دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی

۱۸۴ مطلب با موضوع «آموزش illustrator» ثبت شده است


صفر تا صد آموزش ایلوستریتور illustrator cc




در این فیلم، من به شما نشان می دهم که چگونه از دستور دستورالعمل هوشمند استفاده کنید که اساسا متن شکسته را در Illustrator اصلاح می کند. و برای حس کردن آنچه که در آن صحبت می کنم، به جلو بروید و چند خط را روی این صفحه اول حرکت دهید. توجه داشته باشید اگر در اینجا زوم کنید که ما دو مشکل داریم. اول از همه، ما نقل قول مستقیم داریم، که یک کشیدن واقعی است چون یک تن از نقل قولها در داخل این سند وجود دارد. سپس این کلمه را به پایان برساند. آیا می بینید که چگونه آن دو شخصیت مستقل به نظر می رسد، در حالی که آنچه که ما انتظار داریم، کوچکترین حرف F است و نقطه ای از حرف i را تشکیل می دهد؟ این چیزی است که به عنوان یک لیگاتور شناخته می شود. در حال حاضر شگفت انگیز است که نقل قول های هوشمند در حال حاضر در داخل این سند تبدیل شده است. این تابع در یک مکان عجیب در Illustrator ساکن است. آنچه شما می خواهید انجام دهید این است که به کنترل پنل بروید و بر روی دکمه تنظیم سند کلیک کنید و سپس در داخل جعبه گفتگوی تنظیمات اسناد، روی نوع کلمه کلیک کنید. سپس شما قصد مشاهده این مورد استفاده از تایپوگرافی نقل قول جعبه چک روشن است. شما همچنین می توانید از مشخص کردن زبان استفاده کنید، و این به این دلیل است که همه نوع قرارداد نقل قول وجود دارد. و سپس شما همچنین می توانید تعیین کنید که کدام نقل و انتقالات دوگانه، و همچنین آنچه که نقل قول های شما، به نظر می رسد. و بنابراین اگر شما می خواستید نقل قول مستقیم برای نشان دادن، به عنوان مثال، اینچ، پس شما این جعبه چک را در اینجا خاموش را خاموش کنید. با این حال، من می خواهم آن را ترک، بنابراین من فقط پیش بروید و بر روی دکمه لغو کلیک کنید. توجه داشته باشید که این بدان معنی است. اگر پیش بروید و ابزار تایپ را انتخاب کنید که می توانم با فشار دادن کلید T دریافت کنم، و من این شخصیت نقل قول را انتخاب می کنم و سپس دوباره آن را با فشار دادن نقل قول Shift دوباره وارد می کنم، چه عالی است، اما چه چیزی در مورد مشکلات موجود من انجام میدهم؟ خوب من فقط به جلو بروید و کلید Escape را فشار دهید




00:01:48  in order to exit the text entry mode,

00:01:50  and then I'll click off the text

00:01:51  to de-select it.

00:01:52  Here's what you do.

00:01:54  You go up to the Type menu

00:01:55  and choose this sanity saving command

00:01:57  right here, Smart Punctuation,

00:02:00  which will go ahead and replace,

00:02:01  notice your ff, fi, and ffi ligatures,

00:02:05  as well as the fl variations.

00:02:07  We can also replace smart quotes

00:02:10  as well as En and Em Dashes.

00:02:12  We'll see what that means in just a moment.

00:02:14  Now currently, I don't have anything selected,

00:02:16  so I want to switch Replace In to Entire Document,

00:02:20  and I also want to report the results.

00:02:22  I want you to see what happens

00:02:24  with the fi right there in the word finished.

00:02:27  As soon as I click OK,

00:02:29  a moment later I'll see this result

00:02:32  telling me that six ligatures were changed,

00:02:34  including this guy right there.

00:02:35  So notice that the f and i

00:02:38  are now fused into a single character.

00:02:40  I've also changed 103 quotes.

00:02:43  So you can see I've got curly quotes

00:02:44  all over the place now.

00:02:46  I replaced one dash, dot, or fraction.

00:02:50  So my guess is it's a dash,

00:02:52  and to see if Illustrator gave me the right kind

00:02:54  of dash, I'm going to go ahead

00:02:55  and click OK.

00:02:57  Then I'll go up to the Edit menu

00:02:59  and choose Find and Replace,

00:03:01  which allows you to locate characters

00:03:03  inside of your document.

00:03:05  And the character I want to find

00:03:06  is an en dash, which is a dash

00:03:09  that's as wide as a standard lowercase character,

00:03:12  such as the letter n.

00:03:14  But I don't know how to enter that,

00:03:15  so what I'm going to do is click this

00:03:17  down pointing arrow head

00:03:18  right next to the Find option

00:03:20  and I'll choose En Dash.

00:03:22  That goes ahead and creates

00:03:23  this little code right there,

00:03:25  caret equals, at which point I'll click

00:03:27  the Find button in order to locate that en dash.

00:03:31  That's not what I want.

00:03:32  I want an em dash at that location,

00:03:34  which is a wider dash,

00:03:36  a dash that's as wide as the letter m,

00:03:38  and so I'm going to click the down pointing

00:03:39  arrow head after the Replace With option.

00:03:43  I'll choose Em Dash right there,

00:03:45  no Em Space, but Em Dash.

00:03:47  Then you want to go ahead and click

00:03:49  the Replace button, and you'll see

00:03:51  that character gets replaced like so,

00:03:54  after which point I'll go ahead and click Done

00:03:56  to dismiss the dialogue box.

00:03:58  And that, friends, is how you replace

00:04:00  broken type by going to the Type menu

00:04:03  and choosing Smart Punctuation

00:04:05  here inside Illustrator.


صفر تا صد آموزش ایلوستریتور illustrator cc




در این فیلم، من به شما نشان می دهم که چگونه تمام فریم های متن را به سه ستون به صورت جداگانه تقسیم کنید، با استفاده از فرمان Options Type Type Options. بنابراین اولین چیزی که می خواهم انجام دهید این است که روی اولین آیکون بورد کلیک کنید تا آن را فعال کنید و سپس Ctrl A یا Cmd A را روی Mac کلیک کنید تا همه چیز را در هر سه بلاک انتخاب کنید و حالا Ctrl 0 یا Cmd 0 را فشار دهید در مک، برای اولین بار به عنوان هنرنمایی زوم کنید. خوب، در حال حاضر با هر یک از این فریم های متن انتخاب شده، می خواهید به منوی Type بروید و گزینه های Type Type را انتخاب کنید. در حال حاضر، Type Area نام Illustrator برای متن داخل یک قاب است. و این به جلو بروید و این کادر محاوره ای را که در اینجا مشاهده می کنیم، مطرح کنیم. حالا اگر بخواهید متن را به ردیف تقسیم کنید، ما به دنبال ستون ها می گردیم، اما شما نمی توانید چیزی را مشاهده کنید تا زمانی که نوبت خود را در کادر پیش نمایش در اینجا در گوشه پایین سمت چپ قرار دهید از کادر محاوره ای در حال حاضر، در داخل گزینه Number کلیک کنید و کلید arrow Up را فشار دهید تا تعداد ستونها را به دو افزایش دهید و ببینید که حالا شما دو ستون در این قاب دارید. ما سه را می خواهیم، ​​بنابراین سه ستون را می بینیم. سپس ما باید Gutter را با کلیک کردن در داخل آن مقدار و فشار دادن کلید پیمایش پایین به منظور کاهش اندازه زهکش ها بین ستون ها تا زمانی که مقدار Span به 294 امتیاز برسیم، و هنگامی که یک زاویه 13 برابر عرض باشد، تنظیم می کنیم. حالا، Span به پهنای هر یک از ستون ها می گوید. شما معمولا نمیخواهید با آن عجله داشته باشید مگر اینکه قصد داشته باشید با یک ستون ثابت باقی بمانید، بنابراین اگر شما مجبور شدید جعبه ثابت را در سمت راست قرار دهید، فقط به یاد داشته باشید که این مقدار به 294 میرسد. اگر این کیبورد رو به پایین را کلیک کنید و نگه دارید، متوجه شوید که من چه کار میکنم، من حجم کلی کادر متن را کاهش می دهم،


00:01:49  so I'm making it narrower.

00:01:51  And this becomes even more obvious

00:01:52  if I click inside the value

00:01:54  and press Shift Down arrow a few more times.

00:01:57  See how I'm losing the width of my columns?

00:01:59  That is not something that I want,

00:02:01  but that is a function of having Fixed turned on.

00:02:05  If I now turn Fixed off,

00:02:07  I'm basically stuck with what I've done right here,

00:02:09  and I'm now going to work inside these narrower text frames.

00:02:13  That's not what I want,

00:02:14  so I'm going to Cancel out

00:02:15  in order to restore my original text frames,

00:02:18  and now I'll go back to the Type menu

00:02:20  and choose Area Type Options

00:02:21  to once again visit this dialog box.

00:02:24  I'm just going to change the number of columns to three,

00:02:26  and I'm going to change the size of the Gutter to 13 points

00:02:30  because I know that gets us our nice 294 point wide columns.

00:02:35  And then I'll turn on the Preview checkbox

00:02:37  so I can see it happen in the background.

00:02:39  At which point, I'll go ahead and click OK

00:02:41  in order to accept that change.

00:02:43  And now if I go up to the View menu

00:02:45  and choose Fit All in Window,

00:02:47  or press that keyboard shortcut of Ctrl Alt 0

00:02:50  or Cmd Option 0 on the Mac,

00:02:52  you can see that every one of my text frames

00:02:55  is now divided into three columns.

00:02:57  Now, you don't need to worry about the fact

00:02:58  that the last text frame is now empty,

00:03:01  they're still threaded together,

00:03:03  so later when we make the text larger,

00:03:05  it will automatically flow onto the third artboard.

00:03:08  Alright, I'm going to press Ctrl 0,

00:03:10  or Cmd 0 again,

00:03:12  in order to fit the first artboard on screen

00:03:15  and I'm going to go ahead and Zoom in on it as well,

00:03:17  so that we can see the top left corner of this frame.

00:03:20  And now I'm going to click off the text to deselect it,

00:03:23  and just click on any one of these lines of type here

00:03:26  to select just the first text frame,

00:03:28  the one on the first artboard, that is.

00:03:30  Alright, now I'd like to show you the other options

00:03:32  that are available to you inside of that dialog box.

00:03:36  I'm going to go up to the Type menu

00:03:37  and choose Area Type Options,

00:03:39  in order to bring the dialog box up on screen,

00:03:42  and I'm going to turn on the Preview checkbox.

00:03:44  I want you to see this line right here,

00:03:45  "Why do you want water?" he asked.

00:03:47  The Scarecrow is asking Dorothy that,

00:03:49  because he doesn't actually need water to survive.

00:03:52  Notice now if I change the number of Rows to four,

00:03:56  so that we have rows and columns,

00:03:58  that we now have this network of cells

00:04:01  that we're seeing right here.

00:04:03  So in other words, the text is flowing

00:04:04  from this top left cell

00:04:06  into the one directly to the right of it,

00:04:08  do you see "Why do you want water?" right there?

00:04:11  And that is a function of this Text Flow setting.

00:04:14  If you want it to flow from the top cell

00:04:16  to the next one down,

00:04:18  then you would click this second icon like so,

00:04:20  and then "Why do you want water?"

00:04:22  drops to the next cell down.

00:04:24  Alright, but I'm not really looking for rows,

00:04:26  so I'm going to change that number value back to one,

00:04:29  so that we get rid of the rows entirely.

00:04:31  Alright, now notice this Inset Spacing option.

00:04:34  If I click and hold on this little up arrow icon,

00:04:37  you can see that that insets the text

00:04:39  within the text frame.

00:04:42  And so that's another way to get a little bit

00:04:43  of an extra margin.

00:04:45  I'm going to change that value to zero however,

00:04:47  so I can demonstrate First Baseline.

00:04:50  Right now it's set to Ascent,

00:04:52  so that means the tops of the tallest letters

00:04:54  are aligning to the top of the frame.

00:04:56  But I could change it to a bunch of different options,

00:04:59  including x Height,

00:05:00  and that's going to scoot the letters up

00:05:02  so that the top of the lower case letters

00:05:05  are aligned to the top of the frame.

00:05:08  You can also enter a specific value.

00:05:10  For example, if I change this Minimum value to 20,

00:05:14  then that's going to drop the top of the lowercase letters

00:05:16  20 points down from the top of the frame.

00:05:19  And so why you would do that?

00:05:21  Totally up to you, but I just want you to know

00:05:23  these options are here.

00:05:25  I don't want to make any of these changes,

00:05:26  so I'm just going to go ahead and click the Cancel button

00:05:29  in order to escape that dialog box.

00:05:32  And that's how you establish a series

00:05:33  of multicolumn text frames,

00:05:35  using the Area Type Options command

00:05:38  here inside Illustrator.


صفر تا صد آموزش ایلوستریتور illustrator cc








در این فیلم، به شما نشان خواهم داد که چگونه متن خود را که قبلا در یک پردازشگر کلمه وارد کرده اید وارد کنید. حالا این کاملا ضروری نیست که شما این کار را انجام دهید. شما می توانید مستقیما در Illustrator نوع را به آسانی به عنوان انتخاب Type Tool ایجاد کنید که با فشار دادن کلید T می توانید آن را دریافت کنید. و سپس من می توانم پیش برویم و در داخل سند من کلیک کنم تا نشانگر مورب چشمک زدن را درست در آنجا قرار دهم. و من قصد دارم به جلو برویم و اندازه نوع را در اینجا در کنترل پنل افزایش دهیم تا بگوئیم 24 پوند و سپس من می توانم از هر صفحه ای که متن را دوست دارم وارد کنم. و هنگامی که یک خط از نوع را اینجا یا آنجا ایجاد می کنید، همانطور که در فیلم های آینده مشاهده می کنیم، کار خوبی می کند. اما در مورد ما، ما این سند سه صفحه ای را داریم و بنابراین بهتر است این سند را در پیش نویس مایکروسافت در مایکروسافت یا آنچه شما دارید آماده کنید، زیرا پس از آن میتوانید حداقل سند را امتحان کنید. از آنجا که بین شما و من، املا بودن یکی از نقاط قوت Illustrator نیست. بنابراین من قصد دارم به جلو بروید و کلید فرار را برای خروج از حالت ورود متن فشار دهید و سپس کلید برگشتن و یا حذف کلید Mac را فشار دهید تا از این متن خلاص شود. برای قرار دادن متن ایجاد شده در برنامه دیگری، به منوی File بروید و فرمان Place را انتخاب کنید. در حال حاضر اگر با من کار میکنید، پیش بروید و مسیر زیر را به زیر پوشه 08_text اضافه کنید که در آن، این فایل RTF را در اینجا خواهید یافت.


00:01:18  RTF stands for Rich Text Format,

00:01:20  which allows you to save formatting along with your text,

00:01:23  but it could just as easily be a .doc file,

00:01:26  which is Word's native format,

00:01:28  or it could be a text-only document.

00:01:30  In a case, once you've selected a wordprocessing document,

00:01:33  go ahead and click on the Place button.

00:01:35  In which case you may then see this Microsoft Word Options

00:01:38  dialog box.

00:01:39  It doesn't really apply to my text, however.

00:01:42  Notice that we can choose whether or not to include

00:01:44  table of contents, footnotes and index text.

00:01:48  So if your document contain such things, then great.

00:01:50  You also have the option of just getting rid

00:01:53  of any and all text formatting.

00:01:55  In my case, I'm not going to change any of these settings,

00:01:57  I'm just going to click OK.

00:01:59  At which point, I will load my cursor with the text.

00:02:02  And now I can do one of two things.

00:02:04  I can just click inside the document

00:02:06  in order to create a new text object,

00:02:08  or if I want to define the size of that text object,

00:02:11  I can drag with my cursor like so.

00:02:14  And notice as I'm dragging, I'm getting a constraint here

00:02:17  which is going to prevent me from exactly

00:02:19  filling up the space.

00:02:21  But that's okay, given that I can resize this text frame

00:02:24  anytime I like.

00:02:25  And you do that by going to the View menu

00:02:27  and choosing Show Bounding Box

00:02:30  in order to turn the bounding box on.

00:02:32  You also have this keyboard shortcut of ctrl + shift + b,

00:02:35  for box, that's cmd + shift + b on the Mac.

00:02:38  At which point, you will now see these handles

00:02:41  surrounding this text frame,

00:02:43  which means we can now go ahead and resize this text frame

00:02:47  so it fits inside of this area right here.

00:02:50  And notice that I'm filling the margins

00:02:52  all the way up to the second horizontal guide.

00:02:55  All right, now notice if you will

00:02:57  this red thing down here in the lower right corner

00:03:00  of the text frame.

00:03:01  That is supposed to be a little red square

00:03:04  with the plus sign inside of it,

00:03:06  which indicates that we have what's known as overflow text.

00:03:09  In other words, there's more text than we're seeing

00:03:11  inside this first frame.

00:03:13  To flow that text onto the next artboard,

00:03:16  go ahead and click on that little plus sign right there

00:03:19  and that will load your cursor once again

00:03:22  at which point, you want to press shift + pgDn

00:03:25  in order to advance to the next artboard.

00:03:27  And now you can just go ahead and click

00:03:30  with his cursor in order to create a new text frame,

00:03:33  or you can drag with it, if you prefer,

00:03:36  if you want to go ahead and fill up that entire space.

00:03:39  After which point, you would see that you still have

00:03:41  more overflow text as witnessed by the appearance

00:03:45  of this plus sign inside the red box.

00:03:48  But here's another way to work.

00:03:50  I'm going to ctrl + z or cmd + z on the Mac

00:03:52  to undo the placement of that text

00:03:54  and reload my cursor as you're seeing here.

00:03:57  Another option is to press the alt key,

00:04:00  or the opt key on the Mac, in which case you'll see

00:04:03  a little loopy arrow next to your cursor.

00:04:05  Don't drag with this cursor.

00:04:07  Just go ahead and click with it

00:04:09  in order not only to place some additional overflow text

00:04:12  but you automatically reload your cursor

00:04:15  with still more overflow text.

00:04:18  At which point, you want to press shift + pgDn

00:04:21  in order to advance to the third artboard,

00:04:23  and this time I'm going to drag across the entire

00:04:26  margin guide in order to fill the page like so.

00:04:29  All right, but that leaves a sloppy second artboard frame,

00:04:33  so I'll press shift + pgUp to go back to the second artboard

00:04:36  and I'll click on this text frame like so,

00:04:39  and I'll go ahead and drag it

00:04:40  so it snaps into alignment with the top left corner

00:04:43  of that margin guide.

00:04:44  And now I'll go ahead and drag this bottom corner down

00:04:48  until it snaps in alignment with the bottom right corner.

00:04:51  All right, now I'm going to zoom out to take in

00:04:53  all the artboards by going up to the View menu

00:04:56  and choosing Fit All and Window,

00:04:58  or you can press that keyboard shortcut,

00:05:00  ctrl + alt + 0, or cmd + opt + 0 on the Mac.

00:05:04  And you can see in this bottom frame down here

00:05:06  that we no longer have any overflow text,

00:05:08  so that's a good thing.

00:05:10  And we're also seeing how the frames are threaded.

00:05:12  That's what's meant by these big, thick, purple lines here.

00:05:15  So in other words, the textblock on the first artboard

00:05:18  is threaded to the textblock in the second artboard,

00:05:20  which is then threaded to this final textblock.

00:05:24  And that's how you place text that you prepare in advance

00:05:27  in a word processor and then flow it onto multiple artboards

00:05:30  here inside Illustrator.



صفر تا صد آموزش ایلوستریتور illustrator cc






خوب، در اینجا پروژه سطح فصل ما است که شما کاملا از ابتدا ایجاد خواهید کرد. این یک سند سه صفحه ای است که فصل 5 را از جادوگر فوق العاده جادویی اوز، که توسط L. Frank Baum در سال 1900 نوشته شده و توسط W.W. Denslow کتاب فوق العاده فوق العاده، یکی از مورد علاقه من. اکنون وقتی می گویید که می خواهید آن را از ابتدا ایجاد کنید، منظورم تمام درمان های متن است. من پیش رفته ام و آثار هنری را از قبل آماده کرده ام، و من اینجا هستم که به شما بگویم، چند ساعت طول کشید. خیلی زیاد ادامه دارد و شما می توانید ببینید که ما چند سکته مغزی متغیر نیز داریم. درست است، در حال حاضر در این فصل، ما قصد داریم سند جدید سه صفحه ای را ایجاد کنیم و همچنین ما در حال ایجاد یک راهنمای حاشیه ای در مورد هر سه صفحه هستیم. و ما قصد داریم یک راهنمای هدایت افقی ایجاد کنیم تا عنوان را از کپی بدن جدا کنیم. بنابراین اولین کاری که می خواهید انجام دهید اینست که به منوی File بروید و فرمان جدید را انتخاب کنید یا می توانید آن کلید میانبر ctrl + n یا cmd + n را در Mac فشار دهید. شما می خواهید مشخصات را به RGB پایه تنظیم کنید، و ما به دنبال همان مقادیر عرض و ارتفاع که در فصل های قبل استفاده کردیم. بنابراین مقدار عرض 1008 فوت و ارتفاع 672 پوند. ما خونریزی نمی کنیم، زیرا ما هیچ چیز را به لبه های ماتوبونت چاپ نمی کنیم. و در نهایت، ما در مجموع سه طرح هنری را می خواهیم، ​​فقط ساده تر برای ایجاد آنها در پیشبرد. و من قصد دارم مقدار فاصله را در اینجا به 100 تنظیم کنم، چیزی است که من دنبال آن هستم، 100 پوند. و سپس من روی این آیکون کلیک میکنم که توسط ستون مرتب شده است.



00:01:29  And that's it, now you can go ahead and click OK

00:01:32  in order to create that new document,

00:01:33  and you will see three artboards arranged

00:01:36  in a single column like so.

00:01:37  All right, now make sure the first artboard is active

00:01:39  and then press ctrl + 0 or cmd + 0 on the Mac

00:01:43  in order to fit the first artboard on screen.

00:01:45  All right, now if this were InDesign

00:01:48  or some other page layout program,

00:01:49  then you would have a command that would let you automate

00:01:51  the creation of your margin guides,

00:01:53  but this is illustrator, so there is no margin function.

00:01:57  Instead, what you have to do is draw your own margin

00:02:00  as a rectangle.

00:02:02  So go ahead and select the Rectangle Tool

00:02:04  from the shape tool fly out menu.

00:02:06  And then go to the View menu and make sure

00:02:08  that your smart guides are turned on.

00:02:10  And now you want to drag from one corner of the artboard

00:02:13  to the opposite corner like so.

00:02:16  Now we don't want this shape to have a fill,

00:02:18  so go up to the control panel, click on the first swatch

00:02:21  and change it to none like so.

00:02:24  All right, now click and word Transform

00:02:27  on the right side of the control panel

00:02:29  to bring up the transform popup panel,

00:02:31  and you should see a width of 1008 pt

00:02:34  and a height of 672 pt, which is exactly the size

00:02:37  of the artboard.

00:02:39  What I want you to do is make sure that the centerpoint

00:02:42  is selected inside the reference point matrix

00:02:44  over here on the left side of the panel,

00:02:46  then click after the width value and enter -100

00:02:50  and then press the tab key.

00:02:51  And that'll take the width value down to 908 pt,

00:02:54  and then click after the height value and enter -80

00:02:58  and press the tab key.

00:03:00  And that will take the height value down to 592 pt.

00:03:03  And I just came up with these values incidentally

00:03:05  through trial and error.

00:03:07  All right, now we need to convert the rectangle to a guide,

00:03:11  and you can do that by going to the View menu

00:03:13  or there's an easier way to work.

00:03:14  Just right click on the rectangle

00:03:16  and choose the Make Guides command,

00:03:19  and you'll create an initial margin guide.

00:03:21  All right, now let's add those horizontal guides

00:03:23  in order to set off the headline

00:03:25  by pressing ctrl + r or cmd + r in a Mac

00:03:28  to bring up the rulers.

00:03:29  And then go ahead and drag a horizontal guide down

00:03:32  from the top ruler and drop it any old place for now.

00:03:35  All right, now you can press ctrl + r,

00:03:37  or cmd + r in a Mac to hide the rulers,

00:03:39  and then go to the View menu, choose Guides

00:03:42  and choose Lock Guides in order to turn the command off.

00:03:46  So we have access to that guide that we just created.

00:03:49  Now you'll want to press the V key

00:03:50  to switch to the Black Arrow Tool

00:03:52  and go ahead and marquee that horizontal guide like so,

00:03:55  or you can click on it if you like

00:03:57  in order to select it.

00:03:58  And now click on the word Transform once again.

00:04:00  We don't care about any of these values

00:04:02  except the Y value, which is going to set

00:04:04  the vertical position of that horizontal guide.

00:04:07  And you want to change that Y value to 100

00:04:10  and then press the enter key, or the return key on the Mac.

00:04:13  Now we want to make a copy of this guide 34 pt down,

00:04:16  and another way to do that,

00:04:18  in addition to using the Move Tool,

00:04:20  is to click on the word Transform

00:04:23  and then click after that Y value, enter +34

00:04:26  and instead of pressing the enter key,

00:04:28  or the return key on a Mac, press alt + enter here on the PC

00:04:32  or opt + return on the Mac.

00:04:34  And because you have the alt or opt key down,

00:04:36  that will make a copy of that guide.

00:04:38  All right, now we need to take this margin guide

00:04:41  and duplicate it onto the other two artboards.

00:04:44  So go ahead and click on it to select it

00:04:46  and then go up to the Edit menu and choose the Copy command.

00:04:48  Or you can press ctrl + c or cmd + c on the Mac,

00:04:51  then press shift + pgDn,

00:04:53  or somehow otherwise navigate to the second artboard.

00:04:57  For example, you can select the 2 down here

00:04:59  in the lower left corner of the screen

00:05:01  and then go up to the Edit menu and choose Paste in Front,

00:05:05  or you can just press ctrl + f, or cmd + f on a Mac,

00:05:08  and now press shift + pgDn again

00:05:10  in order to advance to the third artboard

00:05:12  and press ctrl + f or cmd + f to paste the guide

00:05:16  on to this artboard.

00:05:17  And finally, what you want to do is click off the guide

00:05:20  to deselect it, and then go to the View menu,

00:05:22  choose Guides and choose Lock Guides

00:05:24  in order to protect those guides from further harm.

00:05:27  And finally, we want to do a little bit of work here

00:05:29  inside the Layers panel.

00:05:31  Go ahead and click on that fly out menu icon

00:05:33  in the upper right corner of the Layers panel

00:05:35  and choose Panel Options.

00:05:37  And then select Other and change the size value

00:05:40  to 60 pixels, and click OK.

00:05:42  And then go ahead and double-click on the name of this layer

00:05:45  and rename it guides like so.

00:05:47  And then finally, let's create a new layer for our text

00:05:50  by alt or opt clicking on the little page icon

00:05:53  at the bottom of the Layers panel.

00:05:55  I'm going to call this new layer text,

00:05:57  and I'm going to change its color to violet, let's say,

00:06:00  just so we can easily see the handles and other doodads

00:06:03  on screen.

00:06:05  And then go ahead and click OK

00:06:06  in order to accept that change.

00:06:08  And then finally, click on the little down pointing

00:06:10  arrow head next to the artboard number and choose 1

00:06:13  in order to return to the very first artboard.

00:06:15  And that's how you create a new multipage document

00:06:19  complete with custom margin guides

00:06:21  here inside Illustrator.


صفر تا صد آموزش ایلوستریتور illustrator cc


خوب، در اینجا پروژه سطح فصل ما است که شما کاملا از ابتدا ایجاد خواهید کرد. این یک سند سه صفحه ای است که فصل پنجم را از Wizard Wonderful Wizard اصلی اوز، که توسط L. Frank Baum در سال 1900 نوشته شده و توسط W.W. Denslow کتاب فوق العاده فوق العاده، یکی از مورد علاقه من. حالا وقتی میگم میخوام اون رو از ابتدا ایجاد کنم، منظورم تمام درمانهای متن هست. من پیش رفته ام و آثار هنری را از قبل طراحی کرده ام و من اینجا هستم تا به شما بگویم چند ساعت طول کشید. خیلی زیاد ادامه دارد، و می بینید ما چند سکته مغزی متغیر نیز داریم. درست در حال حاضر در این فصل، ما سند جدید سه صفحه را ایجاد خواهیم کرد و ما در حال ایجاد یک راهنمای حاشیه در سراسر هر سه صفحه هستیم و ما قصد داریم چند راهنمای راهنمایی را برای جدا سازی سرصفحه ایجاد کنیم. از کپی بدن بنابراین اولین کاری که می خواهید انجام دهید این است که به منوی فایل بروید و فرمان جدید را انتخاب کنید یا می توانید یک میانبر صفحه کلید از Control N یا Command N را در Mac فشار دهید، شما می خواهید تنظیمات را به RGB اصلی متصل کنید، دوباره به دنبال همان مقادیر عرض و ارتفاع که ما در گذشته استفاده کرده ایم


00:01:03  chapters, so width value of 1,008 points

00:01:06  and a height of 672 points.

00:01:10  We don't need any bleed because we're not printing

00:01:12  anything to the edges of the artboards.

00:01:14  And then finally we want a total of three artboards

00:01:17  just easier to create them in advance

00:01:19  and I'm gonna set the spacing value right here to 100

00:01:23  is what I'm looking for, 100 points.

00:01:25  And then I'm gonna click on this icon

00:01:27  arrange by column and that's it.

00:01:30  Now you can go head and click OK in order

00:01:32  to create that new document and you will see

00:01:34  three artboards arranged in a single column like so.

00:01:37  Alright now make sure the first artboard is active

00:01:40  and then press Control zero, or Command zero on a Mac

00:01:43  in order to fit the first artboard on screen.

00:01:46  Alright now if this were InDesign or some other

00:01:48  page layout program, then you would have a command

00:01:50  that would let you automate the creation

00:01:52  of your margin guides, but this is Illustrator

00:01:54  so there is no margin function.

00:01:57  Instead what you have to do is draw your own margin

00:02:00  as a rectangle, so go ahead and select the rectangle tool

00:02:04  from the shape tool flyout menu

00:02:06  and then go to the view menu and make sure

00:02:08  that your smart guides are turned on.

00:02:09  And now you want to drag from one corner

00:02:12  of the artboard to the opposite corner like so.

00:02:16  Now we don't want this shape to have a fill

00:02:18  so go up to the control panel

00:02:20  click on the first swatch and change it to none, like so.

00:02:24  Alright now click on the word transform on the right side

00:02:27  of the control panel to bring up the transform popup panel.

00:02:31  And you should see a width of 1,008 points

00:02:33  and a height of 672 points which is exactly

00:02:37  the size of the artboard.

00:02:38  What I want you to do is make sure

00:02:41  that the center point is selected

00:02:42  inside the reference point matrix over here

00:02:44  on the left side of the panel

00:02:46  then click after the width value

00:02:48  and enter -100 and then press the tab key

00:02:51  and that will take the width value down to 908 points.

00:02:55  And then click after the height value and enter -80

00:02:58  and press the tab key, and that will take the height value

00:03:01  down to 592 points, and I just came up with these values

00:03:03  incidentally through trial and error.

00:03:08  Alright now we need to convert the rectangle to a guide

00:03:11  and you can do that by going to the view menu

00:03:12  or there's an easier way to work.

00:03:15  Just right-click on the rectangle

00:03:16  choose the Make Guides command

00:03:19  and you'll create an initial margin guide.

00:03:21  Alright, now let's add those horizontal guides

00:03:23  in order to set off the headline

00:03:25  by pressing Control R, or Command R on a Mac

00:03:28  to bring up the rulers.

00:03:29  And then, go ahead and drag a horizontal guide

00:03:31  down from the top ruler, and drop it any old place for now.

00:03:35  Alright now you can press Control R, or Command R on a Mac

00:03:38  to hide the rulers and then go to the view menu

00:03:40  choose Guides, choose Lock Guides in order

00:03:44  to turn the command off, so we have access

00:03:47  to that guide that we just created.

00:03:50  Now you want to press the V key

00:03:51  to switch to the black arrow tool

00:03:52  and go ahead and marquee that horizontal guide like so

00:03:55  or you can click on it if you like in order to select it.

00:03:58  And now click on the word transform once again.

00:04:00  We don't care about any of these values

00:04:02  except the Y value, which is gonna set the vertical

00:04:05  position of that horizontal guide.

00:04:07  And you want to change that Y value to 100

00:04:09  and then press the Enter key, or the Return key on a mac.

00:04:13  Now we want to make a copy of this guide

00:04:15  34 points down and another way to do that

00:04:18  in addition to using the move tool

00:04:20  is to click on the word transform

00:04:23  and then click after that Y value

00:04:24  enter +34 and instead of pressing the Enter key

00:04:28  or the Return key on a Mac, press Alt Enter

00:04:30  here on a PC or Option Return on the Mac

00:04:34  and because you have the Alt or Option key down

00:04:36  that will make a copy of that guide.

00:04:39  Alright now we need to take this margin guide

00:04:40  and duplicate it onto the other two artboards.

00:04:44  So go ahead and click on it to select it

00:04:45  and then go up to the edit menu and choose the copy command.

00:04:49  Or you can press Control C, or Command C on a Mac.

00:04:51  Then press Shift pgDn, or somehow otherwise

00:04:54  navigate to the second artboard.

00:04:57  For example you can select the two down here

00:04:59  in the lower left corner of the screen

00:05:01  and then go up to the edit menu

00:05:03  and choose paste in front or you can just

00:05:05  press Control F or Command F on a Mac.

00:05:08  And now press Shift PgDn again

00:05:10  in order to advance to the third artboard

00:05:12  and press Control F or Command F to paste

00:05:15  a guide onto this artboard.

00:05:17  Now finally what you want to do

00:05:19  is click off the guide to deselect it

00:05:20  and then go to the view menu, choose guides

00:05:23  and choose lock guides in order to protect

00:05:25  those guides from further harm.

00:05:27  And finally we want to do a little bit of work

00:05:29  here inside the layers panel.

00:05:30  Go ahead and click on that flyout menu icon

00:05:33  in the upper right corner of the layers panel

00:05:35  and choose Panel Options.

00:05:37  And then select Other and change the size value

00:05:40  to 60 pixels and click OK.

00:05:42  And then go ahead and double click on the name

00:05:44  of this layer and rename it Guides like so.

00:05:47  And then finally, let's create a new layer

00:05:49  for our text by Alt or Option clicking

00:05:52  on the little page icon at the bottom

00:05:54  of the layers panel, I'm gonna call this new layer text

00:05:57  and I'm gonna change it's color to violet, let's say.

00:06:00  Just so we can easily see the handles

00:06:02  and other doodads on screen and then go ahead

00:06:05  and click OK in order to accept that change.

00:06:08  And then finally, click on the little

00:06:09  down-pointing arrowhead next to the artboard number

00:06:11  and choose one in order to return

00:06:14  to the very first artboard.

00:06:16  And that's how you create a new multi-page document

00:06:19  complete with custom margin guides here inside Illustrator.
