در این فیلم، فقط برای سرگرمی، من به شما نشان می دهد که چگونه یک طرح نقطه نقطه همراه با یک دایره برای ایجاد این چرخ دنده سریع و کثیف را نشان می دهد. اما چیزی در مورد این چرخ دنده این است که آن را کامل است که در آن دقیقا 20 دندان به همان اندازه اندازه، و همچنین 20 شیارهای به همان اندازه است. بنابراین اولین قدم این است که پیش برویم و یک دایره ایجاد کنیم و این کار را با انتخاب ابزار Ellipse از منوی ابزار Out Shape انجام خواهم داد. و سپس من می خواهم شما مکان خود را بر روی تقاطع این دو دستورالعمل قرار دهید. کلید Alt یا کلید گزینه در مک را فشار دهید و به بیرون بکشید. و سپس هنگام کشیدن، به جلو بروید و کلید shift را نیز اضافه کنید، به طوری که هر دو کلید shift و alt را داشته باشید. اینها گزینه های shift و option در Mac می باشند تا شما بتوانید مقدار 500 و 500 پیت را در هر نقطه ببینید و در آن نقطه می توانید ادامه دهید
00:00:47 in order to create that circle.
00:00:50 All right, now I want to assign a fill to the path,
00:00:52 and so I'll click on the first swatch up here
00:00:54 in the control panel and I'll select black.
00:00:57 And then I'll also change the stroke to white,
00:00:58 just so we have a lot of contrast here,
00:01:01 by clicking on the second swatch
00:01:02 and choosing white from the pop-up panel.
00:01:05 All right, now I'm going to change the line weight to 50 pt,
00:01:07 so that we have some big huge dots.
00:01:10 Problem is they're packed too closely together.
00:01:13 So I'll click on the word Stroke,
00:01:14 and I'll drop down to the gap value,
00:01:16 and I'll pres shift + up arrow
00:01:18 in order to move those circles apart,
00:01:20 until I get a value of 70 points like so.
00:01:23 Now for whatever reason,
00:01:25 Illustrator has gone ahead and selected the first icon,
00:01:28 that is, it's preserving the exact dash and gap links.
00:01:30 And as a result, we have a couple of dots
00:01:33 overlapping each other.
00:01:34 I can solve that problem by clicking on the line icon,
00:01:37 but that's not necessarily going to give me
00:01:39 the effect I want.
00:01:40 I am seeing a circle right at this location here
00:01:42 on the right-hand side, but I want to see
00:01:44 a groove aligned the top of the shape,
00:01:46 as well as exactly aligned, not nearly aligned,
00:01:48 with this left-hand point and exactly aligned
00:01:50 with the bottom as well, as we're seeing
00:01:53 in the final version of the gear.
00:01:55 And that means I need to be more specific
00:01:57 about that gap value.
00:01:59 And so let's say I want a total of 20 grooves
00:02:02 around the entire circle.
00:02:05 And the reason 20 is a great number
00:02:06 is because the circle is divided into four quadrants,
00:02:09 at least where these anchor points are concerned.
00:02:11 And 20 is divisible by four, so you can go 16 or 12
00:02:15 or something like that instead,
00:02:17 but I'm going to go with 20.
00:02:18 Now the thing is, in order to figure out exactly
00:02:20 what this gap value needs to be,
00:02:22 I need to figure out the circumference of this circle,
00:02:26 and that means I've got to engage in a little bit of math,
00:02:30 and not the easy kind of arithmetic math,
00:02:32 but the fairly scary kind of geometry math.
00:02:35 And in fact, any time you're trying to figure out a circle,
00:02:38 you've got to engage with pi.
00:02:42 And specifically, the equation we're looking for
00:02:44 is C, which is the circumference,
00:02:46 equals two times pi times r.
00:02:49 And r is the radius by the way,
00:02:51 which is half of the diameter.
00:02:53 So right now, we have a circle with a 500 pt diameter.
00:02:55 That means it has a 250 pt radius.
00:02:58 Now this might be pretty darn daunting
00:03:00 and you may have already stopped the movie for all I know,
00:03:03 but fortunately, there's this thing called the Internet
00:03:06 that does math for you.
00:03:07 And so I'm going to go ahead and switch over
00:03:09 to a web browser.
00:03:10 And notice that I've done a search
00:03:12 for a circumference calculator.
00:03:14 For this one, I just need to enter the radius of the circle
00:03:16 and so I'm going to click inside this field
00:03:19 and enter half of that diameter, which is 250,
00:03:22 and I don't even care if it's points or what the units are.
00:03:25 All I have to do is enter 250
00:03:27 and then click on the Calculate button,
00:03:29 and I get this insane number here,
00:03:31 which is 1570.796,
00:03:36 is good enough.
00:03:37 We can rule out the rest of those digits.
00:03:39 So I'll just go ahead and write that number down
00:03:41 on a piece of paper and then I'll switch back over
00:03:43 to Illustrator.
00:03:44 I'll return to my illustration in progress right here,
00:03:47 and I'll click on the word Stroke
00:03:49 in order to bring up that Stroke panel,
00:03:51 and I'm going to change the gap value
00:03:53 to that circumference number that we just figured out,
00:03:55 1570.796.
00:03:59 And instead of leaving it at that value,
00:04:02 which actually wouldn't work, because currently,
00:04:04 the maximum gap value is 1000 points.
00:04:06 I'm going to enter /20,
00:04:09 so I'm going to divide that value,
00:04:11 the entire perimeter of the circle,
00:04:13 we're going to divide it by 20
00:04:15 because that's how many grooves we want.
00:04:17 At which point, I'll press the enter key,
00:04:19 or the return key on the Mac,
00:04:20 in order to apply that change.
00:04:22 And you can see that we now have exactly
00:04:24 one, two, three, four, five grooves
00:04:27 per quadrant, or a total of 20 grooves in all.
00:04:31 And we have now done our math so impeccably
00:04:34 that it doesn't matter which of the alignment icons
00:04:36 we click on here inside the Stroke panel.
00:04:39 You can either click on preserve exact values,
00:04:41 or click on align, and you'll get the exact same result.
00:04:44 All right, now we need to take advantage
00:04:46 of a couple of commands that we haven't seen before.
00:04:48 First, you go up to the Object menu,
00:04:50 choose Path and then choose Outline Stroke.
00:04:53 And that will draw path outlines around all the strokes
00:04:56 as we're seeing here.
00:04:57 And now I want to subtract those white circles
00:05:00 from the big black circle,
00:05:02 and the easiest way to do that is to go to the Window menu
00:05:04 and choose the Pathfinder command,
00:05:06 which will bring up the Pathfinder panel,
00:05:09 and this panel is so great that I devote an entire chapter
00:05:12 to it in the advanced course.
00:05:14 But for now, just go ahead and click on the second icon
00:05:16 in the first row, Minus Front.
00:05:19 And that will subtract the white circles away.
00:05:22 All right, now we need to carve a circle out of the center
00:05:24 of the gear, and we'll do that, once again,
00:05:26 using the Ellipse tool.
00:05:28 And so I'll go ahead and press the alt key,
00:05:30 or the option key on the Mac,
00:05:31 and drag out from the center,
00:05:33 while pressing the shift key as well,
00:05:34 so I've got both the shift and alt keys down,
00:05:36 that's shift and option on the Mac,
00:05:38 until I get width and height values of 300 pt.
00:05:41 And now, to carve that circle out of the gear,
00:05:43 go ahead and switch back to the Black Arrow tool,
00:05:46 which you can get by pressing the V key,
00:05:48 partially marquee those shapes,
00:05:50 but don't marquee the center because you'll end up
00:05:52 selecting that rectangle from the previous movie.
00:05:54 And then go to the Object menu, choose Compound Path
00:05:58 and choose Make, and that'll cut that circle
00:06:00 out of the center.
00:06:02 All right, now I want to create a copy of it
00:06:03 by pressing ctrl + c, ctrl + f,
00:06:06 that would be cmd + c, cmd + f on the Mac,
00:06:09 and you can see that we now have a duplicate.
00:06:11 Go and put it back where it was though.
00:06:13 And now I'll click on the fill swatch
00:06:15 up here in the control panel,
00:06:16 and I'll select this brighter orange,
00:06:18 which is R=251 G=176 B=59.
00:06:22 And now I'll set the line weight to 4 pt.
00:06:25 For some reason, that gives me a white stroke,
00:06:27 which is, of course, not what I want,
00:06:29 so I'll go ahead and click on that white swatch right there
00:06:32 and I'll change it to black in order to produce this effect.
00:06:36 All right, now I'll press shift + up arrow,
00:06:38 shift + right arrow in order to offset that gear
00:06:41 up into the right.
00:06:42 And then I'll marquee both the gear and its shadow
00:06:44 and press shift + down arrow, shift + left arrow
00:06:47 in order to put them back where they belong.
00:06:49 And now I'll click off the shapes in order to deselect them,
00:06:52 and I'll turn off the guides layer
00:06:54 so that we can see the gear and its dotted outline
00:06:56 all by themselves.
00:06:58 And that's how you combine a dotted outline with a circle
00:07:01 to create a quick and dirty gear here inside illustrator.