00:00:56 you want to go to the View menu and choose Preview on CPU,
00:01:00 and that'll take care of that problem in the future.
00:01:03 All right, now let's say I want to draw another line
00:01:06 down here but I don't want to do it yet
00:01:08 because my path outline is selected.
00:01:10 And so if I were to just start in dragging like so
00:01:13 I would redirect the path outline,
00:01:15 which is not what I want.
00:01:17 So I'll press ctrl + Z or cmd + Z on the Mac to undo that,
00:01:19 and then I'll deselect the path outline
00:01:22 and you can do that by going to the Select menu
00:01:24 and choosing Deselect.
00:01:25 But you're going to be doing that a lot,
00:01:27 so I recommend you memorize this keyboard shortcut,
00:01:29 which is ctrl + shift + a here in the PC,
00:01:32 or cmd + shift + a on the Mac.
00:01:34 And that'll allow me to start a new path outline
00:01:37 as we're seeing right here.
00:01:39 And I'll go ahead and extend it all the way to the shell.
00:01:42 And now, just so I don't have to deselect the other path,
00:01:44 I'll draw this one up here, and there's nothing that says
00:01:47 you have to get the entire path finished.
00:01:49 You can always continue a path like so,
00:01:53 and you can redirect it.
00:01:55 If you find out you're drawing badly,
00:01:56 just start redirecting that path, as you see me doing here.
00:01:59 All right, now I'll go ahead and draw this line,
00:02:02 and I'm also going to draw his eyes.
00:02:05 So I could draw this using the Ellipse stool.
00:02:07 But as long as I have the Pencil tool selected,
00:02:09 I might as well use it.
00:02:10 And then if I don't like that shape right there,
00:02:12 I can just drag over it again, but make sure you release
00:02:15 back on the path outline each time you try a redirect,
00:02:20 because otherwise, you're going to open that closed path
00:02:22 and make a big mess of it.
00:02:24 All right, now I'll press ctrl + shift + a,
00:02:25 or cmd + shift + a on the Mac,
00:02:27 in order to deselect that circular path,
00:02:29 and I'll go ahead and draw in the eye like so.
00:02:33 All right, now I want my path outlines to be thicker,
00:02:35 so I'll press ctrl + a or cmd + a on the Mac
00:02:38 to select everything.
00:02:39 And then I'll change the line weight up here to 3 pt,
00:02:42 and then I'll click on the word Stroke
00:02:44 and I'll select both the round cap and the round join
00:02:48 in order to keep my strokes as smooth as possible.
00:02:50 All right, now I'll go ahead and press the escape key
00:02:53 and I'll press ctrl + shift + a or cmd + shift + a
00:02:55 on the Mac in order to deselect my artwork,
00:02:58 and I'm going to go ahead and paint the shell.
00:03:00 And actually, there's not a turtle on earth
00:03:02 who has a shell like this, but I think it's pretty cool
00:03:04 so I'll just go ahead and trace around the outside
00:03:08 in multiple takes, and that's because I'm trying to anchor
00:03:11 my hand as I work here.
00:03:13 And notice there, I goofed up a little bit,
00:03:15 if you can see that, oop, I made it even worse
00:03:17 by dragging at it a little bit more.
00:03:19 But I think I can do a redirect like so and clean that up.
00:03:22 And I was totally wrong, I still got a problem,
00:03:25 so I'm going to go ahead and ctrl + space bar
00:03:27 or cmd + space bar + click to zoom in,
00:03:30 and then I'll drag from right there,
00:03:32 up to that portion of the path outline,
00:03:34 and that smooths it out nicely.
00:03:36 Now here's the point at which you're going to want to know
00:03:39 this information no matter what,
00:03:41 whether you have a drawing tablet or not.
00:03:43 Notice that our path outlines are not really meeting up
00:03:46 with each other, and we have little curlicues
00:03:48 at the end of some of them.
00:03:50 That's when the White Arrow tool comes in handy.
00:03:52 So I'll go ahead and select that tool
00:03:53 or press the A key, of course,
00:03:55 and then I'll grab this anchor point right there,
00:03:57 and I'll drag it 'til it snaps into alignment.
00:04:00 You'll see the snap if you've got your smart guides
00:04:02 turned on.
00:04:03 And this guy here looks like he's in the right position,
00:04:05 but he's got a little bit too much curvature going on,
00:04:08 so I'll press the N key to switch back to the Pencil,
00:04:10 and I'm just going to go ahead and see
00:04:13 if I can make this smoother.
00:04:15 And that time, I just drag with the mouse by the way.
00:04:18 All right, now I'm going to press the A key
00:04:20 in order to switch back to the White Arrow tool,
00:04:22 and I'm going to go ahead and grab this guy
00:04:23 and drag him down, got a little bit of an auto scroll
00:04:26 going there.
00:04:27 And I'll drag this point down as well.
00:04:29 Now this is something that happens frequently
00:04:30 with the Pencil tool.
00:04:32 It goes ahead and creates an extra point at the end.
00:04:34 Obviously, if you don't want that,
00:04:36 you can just select it and press the backspace key
00:04:38 or the delete key on the Mac to get rid of it,
00:04:40 and then I can go ahead and drag this point down
00:04:43 just a little bit and so forth.
00:04:45 So I would be remiss if I was to suggest to you
00:04:47 that you're going to draw everything right
00:04:49 with the Pencil tool.
00:04:50 That's just not going to happen.
00:04:52 You're going to have to go back and do some additional work,
00:04:54 very likely using that White Arrow tool.
00:04:57 In this case though, I want to just go ahead
00:04:59 and redirect this path a little bit,
00:05:01 so I will click on it with the White Arrow,
00:05:03 then I'll press the N key to switch back to the Pencil tool
00:05:06 and I'll go ahead and drag on that path again.
00:05:08 And you can see that its head is a little lumpy here,
00:05:10 so I might, this time, switch to the Smooth tool
00:05:13 and just drag over this region like so,
00:05:15 to smooth it off nicely.
00:05:17 Now I'm going to go ahead and zoom out a little bit here,
00:05:20 and I'm going to continue painting that one path outline.
00:05:22 So I'll press the ctrl key or cmd key on the Mac
00:05:25 in order to get my White Arrow tool,
00:05:28 the last used arrow tool on the fly,
00:05:30 and I'll just click to select even just a little bit of it.
00:05:32 And then I'll press the N key
00:05:34 to switch back to my Pencil tool,
00:05:36 and I'll continue drawing this path outline like so.
00:05:40 And at some point, I'll end up finishing it up here,
00:05:43 so I'll just go ahead and space bar + drag up a little bit
00:05:46 and then finish the top of the shell.
00:05:48 And in my case, it ended up meeting in a corner point,
00:05:51 which is nice.
00:05:52 However, that's a terrible edge,
00:05:54 so I'll just go ahead and redraw it
00:05:56 and see if it looks any better.
00:05:57 This time, notice this point up here is a smooth point.
00:06:01 So what that means is now we're getting
00:06:03 a bunch a curvature there.
00:06:04 We don't really want that,
00:06:06 so I'm just going to zoom in and see if I can redraw this
00:06:09 section better so that we get a nice corner
00:06:12 at that point.
00:06:14 And that's looking better, it's not best by any means yet.
00:06:16 All right, now I want you to see what happens
00:06:19 with this sort of spiral, which of course no turtle has,
00:06:23 but it looks great on this guy.
00:06:24 And so I'm just going to drag along the spiral.
00:06:27 This is yet another method for creating spirals
00:06:30 inside of Illustrator.
00:06:32 And again, I think it's preferable to drawing a spiral
00:06:35 with the dedicated Spiral tool,
00:06:37 because you can get some really great results
00:06:41 as we're seeing right here.
00:06:43 And it's pretty darn smooth as well
00:06:45 for my first attempt at this.
00:06:47 And now I think I just made it worse
00:06:48 by dragging over it again, but that sometimes happens.
00:06:51 Now I'll try to drag even still more
00:06:54 in order to get that curve to come out a little bit like so.
00:06:58 All right, so I'm not going to draw the entire turtle
00:07:01 in front of you, I just wanted to give you some tips
00:07:03 for how to get the best results
00:07:05 and how to take care of the edges
00:07:07 so that everything lines up exactly the way you want.
00:07:10 And that's at least one way to trace a turtle
00:07:13 using the Pencil tool combined with a professional quality
00:07:16 drawing tablet here inside Illustrator.