دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

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۱۸۴ مطلب با موضوع «آموزش illustrator» ثبت شده است

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شما دیده اید که Illustrator یک برنامه قدرتمند طراحی است، اما در ایجاد و قالب بندی متن نیز بسیار هیجان انگیز است. شما می توانید با ابزار Type را کلیک کنید و چند کلمه را که با یک نقطه هماهنگ می شوند، بچرخانید، یا می توانید متن را وارد کنید و آن را به ستون ها منتقل کنید. شما می توانید فونت را با نام و سبک، و همچنین فلش راه خود را از طریق تمام فونت های نصب شده در سیستم خود را جستجو کنید. شما می توانید یک تیتر را به عرض ستون خاصی متصل کنید، کلاه های قطره ای ایجاد کنید و بیوه ها و یتیم را حل کنید. شما می توانید متن را در اطراف یک گرافیک قرار دهید، به جز متن جریان در امتداد یک خط مسیر. و شما می توانید بخش ها، زیور آلات، و دیگر شخصیت های مخفی را با استفاده از پنل Glyphs بسیار بصری قرار دهید. به طور جدی، شما می توانید انجام دهید، آن را کمی قریب به اتفاق. در واقع، افشای کامل، من باید به شما هشدار می دهم که این فصل شدید است. بعضی از مردم در این نقطه، آنها وسوسه می شوند که از بین بروند، که به شما لبه می دهد، زیرا اگر من شما را می شناسم، شما برای این چالش روبرو هستید. در اینجا، بگذارید دقیقا و دقیق به شما نشان دهم چگونه متن در Illustrator کار می کند.

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در این فیلم من به شما نشان می دهم چگونه یک یا چند را به منظور شبیه سازی اثر عمق جبران کنید. بنابراین ما با ایجاد این نامه های عمیق شروع خواهیم کرد. توجه داشته باشید که هر کدام از این سکته ها کمی از سوی دیگر جبران می شود. سپس این لبه ها را همراه با یک سایه افتاده به دنده اضافه می کنیم. من به جلو بروید و در اینجا وارد این سند شوید. من به انتخاب من بروید و فرمان Letters را انتخاب کنید تا همه حروف را انتخاب کنید، مثل این. من روی سکته بالا کلیک میکنم


00:00:27  here inside the appearance panel,

00:00:29  and I'll turn off the Dashed Line checkbox

00:00:31  so that we have a 10 point solid stroke.

00:00:34  Alright, now to offset it.

00:00:35  You want to make sure that the stroke is active

00:00:38  here inside the appearance panel,

00:00:39  then you want to go up to the Effect menu.

00:00:42  Choose Distort & Transform and choose one of my

00:00:44  favorite commands in all of Illustrator,

00:00:46  which goes by the very simple name, Transform.

00:00:50  What it allows you to do is scale, or move, or rotate

00:00:53  an attribute on the fly.

00:00:55  So for example, if I turn on the Preview checkbox so I can

00:00:59  see what I'm doing, and I click in the Horizontal value,

00:01:02  I want you to watch the stroke move when I press

00:01:05  the down-arrow key a couple of times.

00:01:08  Do you see how it moves to the left?

00:01:10  Then I'll click in the Vertical value

00:01:12  and I'll press the down-arrow key a couple of times as well,

00:01:15  in order to nudge that stroke upward.

00:01:18  Then, I'll click OK in order to accept that change.

00:01:22  Alright now I'm going to zoom in a little bit

00:01:24  so that we can see the effect in more detail.

00:01:27  And I'm going to add another stroke by clicking

00:01:30  on the top stroke right there, and instead of clicking on

00:01:33  Add New Stroke down here in the bottom left corner

00:01:36  of the panel, I'm going to click on the little page icon

00:01:38  to make a copy of that top stroke.

00:01:41  That way, if I click on this triangle

00:01:43  next to the word stroke in order to expand it,

00:01:46  I have not only my stroke attribute,

00:01:49  but I have my Transform effect as well.

00:01:52  Alright, I'm going to go ahead and click on a color swatch

00:01:54  right there and change it to white.

00:01:56  Then, I'll reduce the line weight to four points, like so.

00:02:00  Then finally, I'll click on the word Transform.

00:02:03  So anytime you want to modify a dynamic effect,

00:02:06  you click on it here inside the appearance panel,

00:02:08  then you want to turn on the Preview checkbox,

00:02:11  and you have to do that every single time.

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور

00:02:13  And then go ahead and click in the Horizontal move value,

00:02:16  and press the down-arrow key in order to nudge

00:02:18  that white stroke farther to the left.

00:02:20  Then I'll tab to the Vertical value

00:02:22  and I'll press the down arrow key to nudge the white stroke

00:02:25  one additional point upward.

00:02:28  Now click OK in order to accept that change.

00:02:31  Alright now I want to duplicate all these strokes

00:02:33  onto the purple infinity sign,

00:02:36  but if I shift-click on it to add it to the selection,

00:02:39  notice that we're seeing mixed objects

00:02:41  with mixed appearances here inside the appearance panel.

00:02:44  That's because the infinity symbol just has the one stroke.

00:02:47  So I'll go ahead and click off the letters to deselect them,

00:02:50  and then I'll click in the purple infinity

00:02:52  to select it independently.

00:02:54  Now, go ahead and select the eyedropper tool

00:02:56  near the bottom of the tool box,

00:02:57  or you can press the "i" key.

00:03:00  Press the enter key or the return key on the Mac,

00:03:02  just to confirm that the Appearance checkbox is turned on

00:03:05  over here on the left side of the dialogue box,

00:03:08  in which case you can just go ahead and cancel out.

00:03:10  Then, click on any of the letters in order to lift

00:03:13  all of its appearance attributes like so.

00:03:17  Just like that, your duplicating those extra offset strokes.

00:03:20  Alright, now press the "v" key to switch back

00:03:22  to my black arrow tool, and click off that infinity sign.

00:03:26  Now let's take a look at how to add some depth to this gear.

00:03:29  I'll start things off by selecting this black gear

00:03:31  in the background, and then pressing the backspace key

00:03:34  or the delete key on the Mac to get rid of it.

00:03:36  Then I'll click on the gear in order to select it.

00:03:39  Notice here in the appearance panel,

00:03:41  we can see that this is a compound path.

00:03:43  We can also see that the stroke is in front of the fill.

00:03:46  We want the stroke to be in back of the fill.

00:03:48  So go ahead and grab that stroke,

00:03:50  and drag it and drop it below the fill, like so.

00:03:53  Then, I'll go ahead and click on this stroke

00:03:55  in order to make it active, and I will change

00:03:57  the line weight to 20 points.

00:04:00  I'm also going to change the Corner,

00:04:02  here inside the stroke panel, to a round corner like so.

00:04:07  Alright, now let's go ahead and offset that stroke

00:04:09  using an application of the Transform effect

00:04:11  by going up to the Effect menu

00:04:13  and choosing this second command, Transform...

00:04:17  What that tells you is it's going to bring up

00:04:19  a dialogue box complete with the last settings

00:04:21  that you first applied, meaning that both

00:04:24  of the move values are set to negative two.

00:04:27  Go ahead and turn on the Preview checkbox

00:04:29  so you can see what that looks like.

00:04:30  I really want the effect to move downward.

00:04:33  I'm going to click in the Vertical move value there,

00:04:35  and I'm going to press the up-arrow key,

00:04:37  which as you can see, raises the Vertical value

00:04:40  in one point increments, which lowers the stroke

00:04:43  here inside the document window.

00:04:45  In the end I'm going to go ahead and take that value

00:04:47  up to five points.

00:04:49  Then I'm going to press shift-tab in order to highlight

00:04:52  the Horizontal move value.

00:04:54  Then I'll press the down-arrow key in order to

00:04:56  reduce that value and move the stroke farther to the left.

00:05:00  In the end, I came up with a value of negative five.

00:05:03  So we've got negative five for the Horizontal value

00:05:06  and positive 5 for the Vertical value,

00:05:08  at which point I'll go ahead and click OK

00:05:10  in order to accept that effect.

00:05:13  Then finally, what depth effect can't benefit

00:05:15  from a drop shadow?

00:05:17  But before I choose that effect,

00:05:18  I want to make sure that I'm applying it to the entire path,

00:05:21  so go ahead and click on Compound Path

00:05:24  at the top of the appearance panel.

00:05:25  Then go up to the Effect menu, choose Stylize,

00:05:29  and choose Drop Shadow.

00:05:31  I came up with these settings right here.

00:05:33  The first two are the defaults, so Mode is set to Multiply,

00:05:36  Opacity is 75%, the color is black.

00:05:40  And then, I went ahead and set

00:05:41  the X Offset value to negative five,

00:05:43  and the Y Offset and Blur values both to five.

00:05:47  You can see what that looks like

00:05:48  by turning on the Preview checkbox.

00:05:50  If you like what you see, then just go ahead

00:05:52  and click OK in order to apply that effect.

00:05:55  Then, I'll go ahead and click off the path outline

00:05:58  to deselect it.

00:05:59  And that's how you simulate depth,

00:06:01  by offsetting your strokes using an application

00:06:03  of the Transform effect here inside Illustrator.


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در این فیلم، من به شما نشان می دهم که چگونه می توانید چندین استوکس را در یک طرح نقشه ی یکسان ترکیب کنید تا بتوانید جلوه های جالب و جالب را به دست آورید. بنابراین برای مثال، بگذارید بگوییم ما می خواهیم مرز خال خال را که ما چندین فیلم را پیش ساخته بود، ببریم، و ما می خواهیم آن را به این الگوی تبدیل کنیم. کجا در نقطه ای که در مرکز وجود دارد، به نظر می رسد بافته شده است. خوب این یک تابع از سه سکته است که به یک طرح کلی یک مسیر اختصاص داده شده است. و در اینجا این است که چگونه کار می کند، من به جلو بروید و بر روی مستطیل کلیک کنید تا آن را انتخاب کنید، سپس من به پنجره پنجره بروید و دستور ظاهر را انتخاب کنید تا Panel Appearance را که من در آن قرار داده اید، انتخاب کنم گوشه پایین سمت راست صفحه نمایش من حالا توجه کنید که ما شاهد سکته مغزی هستیم و ویژگیهایی که در این پانل ذکر شده است را پر می کنیم. و ما همچنین نظم انباشتیشان را میبینیم، به این معنا که سکته مغزی در بالای پر شدن قرار دارد. نه این که در حال حاضر مهم است، زیرا پر به هیچ کدام از آنها تعلق ندارد. حالا برای اضافه کردن یک ضربه دیگر، به جلو بروید و به گوشه پایین سمت چپ پنل بروید و روی نماد اضافه کردن سکته جدید مانند همین حالا کلیک کنید. و این اتفاق می افتد که در اینجا کمی از ظلم و ستم ظاهر شود. به همین دلیل است که Illustrator تصمیم دارد گزینه ای را که در آن وجود دارد حفظ کند.


00:01:06  What we want of course is to align those dots

00:01:08  to the corners.

00:01:09  So I'll go ahead and click on the second icon,

00:01:11  and that solves that problem.

00:01:13  And now I'm going to change the color

00:01:15  of this stroke to white.

00:01:16  By clicking on this little color swatch here

00:01:18  inside the Appearance Panel,

00:01:19  which once again brings up my swatches.

00:01:21  And I'll select white instead.

00:01:24  Alright now what we have is a 20 point stroke

00:01:27  directly on top of a 20 point stroke.

00:01:29  So the white one is covering the orange one.

00:01:31  To make the orange one visible,

00:01:32  go ahead and click on it.

00:01:34  So click on that second stroke there

00:01:36  inside the Appearance Panel.

00:01:37  And change it's line weight right there

00:01:39  form 20 to 40 points,

00:01:41  in order to produce this effect here.

00:01:44  Now because the rear stroke is 20 points thicker

00:01:47  than the forward stroke,

00:01:48  we're seeing what appears to be 10 points of stroke

00:01:51  drawn around each white circle.

00:01:53  And that's because the 20 extra points are

00:01:56  evenly distributed on either side of those white dots.

00:02:00  Alright now with this bottom stroke selected,

00:02:02  I'm going to make a duplicate of it

00:02:04  by clicking on this little page icon

00:02:06  at the bottom of the Appearance Panel.

00:02:08  And that'll create an exact duplicate of that stroke

00:02:11  and that way the aligns icon stays on.

00:02:14  And now I'm going to drag it and drop it

00:02:16  on top of the white stroke like so.

00:02:20  Now because it's so darn thick it's covering everything up

00:02:22  which is why I'm going to take it down to 10 points

00:02:25  in order to produce this effect right here.

00:02:28  And then I'll click off the rectangle to deselect it.

00:02:31  Now there's nothing that says that all of your strokes

00:02:34  have you match each other.

00:02:35  For example, you can mix plain strokes with dash ones.

00:02:38  And so I'm going to go ahead and switch to the last

00:02:40  document I was working on with the custom letters.

00:02:43  And I'll go ahead and press control 0 or command 0

00:02:45  on the Mac to center my view.

00:02:47  And this time I'm just going to go up to the view menu

00:02:49  choose Guides, and choose Clear Guides to get rid of them.

00:02:52  And now I'll go up to the select menu and choose Letters

00:02:56  in order to select all of those letters like so.

00:02:59  Alright now here inside the Appearance Panel,

00:03:01  I'll once again click on the add new stroke icon

00:03:04  in the bottom right corner of the panel.

00:03:06  And this time I'm going to click on a stroke color

00:03:08  right there and I'm going to change it

00:03:10  to this kind of lilac color inside this folder.

00:03:13  Which for some reason is designated as a CMYK color.

00:03:17  But it's C26 M41 Y0 K0,

00:03:20  and we end up with this very muted color here.

00:03:23  And now I'll take it's line weight down to 10 points

00:03:26  let's say in order to produce this stroke

00:03:29  inside of a stroke.

00:03:30  Now to turn this stroke into a dashed outline

00:03:32  I could either click on the word Stroke

00:03:34  in order to bring up the Stroke Panel like so,

00:03:37  or I could just work inside the dedicated stroke panel.

00:03:40  And so I'll go ahead and turn on

00:03:42  the dashed line check box.

00:03:43  And I'll make sure the dash value is 0,

00:03:45  which is giving us circular dots because after all,

00:03:48  we selected round cap.

00:03:50  And then I'm going to take this gap value down to 10 points

00:03:53  so that it exactly matches the line weight

00:03:55  and every single one of these dots touches.

00:03:58  After which point, I'll just go ahead and click off the text

00:04:00  in order to deselect it.

00:04:02  And so that's how you combine multiple strokes

00:04:05  on a single path outline,

00:04:07  really as many strokes as you like.

00:04:09  In the next movie we'll bump things up a notch

00:04:11  and I'll show you how to offset the strokes

00:04:14  in order to produce the effect of depth.


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در این فیلم، فقط برای سرگرمی، من به شما نشان می دهد که چگونه یک طرح نقطه نقطه همراه با یک دایره برای ایجاد این چرخ دنده سریع و کثیف را نشان می دهد. اما چیزی در مورد این چرخ دنده این است که آن را کامل است که در آن دقیقا 20 دندان به همان اندازه اندازه، و همچنین 20 شیارهای به همان اندازه است. بنابراین اولین قدم این است که پیش برویم و یک دایره ایجاد کنیم و این کار را با انتخاب ابزار Ellipse از منوی ابزار Out Shape انجام خواهم داد. و سپس من می خواهم شما مکان خود را بر روی تقاطع این دو دستورالعمل قرار دهید. کلید Alt یا کلید گزینه در مک را فشار دهید و به بیرون بکشید. و سپس هنگام کشیدن، به جلو بروید و کلید shift را نیز اضافه کنید، به طوری که هر دو کلید shift و alt را داشته باشید. اینها گزینه های shift و option در Mac می باشند تا شما بتوانید مقدار 500 و 500 پیت را در هر نقطه ببینید و در آن نقطه می توانید ادامه دهید


00:00:47  in order to create that circle.

00:00:50  All right, now I want to assign a fill to the path,

00:00:52  and so I'll click on the first swatch up here

00:00:54  in the control panel and I'll select black.

00:00:57  And then I'll also change the stroke to white,

00:00:58  just so we have a lot of contrast here,

00:01:01  by clicking on the second swatch

00:01:02  and choosing white from the pop-up panel.

00:01:05  All right, now I'm going to change the line weight to 50 pt,

00:01:07  so that we have some big huge dots.

00:01:10  Problem is they're packed too closely together.

00:01:13  So I'll click on the word Stroke,

00:01:14  and I'll drop down to the gap value,

00:01:16  and I'll pres shift + up arrow

00:01:18  in order to move those circles apart,

00:01:20  until I get a value of 70 points like so.

00:01:23  Now for whatever reason,

00:01:25  Illustrator has gone ahead and selected the first icon,

00:01:28  that is, it's preserving the exact dash and gap links.

00:01:30  And as a result, we have a couple of dots

00:01:33  overlapping each other.

00:01:34  I can solve that problem by clicking on the line icon,

00:01:37  but that's not necessarily going to give me

00:01:39  the effect I want.

00:01:40  I am seeing a circle right at this location here

00:01:42  on the right-hand side, but I want to see

00:01:44  a groove aligned the top of the shape,

00:01:46  as well as exactly aligned, not nearly aligned,

00:01:48  with this left-hand point and exactly aligned

00:01:50  with the bottom as well, as we're seeing

00:01:53  in the final version of the gear.

00:01:55  And that means I need to be more specific

00:01:57  about that gap value.

00:01:59  And so let's say I want a total of 20 grooves

00:02:02  around the entire circle.

00:02:05  And the reason 20 is a great number

00:02:06  is because the circle is divided into four quadrants,

00:02:09  at least where these anchor points are concerned.

00:02:11  And 20 is divisible by four, so you can go 16 or 12

00:02:15  or something like that instead,

00:02:17  but I'm going to go with 20.

00:02:18  Now the thing is, in order to figure out exactly

00:02:20  what this gap value needs to be,

00:02:22  I need to figure out the circumference of this circle,

00:02:26  and that means I've got to engage in a little bit of math,

00:02:30  and not the easy kind of arithmetic math,

00:02:32  but the fairly scary kind of geometry math.

00:02:35  And in fact, any time you're trying to figure out a circle,

00:02:38  you've got to engage with pi.

00:02:42  And specifically, the equation we're looking for

00:02:44  is C, which is the circumference,

00:02:46  equals two times pi times r.

00:02:49  And r is the radius by the way,

00:02:51  which is half of the diameter.

00:02:53  So right now, we have a circle with a 500 pt diameter.

00:02:55  That means it has a 250 pt radius.

00:02:58  Now this might be pretty darn daunting

00:03:00  and you may have already stopped the movie for all I know,

00:03:03  but fortunately, there's this thing called the Internet

00:03:06  that does math for you.

00:03:07  And so I'm going to go ahead and switch over

00:03:09  to a web browser.

00:03:10  And notice that I've done a search

00:03:12  for a circumference calculator.

00:03:14  For this one, I just need to enter the radius of the circle

00:03:16  and so I'm going to click inside this field

00:03:19  and enter half of that diameter, which is 250,

00:03:22  and I don't even care if it's points or what the units are.

00:03:25  All I have to do is enter 250

00:03:27  and then click on the Calculate button,

00:03:29  and I get this insane number here,

00:03:31  which is 1570.796,

00:03:36  is good enough.

00:03:37  We can rule out the rest of those digits.

00:03:39  So I'll just go ahead and write that number down

00:03:41  on a piece of paper and then I'll switch back over

00:03:43  to Illustrator.

00:03:44  I'll return to my illustration in progress right here,

00:03:47  and I'll click on the word Stroke

00:03:49  in order to bring up that Stroke panel,

00:03:51  and I'm going to change the gap value

00:03:53  to that circumference number that we just figured out,

00:03:55  1570.796.

00:03:59  And instead of leaving it at that value,

00:04:02  which actually wouldn't work, because currently,

00:04:04  the maximum gap value is 1000 points.

00:04:06  I'm going to enter /20,

00:04:09  so I'm going to divide that value,

00:04:11  the entire perimeter of the circle,

00:04:13  we're going to divide it by 20

00:04:15  because that's how many grooves we want.

00:04:17  At which point, I'll press the enter key,

00:04:19  or the return key on the Mac,

00:04:20  in order to apply that change.

00:04:22  And you can see that we now have exactly

00:04:24  one, two, three, four, five grooves

00:04:27  per quadrant, or a total of 20 grooves in all.

00:04:31  And we have now done our math so impeccably

00:04:34  that it doesn't matter which of the alignment icons

00:04:36  we click on here inside the Stroke panel.

00:04:39  You can either click on preserve exact values,

00:04:41  or click on align, and you'll get the exact same result.

00:04:44  All right, now we need to take advantage

00:04:46  of a couple of commands that we haven't seen before.

00:04:48  First, you go up to the Object menu,

00:04:50  choose Path and then choose Outline Stroke.

00:04:53  And that will draw path outlines around all the strokes

00:04:56  as we're seeing here.

00:04:57  And now I want to subtract those white circles

00:05:00  from the big black circle,

00:05:02  and the easiest way to do that is to go to the Window menu

00:05:04  and choose the Pathfinder command,

00:05:06  which will bring up the Pathfinder panel,

00:05:09  and this panel is so great that I devote an entire chapter

00:05:12  to it in the advanced course.

00:05:14  But for now, just go ahead and click on the second icon

00:05:16  in the first row, Minus Front.

00:05:19  And that will subtract the white circles away.

00:05:22  All right, now we need to carve a circle out of the center

00:05:24  of the gear, and we'll do that, once again,

00:05:26  using the Ellipse tool.

00:05:28  And so I'll go ahead and press the alt key,

00:05:30  or the option key on the Mac,

00:05:31  and drag out from the center,

00:05:33  while pressing the shift key as well,

00:05:34  so I've got both the shift and alt keys down,

00:05:36  that's shift and option on the Mac,

00:05:38  until I get width and height values of 300 pt.

00:05:41  And now, to carve that circle out of the gear,

00:05:43  go ahead and switch back to the Black Arrow tool,

00:05:46  which you can get by pressing the V key,

00:05:48  partially marquee those shapes,

00:05:50  but don't marquee the center because you'll end up

00:05:52  selecting that rectangle from the previous movie.

00:05:54  And then go to the Object menu, choose Compound Path

00:05:58  and choose Make, and that'll cut that circle

00:06:00  out of the center.

00:06:02  All right, now I want to create a copy of it

00:06:03  by pressing ctrl + c, ctrl + f,

00:06:06  that would be cmd + c, cmd + f on the Mac,

00:06:09  and you can see that we now have a duplicate.

00:06:11  Go and put it back where it was though.

00:06:13  And now I'll click on the fill swatch

00:06:15  up here in the control panel,

00:06:16  and I'll select this brighter orange,

00:06:18  which is R=251 G=176 B=59.

00:06:22  And now I'll set the line weight to 4 pt.

00:06:25  For some reason, that gives me a white stroke,

00:06:27  which is, of course, not what I want,

00:06:29  so I'll go ahead and click on that white swatch right there

00:06:32  and I'll change it to black in order to produce this effect.

00:06:36  All right, now I'll press shift + up arrow,

00:06:38  shift + right arrow in order to offset that gear

00:06:41  up into the right.

00:06:42  And then I'll marquee both the gear and its shadow

00:06:44  and press shift + down arrow, shift + left arrow

00:06:47  in order to put them back where they belong.

00:06:49  And now I'll click off the shapes in order to deselect them,

00:06:52  and I'll turn off the guides layer

00:06:54  so that we can see the gear and its dotted outline

00:06:56  all by themselves.

00:06:58  And that's how you combine a dotted outline with a circle

00:07:01  to create a quick and dirty gear here inside illustrator.


صفر تا صد آموزش ایلوستریتور illustrator cc








در این فیلم، من به شما نشان خواهم داد که چگونه طرح های نقطه کلاسیک کلاسی را بنویسید، یعنی یک خط نقاشی که حاوی نقاط دور است. بنابراین فرض بر این است که شما پیش رفتید و چندین فصل پیش این الگو را ایجاد کردید، به منوی File بروید و New from Template را انتخاب کنید، یا می توانید آن میانبر Ctrl + shift + N یا cmd + shift + N را روی یک مکینتاش فشار دهید. در مورد من این الگو به نام RGB با راهنماهای مرکز، و در حال حاضر من پیش بروید و بر روی دکمه New کلیک کنید تا این سند خالی را با چند راهنمای مرکزی پر کنید. خوب، حالا برو جلو و Tool Rectangle Tool را از ابزار شکل انتخاب کنید، دوباره یک میانبر صفحه کلید M برای این ابزار داشته باشید، و سپس می خواهم که مکان نما خود را در تقاطع دو خط راهنمایی، فشار دهید و کلید alt را فشار دهید یا کلید انتخاب روی یک مک را نگه دارید و کلیک کنید تا کادر محاوره ای مستطیل را نشان دهد. در حال حاضر ممکن است به یاد داشته باشید که عرض این منبورد 1008 نقطه است، و ارتفاع 672 امتیاز است، بنابراین من فقط می خواهم در این دو ارزش را شماره گیری کنم. و سپس بعد از مقدار Width کلیک میکنم و وارد 80 میشوم و همین کار را برای مقدار Height انجام میدهم. و سپس بعد از فشار دادن کلید تب به همه چیز به روز رسانی، بر روی دکمه OK برای ایجاد این شکل جدید کلیک کنید. بعد می خواهم پر شود تا شفاف باشد، بنابراین من به جلو بروید و روی این اولین نمونه در این قسمت کلیک کنید و آن را به None تغییر دهید. و به هر حال، فقط در صورتی که برای نوک اینجا آماده باشید، فرض کنید که پر بودن ویژگی فعال است، که این است، شما می توانید آن را در پنل Swatches ببینید، سپس می توانید آن را فقط با فشار دادن این چیزی که به نظر می رسد کلید / کلید است. و بنابراین من فقط به جلو بروید و کلید / را فشار دهید و حالا می توانید ببینید که ما برای پر کردن هیچ کدام را نداریم. خوب، حالا من قصد دارم وزن خط را به 20 امتیاز تغییر دهم. و من قصد دارم رنگ این سکته را به سایه ای از نارنجی تغییر دهم، که این مرد اینجا است، R 247 G 147 B 30. و این به ما این سکته مغزی نارنجی را می دهد. خوب، در حال حاضر من کلید فرار را برای پنهان کردن این پانل فشار می دهم و بر روی کلمه Stroke با کلیک بر روی پانل سکته مغزی کلیک می کنم. و من خط Dashed Line را به گونه ای انتخاب می کنم. و بگذارید ارزش قیمتی را تا چیزی حدود 20 امتیاز بگذاریم، و سپس ارزش شکاف را به چیزی بسیار بزرگ مانند 50 امتیاز تعیین می کنم.

00:02:02  In which case we'll end up with the separated squares

00:02:05  that you see here.

00:02:06  And the reason that they're absolutely square

00:02:08  is because the dash value matches the line weight value.

00:02:12  Now I can round off each and every one of these dashes

00:02:15  by changing the Cap from Butt Cap,

00:02:18  which as you know is the default setting,

00:02:20  to Round Cap.

00:02:21  And that will stroke every single one of these dashes

00:02:24  like it's a miniature path outline.

00:02:26  And so essentially at this point

00:02:28  we have a bunch of Tic Tacs,

00:02:29  or flattened cylinders if you will.

00:02:32  If you want to turn those into circles instead

00:02:34  then you go ahead and take the dash value

00:02:36  all the way down to 0 and then press the tab key.

00:02:40  And now we want to just change the gap value

00:02:42  to something bigger than the line weight.

00:02:44  Because if we change it to exactly the line weight

00:02:46  then these dots will end up running into each other.

00:02:49  To give them a little space go ahead

00:02:50  and set that gap value to 30.

00:02:53  And then make sure that this

00:02:54  second icon is selected right here,

00:02:57  otherwise if you click on the Preserve icon right there

00:03:00  then your dots will no longer align

00:03:01  to the corners of the rectangle.

00:03:04  Alright, so I'll go ahead and turn on that Align icon.

00:03:06  And then I'll press the escape key to hide the Stroke panel.

00:03:09  And then I'll press ctrl + shift + A,

00:03:10  or cmd + shift + A in order to deselect my artwork.

00:03:14  And that is how you create a classic dotted outline

00:03:16  here inside Illustrator.

00:03:18  In the next movie I'll show you

00:03:19  how to use a dotted outline

00:03:21  in order to create this very simple gear.
