دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی

۱۸۴ مطلب با موضوع «آموزش illustrator» ثبت شده است

آموزش تغییر حذف آرت بورد ایلاستریتور Illustrator CC Artboards Deleting  scaling


فیلم آموزشی کار کردن سریع با Illustrator 





در این فیلم، من شما را چگونه به حذف و مقیاس را نشان می دهد artboards داخل Illustrator، زیرا پس از همه، شما می توانید به عنوان بسیاری از artboards داشته باشد به عنوان دوست دارید، در هر نقطه از یک تا 100، و این تبلت ها می توانند همه اندازه های مختلف باشند و جهت ها بنابراین بگذارید بگوییم آنچه من می خواهم انجام دهم این است که من می خواهم خلاص شویم از Artboard 8 و پس از آن من می خواهم در آن تازه خالی پر کنید فضای با مدرد 7، به طوری که صفحه 7 در حال حاضر حدود دو برابر بزرگتر است. اولین کاری که من انجام می دهم البته، سوئیچ است به Artboard Tool که یک بار دیگر شما می توانید با فشار دادن shift + o، و سپس این X کمی در بالای هر یک را متوجه می شوید از این هیئت مدیره اگر روی آن کلیک کنید، پیش بروید و جلوی آن را ببندید که همانند حذف آن در Illustrator است. راه دیگری برای کار، من به جلو بروید و کنترل + z را فشار دهید یا فرمان + z در Mac، برای بازگرداندن آن صفحه، کلیک بر روی آن و / یا آن را انتخاب کنید، و سپس فقط فشار دهید کلید "backspace" یا کلید "delete" در Mac. اما چیزی که می خواهید در ذهن داشته باشید این است که همیشه باید حداقل یک مگابایت را ترک کنید بنابراین، اگر من از همه این آثار هنری خلاص شدم به استثنای تخته صفحه 1 اینجا، جعبه نزدیک آن کمی است ناپدید خواهد شد درست است، در حال حاضر، من قصد دارم به جلو بروید و پیمایش کنید


  just a little bit like so, and I'm also going to scroll

 over to the right so I have a little more room to work.

  We have all sorts of options for scaling artboards

 inside of Illustrator.

  If you want to go with a preset paper size,  then go up here to the Control panel, click on

00:01:30  what is now the word Custom, and choose a size,

00:01:33  such as Letter here inside the States,

00:01:36  or A4 in Europe and elsewhere,

00:01:39  and notice that that page is scaling

00:01:40  from the center outward, so if I select a massive

00:01:43  paper size, such as Tabloid, I am going to grow that page

00:01:47  in all directions.

00:01:49  You can also change the orientation of that page

00:01:52  by clicking on one of these icons,

00:01:54  either Portrait as we're seeing now,

00:01:56  or Landscape in order to make it wider than it is tall.

00:02:00  All right, I'm going to go ahead and drag this page

00:02:02  downward, and notice, by the way, that the Move/Copy

00:02:05  Artwork with Artboard button is turned off,

00:02:09  so that I can move that artboard independently,

00:02:12  which is typically very important when you're trying

00:02:14  to scale and position an artboard.

00:02:18  All right, another way to work is to just go ahead

00:02:20  and drag one of these eight handles that surrounds

00:02:22  the artboard.

00:02:23  If you want to constrain the aspect ratio, then go ahead

00:02:27  and press the shift key as you drag, like so,

00:02:30  and you need to keep that shift key down,

00:02:32  because if at any point you release it,

00:02:35  then you're going to be able to change the aspect ratio

00:02:37  to anything you want.

00:02:38  If you want to reconstrain it, then go ahead and press

00:02:41  and hold that shift key once again, until you go ahead

00:02:44  and release the mouse button.

00:02:46  Another thing I want you to notice is that as you're

00:02:49  dragging a corner handle, you're going to see

00:02:51  width and height values in that heads up display,

00:02:55  and that is once again a function of Smart Guides.

00:02:58  If I were to go up to the View menu, and choose the

00:02:59  Smart Guides command off, and then drag that corner

00:03:03  handle once again, those width and height values

00:03:06  are going to disappear, so as I was saying in the previous

00:03:09  movie, you really want to make sure that Smart Guides

00:03:11  are turned on when you're working with artboards

00:03:14  inside Illustrator.

00:03:16  Also notice these width and height values up here

00:03:18  in the Control panel, which allow you to dial in

00:03:20  specific measurements.

00:03:22  For example, I could change the Width value to something

00:03:24  like 16 inches, so 16", and then press the "Tab" key

00:03:28  to advance to the Height value, and change it,

00:03:31  let's say to 10 inches, and then press the "Enter" key

00:03:35  or the "Return" key on a Mac in order to make that change,

00:03:38  and now that I've done that, now that I've established

00:03:40  this 16 by 10 ratio, I can go ahead and click on this chain

00:03:45  icon right there to constrain the width and height values,

00:03:49  and so now if I change the width value to let's say

00:03:52  20 inches, I'm going to change the height value by that

00:03:56  same amount, in this case to what amounts to 900 points.

00:04:00  The problem is, everything is happening from the center

00:04:03  once again, and that's a function of this little Reference

00:04:07  Point matrix right there.

00:04:09  Notice that the center square is turned on,

00:04:12  so let's say that I really want everything to align the way

00:04:16  it was aligning before,

00:04:17  that is to say the upper right corner of the page

00:04:19  should be right where you see my cursor.

00:04:22  Well the first thing I'm going to do is drag this corner

00:04:24  handle like so until I snap into alignment with the

00:04:28  left side of artboard 3 and the top of artboard 6,

00:04:32  which is actually going to happen right here,

00:04:34  and then I'll go ahead and release, so notice,

00:04:36  at this point, I'm aligned to the bleeds, those red bleed

00:04:40  outlines, which is not what I want.

00:04:41  I want this artboard to align to the other ones

00:04:44  which is what I'm going to get at this point right here.

00:04:47  All right, having done that, I'm now going to go ahead

00:04:50  and select the upper left corner in that Reference Point

00:04:53  matrix, in order to lock that corner down,

00:04:56  and now I'll just go ahead and dial in whatever values

00:04:59  I want, such as, let's say 16 inches once again for

00:05:02  the width value.

00:05:03  That's going to change the height value in kind

00:05:06  to 10 inches, which is the same as 720 points

00:05:10  because I have this chain icon turned on.

00:05:12  That's not what I want, however, so I'm just going to

00:05:14  turn that chain off, and now,

00:05:16  I'll just go ahead and drag this bottom right corner handle

00:05:20  until things snap into alignment like so

00:05:22  and now I have this perfectly scaled artboard

00:05:25  that takes up the space that was formerly occupied

00:05:28  by both artboard 7 and 8.

00:05:30  All right, now I'm just going to press the "escape" key

00:05:32  to switch back to that black arrow tool

00:05:34  and now I'm going to go ahead and click on that 8

00:05:36  to select it.

00:05:37  I don't really need it anymore because we only have

00:05:39  seven artboards, but, oftentimes, instead of getting rid

00:05:42  of an object by pressing the "backspace" key

00:05:45  or the "delete" key on a Mac, I'll go ahead and Undo that,

00:05:48  what you want to do instead is just set it aside

00:05:51  by dragging it out into the Paste board,

00:05:53  and that can be really useful for keeping objects

00:05:56  that you spent a lot of time on, but you're not sure if you

00:05:58  want in this specific document, or if you're working

00:06:02  with other people and they're creating elements

00:06:04  and you're creating elements,

00:06:06  and you're not sure if they want this one anymore

00:06:08  so you just move it out here into what is essentially

00:06:11  a junk drawer, so that if somebody does need that object

00:06:15  ever again, they can just drag it back into an artboard

00:06:18  and make it part of the real printing exportable version

00:06:21  of the document.

00:06:23  All right, now I'll go ahead and select the 7 right there

00:06:25  by clicking on it, and I'm going to align it to the artboard

00:06:28  by clicking on the word Align up here in the Control panel

00:06:32  and making sure that Align To down here in the bottom

00:06:34  right corner is set to Align to Artboard,

00:06:37  and then I'll go ahead and click on this guy,

00:06:40  the second icon, and Horizontal Align Center, in order to

00:06:44  center the 7 like so, and then I'll just click off the 7

00:06:47  a couple of times in order to hide the panel

00:06:49  as well as deselect the 7.

00:06:52  And now I'll go up to the View menu and choose

00:06:53  Fit All in Window in order to center all of my artboards

00:06:57  on screen,

00:06:58  and that's how you delete and scale artboards,

00:07:01  using the Artboard tool, here inside Illustrator.


آموزش آندو کردن ایلاستریتور Illustrator CC Artboards Undo, Redo, and Revert




ساخت لوگوی انیمیشن شده برای تبلیغات تلویزیونی



در این فیلم، من قصد دارم رابطه را نشان دهم بین خنثی کردن و بازخوانی در Illustrator نه به خاطر این است که منحصرا به artboards، بلکه به این دلیل که یک اساسی است مفهوم در استفاده از Illustrator. به طوری که ممکن است در فیلم قبلی به یاد بیاورید من یک صفحه هنری خود را مستقل قرار دادم از عدد یک در داخل این سند. و من هنوز می توانم این عملیات را لغو کنم با رفتن به منوی ویرایش و انتخاب فرمان خلع سلاح یا فشار دادن کنترل z یا دستور z روی Mac. و من می توانم عملیات قبلی را نیز خنثی کنم با ادامه فشار دادن کنترل z یا دستور z روی Mac. همینطور برای انجام مجدد من می توانم به منوی ویرایش بروم و در این مرحله دستور redo را انتخاب کنید یا میانبر صفحه کلید را فشار دهید کنترل shift z یا shift shift z در Mac. و من می توانم که میانبر صفحه کلید را فشار دهم چند بار در یک ردیف برای انجام دوباره به عنوان بسیاری از عملیات به عنوان وجود دارد به انجام دوباره. در بعضی موارد، من قصد دارم با این حال، از عملیات خارج می شود در آن نقطه دستور فرمان تحت منوی ویرایش ظاهر خواهد شد کم نور. حالا چیزهای بزرگ در مورد چندین لغزش


  inside of Illustrator is that they survive a save operation.

00:01:06  So if I go up to the file menu and choose the save command,

00:01:09  or press that keyboard shortcut

00:01:11  control s or command s on the Mac,

00:01:13  I have now saved the document as indicated by

00:01:16  the lack of asterisk after the title here in the title tab.

00:01:20  And yet, I can still press control z or command z on the Mac

00:01:24  in order to undo the various operations

00:01:26  that I applied before saving.

00:01:28  The one thing you can not undo

00:01:31  in Illustrator however, is a revert.

00:01:33  So for example, if I go up to the file menu

00:01:36  and choose the revert command

00:01:38  or I can press the keyboard shortcut F12 here on the PC

00:01:42  On the Mac it's a very different

00:01:44  shortcut of command option z.

00:01:46  Then I'll get this alert message

00:01:48  which tells me I'm going to abandon all of my modifications

00:01:51  and reload the saved version of my document.

00:01:55  And it's very important that you respond

00:01:57  to this alert message deliberately because it is permanent.

00:02:01  So notice if I click on the revert button

00:02:03  in order to restore that saved version of the document

00:02:06  which now features the artboard

00:02:08  disassociated from the numeral one,

00:02:10  then notice if I go up to the edit menu

00:02:12  both the undo and redo commands are dimmed.

00:02:16  So if I want to restore my document to the way it looked

00:02:19  when I first opened it in the previous movie,

00:02:21  I'm going to have to do so manually

00:02:22  by switching to the artboard tool,

00:02:24  which once again you can get by pressing shift o.

00:02:27  And then I'll just go ahead

00:02:28  and drag that artboard into place.

00:02:31  And assuming that I have smart guides turned on,

00:02:33  and that's by default, then at some point

00:02:36  I'm going to see those intersection lines

00:02:38  appearing through the center of artboards two and five.

00:02:42  At which point I'll go ahead and release

00:02:44  in order to reestablish that artboard to its proper location

00:02:48  Then I'll press the escape key

00:02:50  in order to return to the black arrow tool.

00:02:52  I'll go up to the view menu and choose fit all in window

00:02:56  in order to center my artboards.

00:02:58  And then I'll go up to the file menu

00:03:00  and choose the save command in order to

00:03:02  save my modifications to disk.

00:03:04  And that is the relationship between undoing and reverting,

00:03:09  specifically you can undo and redo

00:03:11  just about anything you like except for the revert command.


آموزش کار با ابزار آرت بورد  Illustrator CC Artboard tool


 آشنایی با محیط نرم افزار Illustrator




در این فیلم من به شما نشان می دهم که چگونه می توانید حرکت کنید یک صفحهنمایش، با یا بدون محتوای آن، با استفاده از ابزار Artboard. و ما نیز عملکرد را می بینیم چندین Undos در Illustrator بازی می کنند. بنابراین بگذارید به عنوان مثال می خواهم بگویم آیا می خواهم یک صفحه اول را به مکان دیگری منتقل کنم. خوب، در Illustrator خیلی متفاوت عمل می کند از آن است که در داخل هر برنامه چند صفحه ای دیگر وجود دارد. کدام است که بگویم که نمی آیی برای این دکمه تنظیم سند اینجا کلیک کنید من فقط می خواهم تو را بدانم زیرا این یکی از بیشترین است چیزهای گمراه کننده برای کاربران جدید، زیرا شما انتظار دارید که تمام این موارد را شامل شود که ما در جعبه محاوره ای جدید دیدیم. به عنوان مثال، اگر من به جلو بروید و فرمان جدید را انتخاب کنید ما می بینیم که کنترل داریم بیش از تعداد Artboards، فاصله بین جلوه های هنری، چگونه آنها مرتب شده اند، اندازه آثار هنری، جهت گیری آنها و غیره و همچنین به عنوان واحد و ارزش های Bleed. مقایسه کنید، من به جلو بروید و لغو کردن، به چیزی که ما می بینیم زمانی که ما بر روی دکمه تنظیم سند کلیک کنید که در اینجا در کنترل پنل قرار دارد هنگامی که ابزار فلش سیاه فعال است و بنابراین اگر من بر روی آن دکمه کلیک کنید من اینجا چیزهای زیادی را می بینم



but all I see in the way of artboard controls

00:01:13  is my Units, which are set to Points,

00:01:15  and the Bleed values, and that's all.

00:01:18  If I want to edit the artboards

00:01:19  then I have to click on this Edit Artboards button.

00:01:22  But that's a little bit misleading,

00:01:24  because all that button does is close the dialog box

00:01:27  and switch you to a different tool,

00:01:29  which is the Artboard Tool

00:01:31  located toward the bottom of the toolbox.

00:01:34  So really the easier way to work,

00:01:36  assuming that you already had some other tool selected,

00:01:39  such as the black arrow tool

00:01:41  up here at the top of the toolbox,

00:01:42  is to just avoid the Document Setup button,

00:01:46  no reason to click it,

00:01:47  and just drop down here to the Artboard Tool

00:01:49  and select it.

00:01:51  And now you'll see handles around the active artboard.

00:01:54  So if I click on Artboard 2 I'm going to select it,

00:01:57  3, I'll select it, and so forth.

00:01:59  Now one of the things that can throw you

00:02:01  about clicking on artboards

00:02:03  is you can make the mistake of clicking on an object

00:02:06  in an already selected artboard.

00:02:08  In which case you'll create a new artboard

00:02:11  that is the size of that object.

00:02:14  In this case the number 3.

00:02:15  Now you might look at that and say how in the world

00:02:18  is that artboard the exact same size by the way,

00:02:21  in so far as Illustrator is concerned as the number 3?

00:02:24  Well the reason is whenever you're working with type

00:02:27  Illustrator is always evaluating how big

00:02:29  all of the characters might be in this font

00:02:33  at this particular type size.

00:02:35  And so like any other font, this one contains letters,

00:02:39  some of which have ascenders that go upward

00:02:41  and some of which have descenders,

00:02:43  imagine the tail on a lowercase G, that go downward.

00:02:48  And you can confirm that's the case

00:02:49  by switching back to the black arrow tool.

00:02:51  And the easiest way to do that by the way,

00:02:53  to get out of this artboard mode,

00:02:55  is to just press the escape key.

00:02:57  That's going to deactivate the artboards

00:02:59  and it's going to take you back to the black arrow.

00:03:01  And notice, if I go ahead and click

00:03:03  on the number 3 right here

00:03:05  you can see this bounding box,

00:03:07  which is the exact same size as that artboard.

00:03:10  Now of course I don't want that artboard,

00:03:12  that was a mistake,

00:03:13  so I'll go up to the Edit menu,

00:03:15  and choose the Undo command right up here at the top,

00:03:17  which has the standard keyboard shortcut

00:03:19  of Ctrl + Z on the PC, or command + Z on the Mac,

00:03:22  and yes, you do have multiple undos inside Illustrator,

00:03:26  as we'll see in just a moment.

00:03:28  In any case, I'm going to go ahead and choose that command.

00:03:31  And now I want to go back to modifying the artboards

00:03:34  by selecting that Artboard Tool.

00:03:36  And notice if you hover over the tool

00:03:38  you're going to see a little tool tip

00:03:39  that ends with Shift + O.

00:03:41  That is the keyboard shortcut for that tool.

00:03:44  So you don't have to press the control key,

00:03:46  or the command key, or anything like that,

00:03:47  it's just Shift + O for the Artboard Tool.

00:03:51  Or of course if you'd prefer not to clutter your mind

00:03:53  with that keyboard shortcut

00:03:54  just go ahead and select the tool here inside the toolbox.

00:03:58  Alright, now what I'm going to do

00:03:59  is click on Artboard 1 to select it,

00:04:01  and I'm just going to drag it up and to the left like so

00:04:05  to this fairly absurd location

00:04:07  and then I'll go up to the View menu

00:04:09  and choose Fit All in Window,

00:04:12  so that I can see all of my artboards at the same time,

00:04:15  set against that dark grey pasteboard,

00:04:17  which is a kind of no mans land.

00:04:19  You can put any objects there you like.

00:04:21  Things that you don't want to print,

00:04:22  but you want to keep around.

00:04:24  It's basically Illustrator's equivalent of a junk drawer.

00:04:27  Now at this point let's say I want to move this page

00:04:29  back into its current location,

00:04:31  so that it exactly aligns horizontally

00:04:34  to Artboard 5 and vertically to Artboard 2.

00:04:37  Well, notice up here in the View menu

00:04:39  that we have this command toward the bottom

00:04:41  called Smart Guides and it's turned on by default.

00:04:44  Smart Guides are extremely useful

00:04:47  when you're moving artboards inside Illustrator.

00:04:50  And let me show you what that looks like.

00:04:52  I'll go ahead and drag the artboard down

00:04:55  and notice those green lines that I'm seeing,

00:04:57  with that tiny word intersect.

00:04:59  That's telling me that I'm intersecting

00:05:01  with some portion of the other artboards,

00:05:04  both horizontally and vertically,

00:05:06  because I'm seeing two different lines there.

00:05:08  Problem is I'm intersecting incorrectly.

00:05:10  Because if I drop right here

00:05:12  what I'm really intersecting with

00:05:14  is the bottom of this bleed associated with Artboard 2,

00:05:19  and the right side of the bleed on Artboard 5,

00:05:21  which is not what I want.

00:05:22  So I'll go ahead and press control + Z,

00:05:24  or command + Z on the Mac, to undo.

00:05:25  And I'll try again, and this time what I'm looking for

00:05:28  are lines going through the center of the artboards.

00:05:31  See how I have a line directly through the center

00:05:34  of Artboard 5?

00:05:36  But I also have one at the bottom of Artboard 1,

00:05:39  so that's a problem.

00:05:40  In other words I'm aligning incorrectly

00:05:43  with the previous location

00:05:44  of the currently moved artboard,

00:05:47  which can be a problem.

00:05:48  So I'll just go ahead and put it some place else

00:05:50  and try again.

00:05:51  And now what I want is to see a center line

00:05:55  going right there through Artboard 2.

00:05:56  Do you see it? That horizontal center line.

00:05:58  And a vertical line going through the center of Artboard 5.

00:06:01  And then if I release I have exactly aligned

00:06:05  that artboard into place.

00:06:07  Alright, now I want to show you

00:06:08  a little bit of gotcha that can get you in trouble.

00:06:11  Notice if I drag Artboard 1 down

00:06:14  so it covers a little bit of that 5,

00:06:16  and then I drag it to another location

00:06:19  I'm going to take the 5 along with it.

00:06:21  So objects can start getting stuck

00:06:23  from one artboard onto another.

00:06:26  And the same would happen,

00:06:27  I'll go ahead and press control + Z,

00:06:28  or command + Z on the Mac,

00:06:30  if I were to click on Artboard 5

00:06:32  and drag it to a different location

00:06:34  I would take the 1 along with it.

00:06:37  Which is why it's so useful,

00:06:39  just given that I've muddled things up here,

00:06:40  that I have multiple undos inside of Illustrator.

00:06:43  So I'm going to go ahead and take advantage of them

00:06:45  by pressing control + Z, or command + Z on the Mac,

00:06:48  a few times in a row until I get back

00:06:50  the original appearance of my artboards.

00:06:53  Alright, now just one more thing.

00:06:55  Notice that every time I've been moving an artboard

00:06:57  I've been moving the contents

00:06:59  of that artboard along with it.

00:07:01  That's a function of this icon right here

00:07:03  up in the control panel.

00:07:04  If you don't want to move the object

00:07:06  along with the artboard

00:07:07  turn it off by clicking on it.

00:07:09  And then go ahead and drag the artboard anywhere you like.

00:07:13  Now you may wonder why in the world

00:07:15  would you want to do that?

00:07:16  Well, sometimes objects in artboards get out of alignment.

00:07:19  For example, if you check out this illustration right here,

00:07:23  which contains a bunch of slides

00:07:24  that I created for another course of mine

00:07:27  called Pen Tool fundamentals.

00:07:29  Everything looks like it's aligned properly,

00:07:31  except for this upper right artboard,

00:07:34  which is obviously out of alignment with its contents.

00:07:37  So what I'm going to do is click

00:07:38  on that artboard to select it,

00:07:40  and notice that the Artboard Tool is still active,

00:07:42  even though I switched from one document to another.

00:07:45  So I'll just go ahead and click on that artboard.

00:07:47  If this option was on,

00:07:48  this icon up here in the control panel,

00:07:50  as by default, and I tried to drag this guy into place,

00:07:54  you can see that all of the objects are moving along with it

00:07:57  and that would of course be a disaster,

00:07:59  because it's very hard to get these objects

00:08:02  back into alignment after you've moved them

00:08:04  with the artboard.

00:08:06  So I'll go ahead and press control + Z,

00:08:07  or command + Z on the Mac, to undo that move.

00:08:09  And I'll turn off that icon up there in the control panel.

00:08:12  And now notice when I move the artboard

00:08:15  into exact alignment, which I know I've got,

00:08:17  because I can see those center guide lines right there,

00:08:20  as soon as I drop the artboard into place

00:08:22  I've managed to properly position it

00:08:24  without upsetting the position of those objects

00:08:27  in my document.

00:08:29  And now that I'm done modifying the artboards

00:08:31  I can go ahead and press the escape key

00:08:33  in order to deactivate the Artboard Tool,

00:08:36  so that I don't accidentally mess things up,

00:08:38  as well as return to the black arrow tool

00:08:40  up here at the top of the toolbox.

00:08:42  And that friends is how you move artboards

00:08:45  with and without their contents

00:08:48  here inside Illustrator.


آموزش کار با آرت بورد ایلاستریتور Illustrator CC Artboards


تنظیمات اولیه Illustrator preferences





نرم افزار Illustrator ، یک برنامه بسیار انعطاف پذیر است. این به شما اجازه می دهد یک قطعه واحد از آثار هنری ایجاد کنید یا یک صفحه چند صفحه ای با این وجود، Illustrator کلمه "صفحات" را دوست ندارد. آنها آنها را "تخته های هنری" می نامند که شاید به نظر احمقانه، حتی ظالمانه باشد. اما یک هیئت مدیره هنر در واقع دقیقا همین است. این یک تکه کاغذ نیست یا حتی یک صفحه الکترونیکی در یک سند PDF. این سطح ایجاد مستطیل شکل است. در یک سند Illustrator تنها هر هیئت مدیره هنری می تواند هر اندازه که دوست دارید باشد مطابق با نیازهای دقیق پروژه خاص شما. شما می توانید تابلوهای هنر را در هر کجا گسترش دهید همه در سراسر دسکتاپ. این یک سند نامه نامه یا یک صفحه A4 نیست. این یک هیئت مدیره هنری آزاد است که می تواند هر اندازه یا ابعادی که می خواهید باشد. در این فصل، به شما نشان خواهم داد که چگونه صفحات هنری را ایجاد کنید در هر و هر راه ممکن و سپس من شما را به چگونگی تمیز کردن آنها نشان می دهم به طوری که تمام تابلوهای هنر خود را به هماهنگی کامل می رسند. شما می توانید کار کنید با این حال دوست دارید. Illustrator می داند که یک و تنها یک کار دارد برای نگه داشتن با شما ساخته شده است.

آموزش ضروریات نرم افزار ایلاستریتور  Illustrator CC  The Start screen Recent Files panel


کتاب آموزش فارسی نرم افزار Adobe Illustrator با فرمت PDF








در این فیلم من شما را معرفی میکنم به علاوه اخیر به Illustrator CC، و این صفحه شروع است. و به طور پیش فرض، به نظر می رسد هر زمان شما هیچ سندی باز ندارید بنابراین برای مثال، همانطور که می بینید، در حال حاضر من فقط یک سند تک باز. اگر من آن را ببندم، از صفحه آغازین خوشحال خواهم شد. و اتفاقا، شما فقط این را میبینید اگر به نسخه Illustrator به روز رسانی شده اید که شروع به حمل و نقل 30 نوامبر 2015. توجه داشته باشید، در حال حاضر من آن را به آخرین، بیش از اینجا در گوشه بالا سمت چپ، که به من لیستی از فایل های اخیرا باز شده را نشان می دهد با شروع تازه ترین از همه آنها و رفتن به طور متوالی و به این ترتیب همه باید برای باز کردن یکی از این فایلها اقدام کنم با کلیک بر روی نام آن، مانند، و آن را باز می شود تا بالا. اما من می خواهم به شما بیشتر نشان دهم، پس من می خواهم برو جلو و این فایل را ببند علاوه بر دیدن این فایل ها در فرم لیست شما همچنین می توانید بر روی این آیکون راست کلیک کنید برای رفتن به نمایش تصویر بند انگشتی و اگر به هیچ وجه شما تصویر کوچک را نمی بینید، برای یکی از شما اخیرا فایلها را باز کرده اید به احتمال زیاد به این دلیل که فایل را باز نکردید در آخرین نسخه Illustrator. علاوه بر فایل های اخیر، ما همچنین دارای کتابخانه ها، که بین برنامه های مختلف به اشتراک گذاشته می شود.



  And we're gonna discuss those in detail in a future course.

00:01:14  But for now, I'm just gonna skip down to Presets,

00:01:17  which lists a bunch of new file presets.

00:01:20  So for example, if you wanna create a letter-sized document,

00:01:23  all you have to do is click on Letter

00:01:25  and that's gonna open a new single artboard file,

00:01:28  without bringing up the new dialog box.

00:01:31  Alright, now I imagine some folks

00:01:33  are gonna find the start screen really useful.

00:01:35  If you don't, however, you can turn it off.

00:01:37  By going up to the Edit menu, that would be

00:01:40  the Photoshop menu on the Mac,

00:01:41  dropping all the way down to the Preferences command,

00:01:44  which isn't nearly this far down the menu on the Mac,

00:01:46  and choosing the very first command

00:01:48  in the sub-menu, which is General.

00:01:50  You also have the option of pressing

00:01:52  this keyboard shortcut of control+k,

00:01:54  or command+k, which might not make

00:01:56  a whole lot of sense, but it is

00:01:58  a consistent keyboard shortcut

00:01:59  across many of the Creative Cloud applications.

00:02:02  Anyway, once you choose the command,

00:02:04  you're gonna see this big Preferences dialog box.

00:02:06  And then notice these two check boxes right here,

00:02:09  Show "Start" Workspace When No Documents Are Open.

00:02:12  If you don't want that start workspace,

00:02:14  then just go ahead and turn that check box off.

00:02:16  And then we have this one called

00:02:18  Show "Recent" Files Workspace When Opening a File.

00:02:21  I'm gonna go ahead and turn that one on

00:02:23  so I can demonstrate that as well, and then I'll click OK.

00:02:26  And now I'll go ahead and close this document.

00:02:29  Notice this time around, we do not see the start screen.

00:02:32  But, you can actually still get to it if you like

00:02:35  by clicking on the word Essentials

00:02:37  up here in the top right corner of the interface,

00:02:39  and then choosing this guy right here, Start.

00:02:42  And that will go ahead

00:02:43  and temporarily bring up the start screen.

00:02:45  I'm gonna go ahead and switch back to Recent

00:02:48  and click on that Welcome.ai document

00:02:50  to once again bring it up.

00:02:52  And now I want you to see

00:02:53  that other feature that we just turned on.

00:02:55  If you go to the File menu and choose the Open command,

00:02:58  by default, you're still gonna see

00:02:59  the standard open dialog box.

00:03:01  But because I turned on that check box,

00:03:03  in the preferences dialog box, now I'm gonna get

00:03:06  this recent files list over here on the right hand side

00:03:10  of the screen, which, again, I can either look at

00:03:12  in list form or I can switch to a thumbnail view instead.

00:03:16  So if you end up working this way

00:03:18  and you still want access to the open dialog box,

00:03:21  afterall, that's the best way to open a document

00:03:24  that's not the list, then you just go ahead

00:03:26  and click on the Open button here

00:03:28  or press control+o, or command+o on the Mac,

00:03:31  and that will bring up the familiar dialog box.

00:03:34  Your other option, I'll go ahead and cancel out here,

00:03:36  is to just hide the recent files panel,

00:03:39  which you can do either by clicking on the word Close

00:03:41  or you can just press the escape key.

00:03:44  So just remember, if you wanna switch things around

00:03:47  to either not take advantage of the start screen

00:03:50  or to also take advantage of the recent files panel,

00:03:53  then just press control+k, that's command+k on the Mac,

00:03:56  to bring up your list of general preferences,

00:03:59  and then drop down to these two check boxes here

00:04:02  and change them as you like.

00:04:04  My case, I'm just gonna turn 'em both off

00:04:07  and then click OK.

00:04:10  And that is how you work with the new start screen

00:04:12  as well as the recent files panel

00:04:14  here inside the most recent version of Illustrator CC.
