not only exits the text entry mode,
00:02:41 but it takes me back to the Black Arrow tool as well,
00:02:44 and then I'll go up to the Edit menu
00:02:46 and choose the Paste command,
00:02:48 or I can press ctrl V, or cmd V on the Mac,
00:02:52 in order to paste that text as a new object.
00:02:54 Now, it looks a little bit too tall right now,
00:02:57 and that's because it has an extra paragraph return,
00:02:59 so what I'm going to do is double-click
00:03:01 inside the text, like so,
00:03:03 and then I'll press the right arrow key
00:03:05 a few times in order to move my cursor
00:03:07 as far to the right as possible,
00:03:09 and now I'll press the Backspace key,
00:03:10 or the Delete key on the Mac,
00:03:12 in order to get rid of that invisible paragraph return,
00:03:15 and then I'll press the Escape key,
00:03:16 and now notice that I'm seeing a smaller Bounding Box,
00:03:19 but I want you to know that this is a Bounding Box;
00:03:22 it is not a text frame.
00:03:23 Notice, if I drag the bottom-right handle,
00:03:26 I'm not going to reflow this text;
00:03:28 I'm going to end up stretching it,
00:03:30 and that's a function of working with point text
00:03:32 inside Illustrator, and so I'm going to undo that,
00:03:35 but I want you to know,
00:03:36 any time you just free-form paste text,
00:03:38 as you saw me do a moment ago,
00:03:39 you end up with point text,
00:03:41 which is emanating from a very specific point.
00:03:43 It's this little point right there, by the way,
00:03:47 and you can switch between point and area text
00:03:50 by double-clicking on this little widget,
00:03:52 to the right of the text, and so,
00:03:54 notice if I double-click, I'm going to switch to Area type,
00:03:58 which is text inside of a frame,
00:04:00 and now I can go ahead and drag
00:04:02 that bottom-right handle in order to wrap the text.
00:04:05 Notice, when we're working with area text,
00:04:08 that is text in a frame, that we also have this widget
00:04:11 underneath the text frame,
00:04:12 and, if you double-click on it,
00:04:14 you're going to collapse your frame
00:04:16 so that it's only as big as the text inside of it.
00:04:18 Then you have the option of dragging
00:04:20 this thing back down,
00:04:21 at which point you can double-click
00:04:23 this thing again if you like.
00:04:25 I'm going to go ahead and move my text onto a single line,
00:04:28 like so, and I'm going to double-click
00:04:30 this thing on the right
00:04:32 in order to switch from area text back to point text,
00:04:35 and point text, by the way,
00:04:36 is great when you're working with
00:04:38 single lines of type inside of Illustrator,
00:04:41 and you create point text, incidentally,
00:04:44 by selecting the Type Tool
00:04:45 and just clicking some place inside the document,
00:04:49 and then you enter whatever text you like.
00:04:52 Now, I'm going to switch back to the Black Arrow tool
00:04:53 for a moment, so I can demonstrate that the Bounding Box,
00:04:58 while very useful when you're working with area text,
00:05:00 text inside of a frame, it's misleading, at best,
00:05:04 when you're working with point text,
00:05:05 so what I recommend you do at this point
00:05:07 is go up to the View menu and choose Hide Bounding Box,
00:05:10 or, again, you've got that keyboard shortcut
00:05:13 of ctrl shift b, or cmd shift b on the Mac,
00:05:16 and now we can see the difference.
00:05:18 If I click on this text, this is text inside of a frame,
00:05:21 we can actually see the frame around the text,
00:05:24 whereas, if I click on this text here, this is point text
00:05:27 that's emanating from this center-point,
00:05:29 so, in other words, the text is actually centered
00:05:31 on that point, and you can use that point
00:05:34 as a point of alignment.
00:05:36 All right, there's one other line of text I want to grab,
00:05:39 by pressing shift pgDn,
00:05:41 and it's this text right there,
00:05:43 and what I'm going to do
00:05:44 is I'm just going to double-click inside the text,
00:05:46 Written by, in order to switch to my Type Tool,
00:05:50 and then I'm just going to drag from the W
00:05:52 all the way to the D at the end of my last name,
00:05:55 and I'll press ctrl X, or cmd X on the Mac,
00:05:58 to cut that text, and then I'll press the Backspace key,
00:06:01 or the Delete key on the Mac,
00:06:02 in order to move the insertion marker
00:06:05 to the end of the word, fed,
00:06:08 without getting rid of its period.
00:06:10 We want to keep that period,
00:06:11 and then you want to do is press the Escape key,
00:06:13 in order to escape the text edit mode,
00:06:15 and now press shift pgUp
00:06:17 in order to go back to the first artboard.
00:06:20 I'll go ahead and zoom in here,
00:06:22 and then I'll press ctrl V, or cmd V on the Mac,
00:06:25 in order to paste my text, like so,
00:06:27 and, as you can see, I once again have point text.
00:06:30 This time it's located way over here,
00:06:32 to the left of the W in Written by,
00:06:34 and that's because this text
00:06:36 has a little bit of a left indent,
00:06:38 which we will deal with in a future movie,
00:06:40 but, for now, just bear in mind
00:06:41 the differences between point text and area text.
00:06:45 Area text is great for long passages of text
00:06:47 that you want to automatically wrap
00:06:49 from one line to the next,
00:06:51 whereas point text is great for large display type,
00:06:54 or single lines of type,
00:06:56 as we'll see in more detail in future movies.