00:01:30 and then just go ahead and partially marquee
00:01:31 those two shapes, and the reason is
00:01:32 that you have to select the shapes
00:01:35 before you can merge them.
00:01:36 And then I'm just going to zoom in a little bit here,
00:01:38 so I can really see what I'm doing,
00:01:40 and I'm going to drag up this rectangle,
00:01:42 and you want to drag all the way
00:01:44 into the star, incidentally, and that's because
00:01:46 Illustrator is only going to merge the stuff
00:01:49 that's covered in that dot pattern,
00:01:50 at which point, go ahead and release
00:01:52 in order to merge those two shapes into one.
00:01:55 Alright, now let's check out the snowman over here.
00:01:58 Once again, we need to select him.
00:02:00 So, press and hold that "ctrl" key,
00:02:02 or the "command" key on the Mac,
00:02:03 to temporarily gain access to the black arrow tool,
00:02:05 and just marquee down the left side of these shapes,
00:02:08 that'll select the arm as well,
00:02:10 but, not terribly concerned about that,
00:02:12 then release the "ctrl" key, or the "command" key,
00:02:14 to return to the Shape Builder tool,
00:02:16 and now, notice, I can drag over these buttons,
00:02:19 and over his eyes, and nose, and all this stuff,
00:02:23 but those items are not going to get merged
00:02:25 because they're not selected.
00:02:27 And so all you need to make sure of,
00:02:29 is that you don't drag over that arm,
00:02:31 and then release and you'll see that you've merged
00:02:33 those three ellipses into one single, lumpy snowman.
00:02:37 Alright, now let's take a look at the shoes down here.
00:02:40 I'll go ahead and press the "ctrl" key,
00:02:42 or the "command" key on the Mac,
00:02:43 and partially marquee those guys.
00:02:45 And notice we have red rectangles
00:02:47 and then I have this arc that I drew with the Arc tool,
00:02:50 and this straight line that I drew with the Line tool,
00:02:53 and then I just went ahead and joined
00:02:55 those two shapes together using the Join command.
00:02:57 So, in other words, this is an open path outline.
00:02:59 There is no segment on the righthand side here.
00:03:02 But it's got a fill, and so that's all
00:03:05 the Shape Builder needs.
00:03:06 So notice if I drag from the yellow path to the red one,
00:03:08 then I'm going to color the new path yellow.
00:03:11 Whereas if I dragged from the red path to the yellow one,
00:03:14 I'm going to color the new path red.
00:03:17 And so you have that kind of control
00:03:19 when you're working with the Shape Builder.
00:03:21 Alright, now I'm going to zoom in on this circle
00:03:24 and this line right here.
00:03:25 So I'll go ahead and press the "ctrl" key,
00:03:27 that's the "command" key on a Mac,
00:03:28 and click this pointy line.
00:03:30 And all it is, by the way, is two lines
00:03:32 that you drew with the Line tool,
00:03:33 and then joined together.
00:03:35 So this is another open filled path,
00:03:36 and then I'll "ctrl + shift" click,
00:03:39 or "command + shift" click,
00:03:40 on that circle right there, and now I'll go ahead
00:03:43 and drag across them.
00:03:44 And make sure to drag over both halves of the circle,
00:03:48 so in other words, the Shape Builder tool
00:03:50 sees every single path intersection,
00:03:52 at which point go ahead and release
00:03:54 in order to create that carrot nose.
00:03:56 Alright, now I'm going to scroll over
00:03:58 to these two circles right here.
00:04:00 Let's say what I want to do is subtract
00:04:02 the brown circle from the yellow one,
00:04:04 in order to create a crescent,
00:04:06 in that case I would press the "ctrl" key,
00:04:08 or the "command" key on a Mac,
00:04:09 and marquee the two shapes like so.
00:04:11 And I want you to see that the shape
00:04:13 in the background is a big circle.
00:04:15 And now notice, if I move my cursor out here,
00:04:18 that the Shape Builder tool appears
00:04:20 as a black arrowhead along with a "+" sign,
00:04:23 to show you that it's going to add shapes.
00:04:26 If you press and hold the "alt" key,
00:04:27 or the "option" key on a Mac,
00:04:29 that "+" sign is going to change to a "-" sign,
00:04:31 at which point you can go can go ahead
00:04:33 and drag inside the shapes that you want to subtract.
00:04:35 You don't want to drag into the big yellow shape,
00:04:38 because then you'll just subtract everything,
00:04:40 so I'll go ahead and press "ctrl + z,"
00:04:42 or "command + z" on the Mac,
00:04:43 to undo that change,
00:04:44 and I'll just go ahead and "alt/option + drag" over
00:04:47 both parts of the brown circle,
00:04:50 in order to create this crescent.
00:04:52 Alright, so those are the basics
00:04:54 of adding and subtracting shapes
00:04:55 using the Shape Builder tool.
00:04:57 In the next movie, I'll show you how to get
00:04:59 still better results.