دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

طبقه بندی موضوعی

۱۸۴ مطلب با موضوع «آموزش illustrator» ثبت شده است

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور


بنابراین در اینجا من به عکس اصلی نگاه می کنم 00:00:02 در فتوشاپ، و همانطور که می بینید اینجا، 00:00:05 این نامه های داغ گرم تقریبا به اندازه کامل 00:00:07 هستند، آنها در داخل ما تصویر تا کنون 00:00:11 و در حالی که من نمی خواهم عکس واقعی را دریافت کنم، 00:00:13 من فکر کردم که سرگرم کننده است برای اضافه کردن برخی از ناراحتی 00:00:16 مانند این گوشه تراشه در سمت E. 00 : 00: 19 این دره در پایین G وجود دارد. 00:00:21 ما یکی دیگر از گوشه مختلط در N. 00:00:23 ما این الگوهای striation در اینجا در پایین من، 00:00 : 26 و این خطوط عمودی در پایین D. 00:00:29 درست است، بنابراین من به Illustrator بازگشت، 00:00:31 و فقط به طوری که ما در واقع می تواند از طریق بلوک های ما را ببینید 00:00 : 34 به الگو ردیابی در پس زمینه، 00:00:36 من به منوی View بروید و Outline 00:00:39 را انتخاب کنید یا Ctrl + Y یا cmd + Y را روی مک بگیرید. 00:00:43 و حالا من قصد دارم در اینجا شروع به زوم کردن در اینجا بکنم 00:00:46 زیرا این یکی از ساده ترین چیزهایی است که باید اضافه کنید. 00:00:49 و سپس من به جلو بروید و Pan Tool را انتخاب کنید، 00:00:51 که می توانم با فشار دادن دکمه "p"، 00:00:53 و من فقط پیش بروید و روی چهار کلیک کنید زمان 00:00:55 به نوعی از الماس تصادفی 00:00:58 حق در این محل اینجا. 00:00:59 و سپس، با این شکل انتخاب شده، 00:01:01 من تایید می کنم که پر کردن آن به تمام مقادیر در 77 00:01:06 تنظیم شده است که دقیقا همان چیزی است که من می خواهم. 00:01:08 درست است، حالا من قصد دارم به زودی در N 00:01:10 و من قصد دارم برای ایجاد یک مثلث در اینجا 00:01:13 با کلیک کردن در این محل، و سپس من اینجا کلیک کنید 00:01:16 من نمی خواهم بیش از حد به پایین، بنابراین من کلیک کنید 00:01:19 بیایید بگویید در مورد وجود دارد،


00:01:21  and then I'll finish my triangle like so.

00:01:24  And now I'll change its fill, which is active here

00:01:27  in the Swatches panel, to this dark shade of gray

00:01:29  where all values are 51.

00:01:32  And I'll press ctrl + y or cmd + y on a Mac,

00:01:35  just to confirm that's the effect I'm looking for.

00:01:37  Obviously, it's not where it ought to be,

00:01:39  so I'm going to need to zoom out here a little bit.

00:01:42  And I'll press the "v" key to get my black arrow

00:01:44  tool and I'll go ahead and partially marquee

00:01:46  these three shapes right here,

00:01:48  and then I'll right click on any one of them,

00:01:50  choose a range, and then choose Send to Back

00:01:53  in order to move the N in back of the G, like so.

00:01:57  All right, now I'm going to go over here

00:01:59  to what I believe is the E,

00:02:01  and I can find that out for sure

00:02:02  by pressing ctrl + y or cmd + y again

00:02:05  in order to switch back to the outline mode

00:02:08  so that I can see the tracing template in the background.

00:02:11  And I'm going to draw another triangle just l like so

00:02:14  right here, a pretty long one, let's say,

00:02:16  all the way up to this location right there and then over.

00:02:19  The problem is now I need to modify those perspective

00:02:22  rectangles that make up the block.

00:02:25  And currently, this triangle's going to get in the way.

00:02:28  So what I'm going to do so that I can snap to it,

00:02:30  is press the "v" key once again to switch

00:02:32  to the black arrow tool,

00:02:33  click on that path to select it,

00:02:35  right click on it and choose Arrange

00:02:37  and then chooses Send to Back.

00:02:40  And then I'll click right here at the bottom of the triangle

00:02:42  to add a point to this forward paths

00:02:44  so we're not affecting the triangle.

00:02:46  And then I'll press the "a" key to switch

00:02:48  to the wide arrow tool.

00:02:49  I'll go ahead and select that point

00:02:51  and I'll drag it over while pressing the shift key

00:02:54  until it snaps into alignment with the edge

00:02:56  of that rectangle right there.

00:02:58  Then, I'll go ahead and click on this corner point

00:03:01  right there to select some portion of this upper path

00:03:05  and then I'll press the "p" key once again

00:03:07  to get my Pen Tool, and then I'll click here

00:03:10  but, if I do, look at my cursor.

00:03:12  You can see that it has an asterisk

00:03:14  which means I'm going to start a new path outline.

00:03:16  And the reason that I'm not adding a point to this

00:03:18  selected path is because it's not in front.

00:03:21  So I'll just go ahead and move my cursor over a little bit

00:03:23  so it has a plus sign next to it and I'll click right there.

00:03:26  And then I'll press the "a" key to switch back to the wide

00:03:28  arrow tool and I'll drag this selected point until it snaps

00:03:31  into alignment, and then I'll drag this guy up until

00:03:34  it snaps into alignment as well.

00:03:37  And now, if I press ctrl + y or cmd + y on a Mac,

00:03:39  you can see we have a problem

00:03:41  not seeing the entire triangle,

00:03:43  and that's because I sent it to back.

00:03:44  So I'm going to click inside the triangle to select

00:03:47  the entire thing with the wide arrow,

00:03:50  and then I'll right click on the path, choose a range,

00:03:52  and choose Bring to Front in order to move it

00:03:54  all the way to the front of the stack.

00:03:56  And can you see we have a little bit of a problem here?

00:04:00  Notice that our strokes aren't lining up,

00:04:02  and so I'm going to click on the word Stroke

00:04:04  up here in the Control Panel,

00:04:05  and I'm going to switch the corner to the Bevel Join

00:04:09  which is going to give us a better match.

00:04:11  We still have a kind of microscopic problem there,

00:04:13  but I'm not worried about it.

00:04:15  And so now I'll press the escape key to dismiss that panel,

00:04:17  and I'll go ahead and fill the shape with medium gray

00:04:20  which is one where all values are 128

00:04:22  in order to produce this effect here.

00:04:25  All right, now I'll go ahead and zoom out some

00:04:27  just so I can take any artwork

00:04:28  and see what I've come up with.

00:04:29  I'll go ahead and click off the path to deselect it.

00:04:32  All right, now let's add those patterns to the bottoms

00:04:35  of the D and the I.

00:04:37  And so I'm going to zoom back in to the D here,

00:04:40  and I'm going to click on this edge in order to select it

00:04:43  independently of the rest of the shape.

00:04:45  So if you click inside a filled shape,

00:04:47  you'll select the entire thing,

00:04:49  but if you click just right on the stroke,

00:04:51  you'll select just that segment.

00:04:53  And now I want you to shift + click on this segment

00:04:55  right there, and now press ctrl + c or cmd + c on a Mac

00:04:59  and press ctrl + f or cmd + f on a Mac

00:05:02  in order to paste those two lines in front.

00:05:05  And now I'm going to go up to the Control Panel

00:05:07  and change the fill to none or I could have just pressed

00:05:10  the "/" key.

00:05:11  Now I want to create a bunch of steps between

00:05:14  these two extremes here.

00:05:15  And I'm going to do that using that blend function

00:05:18  that you get to by going up to the Object menu,

00:05:21  choosing Blend, and then choose Make.

00:05:24  And that ends up producing not the effect I am looking for

00:05:27  but it's easily resolved.

00:05:29  I'm just going to go ahead and click off this path

00:05:31  that line and then drag this point up here,

00:05:34  drag this other one down here.

00:05:35  The problem is that the two paths were drawn

00:05:37  in a different order, and so by just reversing the position

00:05:40  of the points, I changed that order

00:05:43  and now I want to select this entire blended object.

00:05:46  And the easiest way to do that for now is to switch

00:05:48  back to the black arrow tool by pressing the "v" key,

00:05:51  and then I'll click on this line to select it

00:05:53  and the other line as well as the steps in between.

00:05:56  And then I'll go up to the Object menu,

00:05:58  choose Blend, and choose Blend Options.

00:06:01  And I'll turn on the Preview checkbox,

00:06:03  change Spacing, the Specified Steps,

00:06:05  and then just click in that value

00:06:06  and press the up arrow key until I like what I see

00:06:09  which happens at 18 steps, so that's 18 steps in between

00:06:13  the two extremes.

00:06:14  At which point, I'll click OK, and then I'll go up

00:06:17  to this Opacity value in the Control Panel,

00:06:19  and I'll change it to 50% and I'll press the enter key

00:06:23  or the return key on a Mac.

00:06:24  All right, that takes care of that edge.

00:06:26  Now, let's address the front edge of the I.

00:06:29  At least I think that's what I'm looking at.

00:06:30  Just to confirm, I'll press ctrl + y or cmd + y on a Mac

00:06:33  so that I can see that tracing template.

00:06:35  And sure enough, there's the I right there.

00:06:38  All right, so I'll press ctrl + y or cmd + y again

00:06:40  and now I'll press the "a" key to switch back

00:06:43  to the wide arrow tool.

00:06:44  I'll click on this top edge right there to select it,

00:06:47  and I'll press ctrl + c, ctrl + f,

00:06:49  that's cmd + c, cmd + f on a Mac.

00:06:52  All right, now we want to make a copy of this line

00:06:54  and it'll all make sense in just a moment.

00:06:56  But we're going to make a copy of this line

00:06:58  by dragging it down while pressing the shift key

00:07:01  and the you want to press and hold

00:07:02  the alt key or the opt key on a Mac

00:07:04  and drop it into place so that we have a copy.

00:07:08  All right, now I'm going to click on this right point

00:07:10  right there to select it independently of the left one,

00:07:13  and I'll go ahead and drag it down to,

00:07:15  I figure, right about here.

00:07:18  I'm trying to bring it down to the midway point here.

00:07:20  And now I'll go ahead and press ctrl + f or cmd + f on a Mac

00:07:24  to paste another copy of this line.

00:07:26  And I'll drag it down to right about here, I figure,

00:07:30  and then I'll click on that right-hand point

00:07:32  and drag it all the way down

00:07:34  so it snaps into alignment with that corner.

00:07:36  And I might go ahead and move this guy up a little bit

00:07:39  while pressing the shift key.

00:07:40  I'm just trying to get regular intervals going here.

00:07:43  And now we want to make one more copy of this line,

00:07:46  and I'm going to do that by grabbing this anchor point

00:07:49  and dragging it to right about there

00:07:52  and then pressing the alt key or the opt key on a Mac

00:07:54  to make a copy of that point which goes ahead

00:07:57  and copies the neighboring segment as well.

00:07:59  In other words, we've copied the entire line.

00:08:02  So now I'll go ahead and drag this guy down

00:08:04  and you can see that it's snapping into alignment.

00:08:06  All right, now switch to the black arrow tool

00:08:09  by pressing the "v" key, and then go ahead

00:08:11  and click and shift + click on each one of these lines.

00:08:15  Do not select the big rectangle.

00:08:18  We do not want that.

00:08:19  Then, go back to the Object menu, choose Blend,

00:08:22  and choose Make, and that will make this crazy blend

00:08:26  right here, which is not quite what we want.

00:08:28  So return to the Object menu, choose Blend,

00:08:31  and choose Blend Options.

00:08:34  Go ahead and change the Spacing to Specified Steps,

00:08:36  turn on the Preview checkbox, and then click on that value

00:08:39  and press the up arrow key until you like what you see

00:08:42  which for me happens at five.

00:08:44  And now I'll click OK to accept that change.

00:08:47  And now you want to press the "a" key

00:08:48  to switch back to the wide arrow tool.

00:08:50  And click on this point.

00:08:52  In my case you can see that the lines aren't quite spread

00:08:54  the way they need to be.

00:08:56  And now I'll just press the down arrow key,

00:08:58  press and hold that down arrow key,

00:09:00  until things start looking better.

00:09:02  And you can see that the blend is updating on the fly.

00:09:04  And it appears that this point needs to come down as well.

00:09:07  And so I just want you to see that update I'm talking about.

00:09:10  Notice if I drag the point to a new location,

00:09:12  all the steps adjust on the fly.

00:09:14  Very, very cool feature.

00:09:15  Very old feature as well inside Illustrator.

00:09:18  And so I'm going to go ahead and press the down arrow key

00:09:21  to move that point down, and actually I moved it back up

00:09:24  a little bit as well.

00:09:25  And now I'll select this point right here

00:09:27  and press the left arrow key to move it to the left

00:09:30  until we have this effect.

00:09:32  At which point, I'll press the "v" key to switch back

00:09:33  to the black arrow tool,

00:09:35  click on any one of these lines to select the entire blend,

00:09:38  and again change the Opacity value

00:09:40  up there in the Control Panel to 50%

00:09:43  and then click off the paths to deselect them,

00:09:46  and then zoom out so that we can take in the entire effect.

00:09:49  And that's how you draw a few distressed marks

00:09:51  just for the sake of a little bit of realism

00:09:54  using a combination of the Pen Tool and the Blend function

00:09:58  here inside Illustrator.


illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور


در این فیلم، ما قصد داریم به قرعه کشی از طرف این بلوک  از سرب فلز داغ، و آنها اساسا مستطیل چشم انداز من نمی خواهم به نقاشی این لبه ها برسم. شما می توانید اگر می خواهید البته اما به رغم این پروژه به اندازه کافی پیچیده است. بنابراین من قصد دارم به جلو و زوم در در این لبه در اینجا، که آن است که دوم به سمت چپ،  و من یک بار دیگر ابزار قلمم را می گیرم،  و مطمئن خواهم شد، قبل از شروع،  که تکمیل من به هیچ وجه تنظیم نشده است، بنابراین  که من می توانم قالب من را ببینم، و سپس من به جلو بروید و در این نقطه در اینجا کلیک کنید، 00:00:30 من اینجا را کلیک کنید. من بیش از 00:00:33 روی این مکان کلیک می کنم، و بعد از این، 00:00:36 اینجا کلیک می کنم، و سپس روی اولین نقطه کلیک می کنم. 00:00:39 شما می خواهید مطمئن شوید که این کار را انجام دهید. 00:00:40 فراموش کردن این گام آسان است. 00:00:41 و مطمئن شوید که شما می بینید 00:00:42 یک دایره در کنار مکان نما خود. 00:00:44 درست است، حالا من قصد دارم به زوم 00:00:45 راه در این لبه راست، و من فشار 00:00:47 کلید برای تغییر به وسیله فلش ابزار من، 00 : 00: 49 و من ممکن است آن نقطه لنگر را در آنجا مستقر کنم 00:00:51 و فقط کمی آن را 00:00:53 با فشار دادن کلید فلش سمت چپ چند بار 00:00:55 و به یاد بیاورید که ما ' 00:00:58 به 0.1 نقطه کاهش یافته است، بنابراین ما یک تن از کنترل است. 00:01:01 درست است، حالا من قصد دارم به جایی برسم. 00:01:04 این لبه سمت چپ، و من قصد دارم به 00:01:05 Ctrl + C، یا Cmd + C را روی Mac، 00: 01:06 بعد از آن Ctrl + F یا Cmd + F روی یک مکینتاش، 00:01:10 برای اینکه آن شخص را در مقابل قرار دهید، 00:01:12 و ایده این است که این مسیر بعدی 00:01:13 است خیلی خیلی لاغر است که میخواهم 00:01:16 تا اطمینان حاصل شود که دو لبه موازی هستند، 00:01:19 و بنابراین من اکنون میخواهم این مرد را در اینجا بکشم 00:01:22 به طوری که او فریب می دهد به ترتیب، 00:01:23 و من کلید Alt را فشار می دهم، یا کلید گزینه در یک مکینتاش 00:01:26 برای ایجاد یک کپی، و در حال حاضر من فشار دادن 00:01:29 کلید P به منظور تغییر ابزار قلم من 00:01:32 من روی نقطه پایانی بالا کلیک میکنم 00:01:34 به منظور فعال کردن طرح مسیر، 00:01:36 و سپس بر روی این یکی از 00:01:37 کلیک میکنم برای اتصال این دو بخش، 00:01:39 و در حال حاضر من همین کار را در اینجا انجام خواهم داد. 00:01:41 بر روی هر کدام از 00:01:43 کلیک کنید و دوباره کلیک کنید تا نقاط انتهایی به آنها وصل شود. 00:01:45 درست است، حالا میخواهم فشار دهم 00:01:46 Ctrl + Shift + A، یا Cmd + Shift + A روی یک مکینتاش، 00:01:49 به منظور لغو انتخاب این مسیر 00:01 : 50 به طوری که من می توانم روی اینجا کلیک کرده و روی آن کلیک راست کرده، 00:01:54 و این پایین ترین اسم است که باور دارم، 00:01:57 بنابراین ما قصد داریم تا این دکمه را فشار دهیم، 00 : 01: 59 با کلیک بر روی این یکی، و سپس کلیک کنید 00:02:02 پایین در اینجا به منظور بستن آن شکل. 00:02:05 درست است، حالا Ctrl + Shift + A، 00:02:06 یا Cmd + Shift + A را دوباره فشار دهید و من فقط روی 00:02:09 در اطراف این بچه ها کلیک کنید، اینجا را کلیک کنید، اینجا کلیک کنید 00:02:12 تغییر در اینجا کلیک کنید، تغییر دادن کلیک کنید 00:02:14 در این مکان، و کلیک کنید.


00:02:16  in order to finish off that shape.

00:02:18  And I should say I haven't done

00:02:19  a terribly good job of following

00:02:20  the bottom edge of this block right here

00:02:24  inside the template, but according

00:02:25  to the rules of perspective,

00:02:26  there's no way I can bring this one edge down.

00:02:29  It has to be smaller than the front edge,

00:02:31  and right now it's the same size,

00:02:32  so I'm just going to fudge a little bit.

00:02:34  Doesn't really matter.

00:02:35  Now I'll press Ctrl + Shift + A,

00:02:36  or Cmd + Shift + A in order to deselect the art work.

00:02:40  I'll click right there, shift click way down here,

00:02:42  shift click over at this location,

00:02:45  and then click up in this corner.

00:02:47  You don't need to press the shift key,

00:02:48  and then click over on this anchor point

00:02:51  in order to finish off that path outline.

00:02:54  All right, now I'm going to zoom out a little bit here,

00:02:56  and it looks like the background

00:02:57  changed colors on us.

00:02:59  You sometimes see that kind of stuff happen

00:03:00  when you're previewing to the GPU.

00:03:03  If that bothers you, you can go

00:03:04  to the view menu and choose preview

00:03:06  on CPU instead, and that will restore

00:03:08  the proper colors.

00:03:10  All right, I'm going to click right there

00:03:11  at that corner, and then click at this corner

00:03:13  in the template, and shift click

00:03:15  right about there, and I'm too far in.

00:03:18  I just know I am, but I'm not worried

00:03:19  about it right now.

00:03:20  I'll click up at this anchor point,

00:03:22  and then I'll click at the very first anchor point

00:03:25  to close off the shape, and I'll press

00:03:27  the control key or the command key on a Mac

00:03:29  to temporarily get my wide-arrow tool,

00:03:31  which is the last one I used.

00:03:32  I'll click on this anchor point,

00:03:34  and then I'll press shift + right arrow let's say

00:03:36  in order to move that anchor point

00:03:38  more radically to the right until

00:03:41  these two edges are parallel,

00:03:42  and I don't need to do that because

00:03:44  this edge is going to get hidden,

00:03:45  but we might as well make things

00:03:46  as right as possible.

00:03:48  All right, I'm going to go ahead

00:03:49  and zoom out again and draw this

00:03:51  very first edge that I had put off

00:03:54  by clicking at this point right there,

00:03:56  and then I'll click down here,

00:03:57  and this time by starting at this location

00:03:59  I can assure that I have a more or less parallel edge,

00:04:03  and now shift click right there,

00:04:05  click up at this anchor point,

00:04:07  and click at the very first one

00:04:09  in order to close off that path outline.

00:04:12  All right, now let's fill these paths

00:04:13  by switching back to the black-arrow tool,

00:04:15  clicking in this path outline for example,

00:04:17  and I'm going to select this shade of grey

00:04:19  that has all values set to 102,

00:04:21  and then I'll click the next guy over

00:04:23  as well as shift clicking on this

00:04:25  little sliver of a path right there

00:04:27  if I can get it, which I did. Awesome.

00:04:29  And I'll change your fills to the shade of grey

00:04:31  where all values are set to 77,

00:04:33  and you can see that we're covering stuff up right here.

00:04:36  This edge should not be covering up

00:04:38  all these other details, so I'll

00:04:39  select it and then right click on it

00:04:41  and choose arrange, and then choose

00:04:43  send to back to send it all the way

00:04:45  to the back of the stack,

00:04:46  and now it's not covering up a darn thing.

00:04:48  All right, now let's go ahead and

00:04:50  select this guy, and set it to

00:04:52  the shade of grey where all values are 128,

00:04:55  and I'll select its neighbor and set it

00:04:57  to the next one over where all values are 102,

00:05:01  and then I'll select this guy,

00:05:02  want to make him a little darker,

00:05:04  and actually, turns out I missed

00:05:06  I'm misreading my notes.

00:05:07  This guy wants to be the grey with

00:05:08  all values set to 102, and this one

00:05:10  wants to be the next one darker

00:05:11  where all the values are 77,

00:05:14  and then finally I'll set this

00:05:15  final shape to this shade of grey right here

00:05:17  the one where all values are set to 77 once again,

00:05:21  and then I'll make it nice and dark,

00:05:23  and then as you can see it's in front

00:05:25  of some shapes that it shouldn't

00:05:26  be in front of, so I'll go ahead

00:05:27  and right click, choose arrange,

00:05:29  and then choose send to back, and then

00:05:31  I'll click off the shape to deselect it,

00:05:33  and I'll press Ctrl + 0, or Cmd + 0 on a Mac

00:05:36  in order to center my view.

00:05:38  All right, so that takes care of

00:05:39  the perspective edges of those blocks.

00:05:42  In the next move, we'll add these

00:05:43  little distress marks, again, with

00:05:45  the help of the pen tool.


illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور


درست است، پس پس از پنج فیلم یادگیری نحوه استفاده از قلم ابزار، ما این را برای آن نشان می دهیم، که نسبتا وحشتناک است. به همین دلیل من می خواهم چند فیلم دیگر را با تمرکز بر یک پروژه دنیای واقعی صرف کنم، یعنی این یکی درست در اینجا که در آن همه چیز با ابزار قلم گرفته شده است، به استثنای این متن که در اینجا در بالای صفحه قرار دارد که در ابتدا قرار داده شد در بهار استاندارد. خوب، بگذارید به شما نشان دهم که چگونه کار می کند. ما با رفتن به منوی File و انتخاب New From Template شروع می کنیم ... یا می توانید با استفاده از کنترل + Shift + N یا Command + Shift + N در یک مکینتاش. و سپس من به جلو بروید و دوبار روی آن RGB با فایل center guides.ait کلیک کنید تا سند خالی من را باز کنید. من روی لایه راهنماها کلیک میکنم تا آن را فعال کنم و سپس به منوی View بروید، راهنماهای را انتخاب کرده و Clear Guides را انتخاب کنید. از آنجا که ما ممکن است در آینده راهنمایی ها را در اختیار داشته باشیم، آنها این کار را نخواهند کرد. درست است، حالا اجازه دهید یک الگو ردیابی را با رفتن به منوی File و انتخاب فرمان Place بگذاریم. یا شما می توانید کنترل + شیب + P، یا Command + Shift + P را بر روی Mac فشار دهید. درست است، در حال حاضر من به جلو بروید و به پوشه فایل های ورزش من، به زیر پوشه 13_Pen که در آن من یک فایل به نام Metal type.jpg دارم، حرکت می کنم. و برای معرفی آن، من فقط به جلو بروید و روی آن دوبار کلیک کنید.


00:01:08  And that'll load up my cursor as you're seeing right here.

00:01:11  At which point I'll go ahead and click

00:01:12  in order to place that photographic image.

00:01:15  And then, I'll make sure that Align is set to Artboard

00:01:18  up here in the control panel,

00:01:19  and I'll click Horizontal Align Center

00:01:21  as well as Vertical Align Center.

00:01:24  And that should exactly fit the image inside the Artboard.

00:01:28  And by the way, this image comes to us

00:01:29  from the Fotolia image library,

00:01:31  about which you can learn more

00:01:33  and get deals at fotolia.com/deke.

00:01:36  All right, now I'm going to double click

00:01:37  on an empty portion of this layer

00:01:39  to bring up the Layer Options dialogue box.

00:01:41  I'll go ahead and rename the Layer Template

00:01:43  and turn on the Template checkbox and click Ok.

00:01:46  And we end up with this tracing template.

00:01:48  All right, now I'm going to click

00:01:49  on what is currently the drawing layer.

00:01:51  I'm going to change it's name, however, to "blocks",

00:01:55  because this is where we're going to

00:01:56  put the blocks underneath the letterforms.

00:01:59  And we're going to draw all these blocks using the Pen tool.

00:02:03  All right, but before we do,

00:02:04  you want to go up to the View menu,

00:02:06  and make sure Smart Guides are turned on.

00:02:08  They aren't for me, so I'll go ahead and choose the command,

00:02:10  or you can press a keyboard shortcut of

00:02:12  Control + U, or Command + U on a Mac.

00:02:15  All right, now I'll go ahead and select the Pen tool.

00:02:17  Which, again, I can get by pressing the "P" key.

00:02:19  And what we want to do,

00:02:20  just to make sure things line up,

00:02:22  is draw the tallest blocks first.

00:02:24  And that's going to mean

00:02:25  this one for the E to start with.

00:02:27  So I'll go ahead and click here.

00:02:29  And then we want all of our horizontal lines

00:02:31  to be exactly horizontal.

00:02:32  So, Shift + click at this point,

00:02:34  if you're working along with me.

00:02:36  Go ahead and click down here

00:02:37  to set another point.

00:02:38  Shift + click here,

00:02:41  in order to create a fourth anchor point.

00:02:42  And then, finally click on the first point

00:02:44  to close the shape.

00:02:45  But make sure that you're seeing a circle

00:02:47  next to your cursor, because Smart Guides

00:02:49  can sometimes make a mess of things.

00:02:51  All right now I want to be able to see what I'm doing

00:02:53  so I'm going to press the "V" key

00:02:55  to switch to the black arrow tool.

00:02:56  I'm going to click on that shape to make it active,

00:02:58  and then I'll change it's fill to none

00:03:01  up here in the control panel.

00:03:03  All right, now, go ahead and press the "P" key

00:03:05  to switch back to the Pen tool,

00:03:07  and we want to create a new shape right here.

00:03:09  But if you start creating the shape right there,

00:03:12  then you're going to add a point to this selected path.

00:03:15  And that's not what we want.

00:03:16  So the safest thing to do is to deselect the path

00:03:19  by pressing Control + Shift + A

00:03:20  or Command + Shift + A on a Mac.

00:03:22  All right, now I'm going to click there

00:03:24  and I can see that not only

00:03:26  I'm going to be starting a new path outline,

00:03:28  because I have a little asterisk next to my cursor,

00:03:30  but also I'm aligned to the path outline.

00:03:33  And so, you want to see a red path outline, like so,

00:03:36  at which point, go ahead and click,

00:03:38  and then Shift + click over here at this location,

00:03:40  click up here, Shift + click again.

00:03:43  To make sure that you're creating

00:03:44  an exactly horizontal line,

00:03:47  you want to make sure you're aligned

00:03:48  with the path outline as well,

00:03:49  and it should turn red to indicate that's the case.

00:03:52  And then, just go ahead and click on that first point.

00:03:54  Make sure you're seeing an "O" next to your cursor

00:03:57  so that you know that you're closing the shape.

00:03:59  All right, now, move your cursor

00:04:01  over to this point, above the "S".

00:04:03  Go ahead and click, Shift + click here,

00:04:06  click down at this location.

00:04:07  But I'm actually going to Shift + click

00:04:09  because I want these lines

00:04:10  around the "I" to be perfectly vertical.

00:04:12  It's just going to work out more easily.

00:04:13  So, Shift + click right there.

00:04:15  I'll click when I see that I'm aligned

00:04:17  to the path outline around the "E".

00:04:19  And then I'll click to close that path, like so.

00:04:22  And I'm going to press the Control key,

00:04:24  in order to get my white arrow,

00:04:26  is what I was hoping for.

00:04:27  That's the Command key on a Mac.

00:04:29  I'm seeing the black arrow instead,

00:04:30  so I'll press Control + ~, here on a PC.

00:04:33  That's Command + Option + Tab on a Mac

00:04:35  in order to get my white arrow.

00:04:36  And then I'll click on this segment.

00:04:38  And when you click on a straight segment

00:04:40  with the white arrow tool,

00:04:41  you can then turn around and nudge it

00:04:43  by pressing an arrow key on a keyboard,

00:04:45  as I've done here.

00:04:47  All right, now let's create a block around the "I".

00:04:49  And, it's a little difficult to find where it starts.

00:04:51  I think, about there is good.

00:04:52  So click there, Shift + click at this location,

00:04:55  Shift + click up the "O", up the intersection

00:04:59  between the "I" and the "O" that is.

00:05:00  Shift + click right there as well.

00:05:03  Once you see that you have alignment

00:05:05  to the path outlined around the "S",

00:05:06  and then Shift + click at this point,

00:05:09  in order to close the path.

00:05:11  And now I'm going to zoom out just a little bit.

00:05:13  And, now we need to make sure

00:05:15  that everything about the "G" aligns.

00:05:16  So, I'll click up here

00:05:18  and then I'll Shift + click down here.

00:05:20  And that's why it was useful

00:05:21  to have vertical lines around the "I",

00:05:23  because we don't have complete and total alignment.

00:05:26  Now, I'll Shift + click

00:05:27  to create a horizontal line below the "G".

00:05:29  And this time I'll just click freeform

00:05:31  because this vertical line isn't exactly vertical.

00:05:34  But I do want to make sure I have alignment

00:05:36  with the first one I created.

00:05:37  And you can see, that alignment occur

00:05:39  when you get a green line, as I've done here.

00:05:42  And then click, and then go ahead

00:05:44  and click on that first point.

00:05:45  You don't have to press the shift key that time around

00:05:47  because you already determined

00:05:48  that you had horizontal alignment.

00:05:50  And now I'll press Control + Shift + A,

00:05:52  or Command + Shift + A on a Mac

00:05:53  to deselect the outline around the "G"

00:05:55  and I'll click here underneath the "N",

00:05:57  Shift + click right there at that location.

00:06:00  Let's go ahead and click right about there, maybe.

00:06:03  I'm not exactly sure.

00:06:04  That looks pretty good though,

00:06:05  but if you need to nudge the point

00:06:07  remember that pressing an arrow key

00:06:09  is going to deactivate the path,

00:06:11  so you'll have to click on that point again to wake it up.

00:06:14  And now, I'm going to click right about there, I guess.

00:06:16  And I'll click on the very first point,

00:06:18  in order to close the path outline.

00:06:20  I do not have exact alignment.

00:06:22  This kind of stuff happens all the time.

00:06:24  And so I need to Control + click

00:06:25  or Command + click

00:06:26  on that upper-left anchor point right there.

00:06:28  And I need to nudge it a little bit to the right.

00:06:30  But if I press the arrow key,

00:06:32  you can see that I go too far.

00:06:33  And that's because my keyboard increment

00:06:35  is set to 1.0 point.

00:06:36  So what I'm going to do,

00:06:37  is press the keyboard shortcut

00:06:39  for the Preferences command.

00:06:40  Which is Control + K or Command + K on a Mac.

00:06:42  And I'm going to reduce Keyboard Increment value

00:06:45  to 0.1 point, so just one tenth of a point.

00:06:49  And then I'll click Ok.

00:06:51  And now, you can see that if you press the left arrow key

00:06:54  a few times, or at least if I do,

00:06:56  then I eventually get the alignment I'm looking for.

00:06:59  All right, now I'm going to press Control + 0,

00:07:01  or Command + 0 on a Mac to zoom out.

00:07:03  And let's go ahead and fill our shapes

00:07:05  by pressing the "V" key to switch to the black arrow tool.

00:07:08  Then I'll click on this first path outline to select it.

00:07:11  Notice that my fill is active,

00:07:13  here inside the Swatches panel.

00:07:15  And so I'm going to change all the fills

00:07:17  to shades of gray that are represented

00:07:19  inside this final Grays folder.

00:07:21  And so I'm going to start with this guy right there,

00:07:23  the one that has all values set to 179.

00:07:26  And then I'll select the box around the "G",

00:07:28  and I'll change it to the next guy over,

00:07:31  where all the values are set to 153.

00:07:34  And these are just decisions I made

00:07:35  to make sure every shade of gray is different.

00:07:37  And this one wants to have all the values set to 128,

00:07:40  which is the most medium of the grays.

00:07:42  And then I'll go yet a shade darker

00:07:44  to this one right here where all the values are set to 102.

00:07:48  And then I'll click on the guy around the "E"

00:07:50  and set it to the one with all the values set to 153,

00:07:54  and then finally click the shape around the "D"

00:07:56  and set it to the gray that has all the values set to 128.

00:08:01  And we end up with these four perspective rectangles.

00:08:05  So, they're not exact rectangles by any means.

00:08:07  They're just all slightly off.

00:08:09  That I created just by clicking

00:08:11  the set corner points with the Pen tool,

00:08:13  with the help of Smart Guides, here inside Illustrator.

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور


illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور



در این فیلم، من شما را به شرکای Pen Tool در جرم و جنایت معرفی می کنم، که ابزار Anchor Point Tool است. و این اجازه می دهد تا شما یک نقطه از یک نقطه گوشه را به یک نقطه صاف، یک نقطه کاسپی و غیره تبدیل کنید. این همچنین به شما اجازه می دهد که بخش های راست را خم کنید. حالا قبل از شروع، من قصد دارم به جلو بروید و یک کلید را برای تغییر به ابزار فلش سفید فشار دهید. سپس من قصد دارم در این مسیر D شکل به سمت پایین حرکت کنم و من قصد دارم پیش برویم و بر روی یکی از نقاط آن کلیک کنید تا آن را انتخاب کنید. و سپس می خواهم کلید p را فشار دهم تا سوئیچ Tool Tool را تغییر دهم و قصد دارم بر روی یک قطعه مستطیلی کلیک کنید تا نقطه ی گوشه ای اضافه شود. و حالا کلید Ctrl یا کلید cmd را در Mac فشار می دهم و آن را به سمت بیرون کشیدن. بنابراین هر زمانی که با Pen Tool را روی یک بخش انحنا کلیک می کنید، نقطه ای صاف را اضافه می کنید. هر بار که بر روی یک قسمت مستقیم کلیک میکنید، نقطه گوشه ای اضافه می کنید. درست است، در حال حاضر من قصد دارم ابزار Anchor Point Tool را با کلیک کردن و نگه داشتن ابزار Pen Tool و سپس انتخاب ابزار Anchor Point از پایین منوی پرواز انتخاب کنم. و توجه کنید که دارای یک میانبر صفحه کلید از shift + c است. آن c برای تبدیل، به این دلیل است که آن را انجام می دهد. و همچنین، این به معنای تبدیل ابزار لنگر تبدیل نامیده می شود. درست است، حالا بگذارید بگویم من می خواهم این نقطه ی گوشه را در اینجا بیاورم و می خواهم آن را به یک نقطه ی صاف تبدیل کنم. در این مورد، همه چیزهایی که باید انجام دهم این است که از این نقطه بکشید. و اغلب اوقات، شما را در جهت اشتباه بکشید. در این صورت، همه چیزهایی که باید انجام دهید این است که مسیرهای جابجایی را در اینجا انجام دهید.


00:01:22  All right, now let's say that you want to break the link

00:01:24  between these two control handles

00:01:27  and turn the smooth point into a cusp point.

00:01:29  In that case, all you have to do is drag

00:01:31  one of your control handles like so.

00:01:33  All right, now the problem with both of these segments

00:01:35  is they now have one control handle a piece

00:01:39  because there's no control handle coming out of this point

00:01:41  at the bottom, or this point up here at the top.

00:01:44  At least they're not associated with the left hand segments.

00:01:47  And so I need to add handles by clicking and dragging

00:01:50  to first convert the points into smooth points,

00:01:53  and then dragging on a control handle like so

00:01:56  in order to restore a cusp point.

00:01:58  If that's what I'm interested in, but let's say I'm not,

00:02:01  I'll go ahead and press ctrl + z or cmd +z on the Mac

00:02:04  a couple of times in order to restore this point

00:02:06  to the way it was.

00:02:07  What if what I really want to do is convert this point

00:02:09  back to a corner point with no control handles,

00:02:12  then all I have to do is click on it

00:02:14  with my Anchor Point Tool.

00:02:15  So once again, you drag from a point to convert it

00:02:18  to a smooth point.

00:02:19  You drag a handle to convert a smooth point to a cusp point.

00:02:22  And you click on a point in order to delete the handles

00:02:26  and turn it back into a corner point.

00:02:29  All right, let's take a look at a couple of other things

00:02:31  you can do here.

00:02:32  I'll go ahead and ctrl click or cmd click

00:02:34  on this point right here.

00:02:36  If I were to convert it to a smooth point

00:02:38  by dragging, as I did a moment ago,

00:02:40  then I'm going to upset the location

00:02:42  of all the control handles.

00:02:45  Let's say that's not what I want.

00:02:47  I'll go ahead and press ctrl + z or cmd + z on the Mac.

00:02:50  Let's say I like the position of this control handle

00:02:52  right here, and I want the other one to move.

00:02:54  Then you press the alt key or the opt key on the Mac

00:02:57  and you click on the handle that you don't like.

00:03:01  I really think this is weird, but that's what you do.

00:03:03  You alt or opt click on the handle

00:03:05  that isn't in the right location,

00:03:07  and it moves into alignment with the one

00:03:09  that you did not click.

00:03:10  All right, now let's say I want this segment right here

00:03:14  to be perfectly straight, so I want to get rid

00:03:16  of these two control handles.

00:03:18  Then with the Anchor Point Tool selected,

00:03:20  you press the ctrl key or the cmd key on the Mac,

00:03:23  which looks like it's going to get you the White Arrow.

00:03:25  But as soon as you click on one of those control handles,

00:03:29  it goes away.

00:03:30  And then you can ctrl click once again on the segment

00:03:33  to reselect the path and then you would ctrl,

00:03:36  or cmd click on this handle,

00:03:37  to make it go away so that you have a perfectly

00:03:40  straight segment.

00:03:42  All right, now finally, the Anchor Point Tool

00:03:44  allows you to bend straight segments.

00:03:46  And you do that by first selecting a path

00:03:48  that has a straight segment like this one right here,

00:03:50  and then you drag the segment.

00:03:53  And then the Anchor Point Tool

00:03:55  automatically gives that segment two control handles

00:03:57  so you have complete and total control over its curvature

00:04:01  in the future.

00:04:02  All right, now what's interesting

00:04:03  about the Anchor Point Tool,

00:04:05  is you can get to all of its features

00:04:07  except the ones that require modifier keys.

00:04:10  So that function where you can relocate a control handle

00:04:13  by alt or opt clicking on it,

00:04:16  and your option to ctrl click or cmd click

00:04:19  on a control handle in order to make it disappear.

00:04:22  You can get to everything but those functions

00:04:25  when the Pen Tool is active.

00:04:27  And so I'm going to go ahead and switch back

00:04:28  to the Pen Tool here.

00:04:30  And now, I'll ctrl click or cmd click on this path outline.

00:04:33  And now if I press the alt key, or the opt key on the Mac,

00:04:36  you can see that I have my caret-shaped cursor

00:04:39  that indicates the Anchor Point Tool.

00:04:41  And now I can go ahead and drag on this point right here

00:04:45  in order to convert it into a smooth point,

00:04:47  or I can alt drag or opt drag either the control handles

00:04:52  in order to reposition them independently.

00:04:54  So I once again have a cusp point,

00:04:56  or I can alt or opt click on the point,

00:04:59  in order to sever away it's control handles

00:05:01  and convert it to a corner point like so.

00:05:04  And finally, I could go ahead and ctrl click,

00:05:07  or cmd click on this path outline

00:05:09  to partially select it

00:05:10  and then press the alt key or the opt key on the Mac,

00:05:13  and drag on either of these straight segments

00:05:16  in order to curve it, as well as add two control handles

00:05:19  a piece.

00:05:21  And that's how you use the Anchor Point Tool

00:05:22  to convert anchor points from corner to smooth the cusp,

00:05:26  as well as bend straight segments here inside illustrator.


illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور


در این فیلم، من به شما نشان می دهم که چگونه نقاط Cusp با Pen Tool را ایجاد کنید، که گوشه های بین دو بخش انحرافی هستند یا یک بخش انحنا و یک مستطیل. خوب، من قصد دارم با خاموش کردن این لایه صاف تر شروع کنم، و سپس روی دکمه alt کلیک میکنم یا گزینه را روی آیکون صفحه کمی در پایین پانل لایه ها کلیک کنید. من این نقاط کاسپی لایه را نامگذاری می کنم و رنگ آن را به رنگ نارنجی تغییر می دهم. و سپس بر روی OK کلیک کنید. خوب، حالا قبل از اینکه من رو به شما نشان بدهم چطوری یک نقاشی نقاشی رو نقاشی کنم، که به هر حال، داستان کوتاه، شما با کشیدن یا کشیدن گزینه با ابزار قلم رو کشیدید. من می خواهم به شما نشان دهم آنچه شبیه آن است. بنابراین من به جلو بروید و ابزار Ellipse را انتخاب کنید و قصد دارم برای کشیدن یک دایره به این شکل ایجاد کنم. و اکنون، کلید v را فشار می دهم تا دوباره به ابزار Arrow ابزار سیاه برگردم، و من به جلو بروید و این مرد را به سمت راست بکشید، در حالی که کلید های shift و alt را فشار دهید. این ها گزینه های shift و option در مک هستند. کلید shift محدود کردن زاویه کشیدن من است، کلید alt یا option، یک کپی را ایجاد می کند. خوب، حالا من به جلو بروید و روی اولین شکل کلیک کنید، بنابراین هر دو انتخاب می شوند.


00:00:56  And then, I'll get my Shape Builder Tool,

00:00:58  which, if you changed your keyboard shortcuts

00:01:00  a couple of chapters ago, you can also get

00:01:02  by pressing the l key.

00:01:04  And then I want you to alt or option drag

00:01:06  inside these two regions, to subtract them away.

00:01:09  And now I'm going to zoom in on my shape like so

00:01:12  and I'll press the a key to switch to the white Arrow Tool

00:01:15  and I'll click on this point right there.

00:01:17  And notice, that it does have two control handles

00:01:21  just like a smooth point,

00:01:23  but they're independent of each other.

00:01:25  So I can move them around as much as I want,

00:01:27  which means that instead of getting a smooth arc

00:01:30  at this point, I end up with a corner known as a cusp.

00:01:35  Alright, I'm going to go ahead

00:01:36  and move these guys inward a little bit.

00:01:38  And then, I'll press ctrl, zero, or command, zero, on a Mac,

00:01:41  in order to center my zoom.

00:01:43  Alright, so let's say I want to draw the shape

00:01:45  of an eye, using my Pen Tool.

00:01:48  I'll go ahead and get the pen, which of course,

00:01:50  I can get by pressing the p key.

00:01:52  And then I'll draw my first smooth point like so.

00:01:55  So that's how you start things off.

00:01:57  And then I'll create another smooth point

00:01:58  up at the top here.

00:01:59  I might use the spacebar to get it into a better position

00:02:02  and then I'll press the shift key to constrain

00:02:04  the angle of my control handles,

00:02:06  so that they're exactly horizontal.

00:02:08  Then I'll create a new smooth point

00:02:10  over at this location here.

00:02:11  And so once you get the opposite control handle

00:02:13  into the desired position, you press and hold

00:02:16  the alt key, or the option key on a Mac,

00:02:18  to move the control handle

00:02:20  under your cursor independently.

00:02:22  Alright, now I'll just go ahead and create another

00:02:24  smooth point like so.

00:02:26  And now, instead of dragging to close my shape,

00:02:29  I'll press and hold the alt key, or the option key on a Mac,

00:02:31  and notice, that moves the opposite control handle,

00:02:34  and now I'm seeing nothing.

00:02:36  Nothing whatsoever, under my cursor.

00:02:38  And that's just the way things work

00:02:40  when you're drawing cusp points with the Pen Tool.

00:02:42  Alright, now I might modify my shape a little bit

00:02:45  by ctrl dragging, or command dragging

00:02:47  this guy outward like so.

00:02:49  And then I'll turn the shape into an eye,

00:02:51  by selecting the Ellipse Tool, and then I'll

00:02:53  just draw a big ellipse for the iris right there.

00:02:56  And I'll go ahead and shift, alt, click,

00:02:59  or shift, option, click,

00:03:00  anywhere on that first path to select.

00:03:03  Just one segment is enough.

00:03:04  And now, I'll select my Shape Builder Tool once again,

00:03:07  and I'll click inside the eye right there.

00:03:10  That's all you have to do.

00:03:11  And then you can press the v key

00:03:12  to switch back to the black Arrow Tool.

00:03:14  Click off the shapes to deselect them,

00:03:16  then click on this guy and shift, click, on this guy,

00:03:18  and press the backspace key, or the delete key on a Mac,

00:03:21  in order to make that, albeit very primitive looking eye.

00:03:25  Alright, you can also alt drag after the fact.

00:03:27  And to see what that looks like,

00:03:29  I'll return to the Pen Tool and I'm going to draw

00:03:31  an equally primitive heart, by dragging up right there.

00:03:35  Then I'll drag down while pressing the shift key,

00:03:38  right about there I figure.

00:03:40  And I might want to reposition that point a little bit

00:03:42  by spacebar dragging.

00:03:44  Alright, and then, I'm going to drag down

00:03:47  from this location.

00:03:48  Actually, I think I'll press the shift key

00:03:50  and create the control handles diagonally like so.

00:03:52  And now, I'll go ahead and press the a key

00:03:54  to switch to my white Arrow Tool for just a moment.

00:03:56  And I'll drag that guy down and I'll drag this one up.

00:04:00  I do want this heart to look fairly good.

00:04:02  Alright, now I'm going to press the p key

00:04:03  to switch back to the Pen Tool.

00:04:05  You can see, that I've got a smooth point,

00:04:07  but I can change it to a cusp, just by pressing the alt key,

00:04:11  or the option key on the Mac,

00:04:12  and dragging from that point once again.

00:04:14  And if I press the shift key as well,

00:04:16  is the alt or option key,

00:04:18  then I'm not only going to create a cusp point

00:04:20  but I'm going to constrain the angle

00:04:21  of this independent control handle

00:04:23  to the nearest 45 degrees.

00:04:25  Alright, now I'm going to drag up like so,

00:04:27  in order to create another smooth point,

00:04:29  over here on the left-hand side.

00:04:31  I might want it to be a little bit higher,

00:04:33  so I'll release the shift key for a moment

00:04:35  so I can just use the spacebar.

00:04:37  And then, let's say I start dragging, at this location.

00:04:41  Well, in that case, I'm going to make a smooth point

00:04:43  and it's going to be a mess, as we're seeing right here.

00:04:45  I'm messing up the shape in another words.

00:04:47  So, if that becomes an issue,

00:04:49  you don't have to start over again.

00:04:51  You can just go ahead and move your cursor back up,

00:04:53  so that the control handle under your cursor

00:04:55  is in the right location.

00:04:57  And then, press the alt key, or the option key on a Mac.

00:05:00  And move the other control handle

00:05:02  that is not under your cursor,

00:05:04  into the desired position,

00:05:06  which should be around here, it seems like,

00:05:09  it's just that I need to ctrl or command drag

00:05:11  this control handle upward,

00:05:13  to make things look a little bit better.

00:05:15  Alright, now so far all of our cusp points

00:05:17  have occurred at the intersection

00:05:19  of two curving segments.

00:05:21  What if you want to add in a straight segment.

00:05:23  Well, just go ahead and draw a few points here,

00:05:25  a few smooth points.

00:05:27  And let's say I want to end this shape right here,

00:05:28  after auto-scrolling, with a straight segment.

00:05:31  Then I don't have to alt click.

00:05:33  That is an option, but you just don't have to do it.

00:05:35  Just click, on that segment,

00:05:37  in order to sever away the other control handle,

00:05:40  and then click up here

00:05:42  to sever its extra control handle as well.

00:05:45  Now, another way to work,

00:05:46  is to draw the straight segment first.

00:05:48  So I could click here, and then click up here someplace,

00:05:51  and now if I drag after creating that straight segment,

00:05:55  I will draw forth a control handle.

00:05:57  And then I can draw another smooth point down here,

00:06:00  and finish it off by dragging,

00:06:02  in order to maintain two control handles

00:06:05  for this final curving segment.

00:06:07  So the moral of the story here,

00:06:09  is that you can create cusp points,

00:06:11  either by alt dragging with the Pen Tool,

00:06:14  or by clicking, if you want to add a straight segment.

00:06:17  But, you need to make sure that all of your curving segments

00:06:20  have two control handles, or just leave them straight,

00:06:25  with no control handles at all.

00:06:27  And that friends, is how you create and modify

00:06:30  cusp points, here, inside Illustrator.
