دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

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دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور




00:00:56  you want to go to the View menu and choose Preview on CPU,

00:01:00  and that'll take care of that problem in the future.

00:01:03  All right, now let's say I want to draw another line

00:01:06  down here but I don't want to do it yet

00:01:08  because my path outline is selected.

00:01:10  And so if I were to just start in dragging like so

00:01:13  I would redirect the path outline,

00:01:15  which is not what I want.

00:01:17  So I'll press ctrl + Z or cmd + Z on the Mac to undo that,

00:01:19  and then I'll deselect the path outline

00:01:22  and you can do that by going to the Select menu

00:01:24  and choosing Deselect.

00:01:25  But you're going to be doing that a lot,

00:01:27  so I recommend you memorize this keyboard shortcut,

00:01:29  which is ctrl + shift + a here in the PC,

00:01:32  or cmd + shift + a on the Mac.

00:01:34  And that'll allow me to start a new path outline

00:01:37  as we're seeing right here.

00:01:39  And I'll go ahead and extend it all the way to the shell.

00:01:42  And now, just so I don't have to deselect the other path,

00:01:44  I'll draw this one up here, and there's nothing that says

00:01:47  you have to get the entire path finished.

00:01:49  You can always continue a path like so,

00:01:53  and you can redirect it.

00:01:55  If you find out you're drawing badly,

00:01:56  just start redirecting that path, as you see me doing here.

00:01:59  All right, now I'll go ahead and draw this line,

00:02:02  and I'm also going to draw his eyes.

00:02:05  So I could draw this using the Ellipse stool.

00:02:07  But as long as I have the Pencil tool selected,

00:02:09  I might as well use it.

00:02:10  And then if I don't like that shape right there,

00:02:12  I can just drag over it again, but make sure you release

00:02:15  back on the path outline each time you try a redirect,

00:02:20  because otherwise, you're going to open that closed path

00:02:22  and make a big mess of it.

00:02:24  All right, now I'll press ctrl + shift + a,

00:02:25  or cmd + shift + a on the Mac,

00:02:27  in order to deselect that circular path,

00:02:29  and I'll go ahead and draw in the eye like so.

00:02:33  All right, now I want my path outlines to be thicker,

00:02:35  so I'll press ctrl + a or cmd + a on the Mac

00:02:38  to select everything.

00:02:39  And then I'll change the line weight up here to 3 pt,

00:02:42  and then I'll click on the word Stroke

00:02:44  and I'll select both the round cap and the round join

00:02:48  in order to keep my strokes as smooth as possible.

00:02:50  All right, now I'll go ahead and press the escape key

00:02:53  and I'll press ctrl + shift + a or cmd + shift + a

00:02:55  on the Mac in order to deselect my artwork,

00:02:58  and I'm going to go ahead and paint the shell.

00:03:00  And actually, there's not a turtle on earth

00:03:02  who has a shell like this, but I think it's pretty cool

00:03:04  so I'll just go ahead and trace around the outside

00:03:08  in multiple takes, and that's because I'm trying to anchor

00:03:11  my hand as I work here.

00:03:13  And notice there, I goofed up a little bit,

00:03:15  if you can see that, oop, I made it even worse

00:03:17  by dragging at it a little bit more.

00:03:19  But I think I can do a redirect like so and clean that up.

00:03:22  And I was totally wrong, I still got a problem,

00:03:25  so I'm going to go ahead and ctrl + space bar

00:03:27  or cmd + space bar + click to zoom in,

00:03:30  and then I'll drag from right there,

00:03:32  up to that portion of the path outline,

00:03:34  and that smooths it out nicely.

00:03:36  Now here's the point at which you're going to want to know

00:03:39  this information no matter what,

00:03:41  whether you have a drawing tablet or not.

00:03:43  Notice that our path outlines are not really meeting up

00:03:46  with each other, and we have little curlicues

00:03:48  at the end of some of them.

00:03:50  That's when the White Arrow tool comes in handy.

00:03:52  So I'll go ahead and select that tool

00:03:53  or press the A key, of course,

00:03:55  and then I'll grab this anchor point right there,

00:03:57  and I'll drag it 'til it snaps into alignment.

00:04:00  You'll see the snap if you've got your smart guides

00:04:02  turned on.

00:04:03  And this guy here looks like he's in the right position,

00:04:05  but he's got a little bit too much curvature going on,

00:04:08  so I'll press the N key to switch back to the Pencil,

00:04:10  and I'm just going to go ahead and see

00:04:13  if I can make this smoother.

00:04:15  And that time, I just drag with the mouse by the way.

00:04:18  All right, now I'm going to press the A key

00:04:20  in order to switch back to the White Arrow tool,

00:04:22  and I'm going to go ahead and grab this guy

00:04:23  and drag him down, got a little bit of an auto scroll

00:04:26  going there.

00:04:27  And I'll drag this point down as well.

00:04:29  Now this is something that happens frequently

00:04:30  with the Pencil tool.

00:04:32  It goes ahead and creates an extra point at the end.

00:04:34  Obviously, if you don't want that,

00:04:36  you can just select it and press the backspace key

00:04:38  or the delete key on the Mac to get rid of it,

00:04:40  and then I can go ahead and drag this point down

00:04:43  just a little bit and so forth.

00:04:45  So I would be remiss if I was to suggest to you

00:04:47  that you're going to draw everything right

00:04:49  with the Pencil tool.

00:04:50  That's just not going to happen.

00:04:52  You're going to have to go back and do some additional work,

00:04:54  very likely using that White Arrow tool.

00:04:57  In this case though, I want to just go ahead

00:04:59  and redirect this path a little bit,

00:05:01  so I will click on it with the White Arrow,

00:05:03  then I'll press the N key to switch back to the Pencil tool

00:05:06  and I'll go ahead and drag on that path again.

00:05:08  And you can see that its head is a little lumpy here,

00:05:10  so I might, this time, switch to the Smooth tool

00:05:13  and just drag over this region like so,

00:05:15  to smooth it off nicely.

00:05:17  Now I'm going to go ahead and zoom out a little bit here,

00:05:20  and I'm going to continue painting that one path outline.

00:05:22  So I'll press the ctrl key or cmd key on the Mac

00:05:25  in order to get my White Arrow tool,

00:05:28  the last used arrow tool on the fly,

00:05:30  and I'll just click to select even just a little bit of it.

00:05:32  And then I'll press the N key

00:05:34  to switch back to my Pencil tool,

00:05:36  and I'll continue drawing this path outline like so.

00:05:40  And at some point, I'll end up finishing it up here,

00:05:43  so I'll just go ahead and space bar + drag up a little bit

00:05:46  and then finish the top of the shell.

00:05:48  And in my case, it ended up meeting in a corner point,

00:05:51  which is nice.

00:05:52  However, that's a terrible edge,

00:05:54  so I'll just go ahead and redraw it

00:05:56  and see if it looks any better.

00:05:57  This time, notice this point up here is a smooth point.

00:06:01  So what that means is now we're getting

00:06:03  a bunch a curvature there.

00:06:04  We don't really want that,

00:06:06  so I'm just going to zoom in and see if I can redraw this

00:06:09  section better so that we get a nice corner

00:06:12  at that point.

00:06:14  And that's looking better, it's not best by any means yet.

00:06:16  All right, now I want you to see what happens

00:06:19  with this sort of spiral, which of course no turtle has,

00:06:23  but it looks great on this guy.

00:06:24  And so I'm just going to drag along the spiral.

00:06:27  This is yet another method for creating spirals

00:06:30  inside of Illustrator.

00:06:32  And again, I think it's preferable to drawing a spiral

00:06:35  with the dedicated Spiral tool,

00:06:37  because you can get some really great results

00:06:41  as we're seeing right here.

00:06:43  And it's pretty darn smooth as well

00:06:45  for my first attempt at this.

00:06:47  And now I think I just made it worse

00:06:48  by dragging over it again, but that sometimes happens.

00:06:51  Now I'll try to drag even still more

00:06:54  in order to get that curve to come out a little bit like so.

00:06:58  All right, so I'm not going to draw the entire turtle

00:07:01  in front of you, I just wanted to give you some tips

00:07:03  for how to get the best results

00:07:05  and how to take care of the edges

00:07:07  so that everything lines up exactly the way you want.

00:07:10  And that's at least one way to trace a turtle

00:07:13  using the Pencil tool combined with a professional quality

00:07:16  drawing tablet here inside Illustrator.


دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور

00:01:02  So the first step is to go up to the File menu

00:01:04  and choose New from Template,

00:01:05  or once again, you have that keyboard shortcut

00:01:07  of ctrl + shift + N, or cmd + shift + N on a Mac,

00:01:11  then locate your center guides template

00:01:13  and click on the New button in order to create it.

00:01:15  Now in this case we don't really need the guides,

00:01:18  so I'm going to get rid of them

00:01:19  by going up to the View menu,

00:01:21  choosing Guides, and then choosing Clear Guides.

00:01:25  Alright, now I'll go ahead and click on the guides layer

00:01:27  to make it active, and I'll place my image

00:01:29  by going to the File menu and choosing the Place command,

00:01:32  or you have that fairly predictable keyboard shortcut

00:01:35  of ctrl + shift + P, or cmd + shift + P on a Mac.

00:01:39  Alright, now if you're working along with me

00:01:41  I've got the pencil sketch ready and waiting,

00:01:43  Pencil sketch.jpg.

00:01:45  Go ahead and select it, and then click the Place button.

00:01:48  Now notice at this point you could make it a template

00:01:51  just by turning on the Template checkbox,

00:01:53  but that tends to be a fairly messy experience

00:01:56  and it doesn't allow you to control the placement

00:01:58  or the scale of the template.

00:02:00  So just go ahead and click the Place button.

00:02:02  That will load the cursor with the image,

00:02:04  as we're seeing here.

00:02:05  At which point just go ahead and click

00:02:07  in order to place the image inside the document.

00:02:10  Now what you want to do

00:02:11  is go up here to the control panel,

00:02:13  make sure that the alignment option

00:02:14  is set to Align to Artboard,

00:02:16  and then click on each of the Center icons.

00:02:18  First Horizontal Align Center,

00:02:20  and then Vertical Align Center.

00:02:23  Alright, now click on the word Transform

00:02:25  in order to bring up the Transform panel.

00:02:27  And make sure the center point is selected

00:02:29  over here in the Reference Point matrix.

00:02:32  Then turn on the link, so that we're constraining

00:02:34  the width and height values to each other.

00:02:36  And that will allow us to proportionally resize the image.

00:02:40  At which point I'm going to change

00:02:41  the width value to 940 points.

00:02:44  And that will change the height value in kind.

00:02:47  Alright, now you can press the escape key

00:02:48  in order to hide that panel.

00:02:50  Next what you want to do is double-click

00:02:52  in an empty portion of this guides layer

00:02:54  in order to bring up the Layer Options dialog box.

00:02:57  Let's go ahead and call this layer template,

00:02:59  since that's what it is.

00:03:01  And you also want to turn on

00:03:02  the Template checkbox right here.

00:03:04  And that'll go ahead and automatically dim the image to 50%,

00:03:07  which is going to work out great.

00:03:09  You can change that value if you want to,

00:03:10  but 50% works well for this specific template.

00:03:14  So I'll go ahead and click OK

00:03:16  in order to create that new tracing template.

00:03:18  At which point I can go ahead

00:03:19  and begin drawing with the Pencil Tool

00:03:21  here on the drawing layer.

00:03:23  Which is exactly what we'll be doing

00:03:25  by the way, starting in the next movie.


دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور




00:02:03  Alright, now I'm going to press Control 0,

00:02:05  or Command 0 on a Mac,

00:02:06  to zoom out.

00:02:07  You can also use those tricks after you begin

00:02:10  drawing a path outline.

00:02:12  And so let's say I want to create the free-form portion

00:02:14  of the smile first.

00:02:15  Then I just go ahead and drag with the pencil tool,

00:02:18  and now if I want to close the path outline

00:02:20  with a straight segment,

00:02:21  I would press and hold the Alt key,

00:02:23  or the Option key on a Mac,

00:02:25  and then drag over to the first point like so.

00:02:28  Alright, now I'm going to press the V key

00:02:29  to switch back to my black-arrow tool,

00:02:31  and I'm going to go ahead and Shift-click

00:02:33  on these other path outlines,

00:02:35  including the big heart shape,

00:02:37  so that all of these paths are selected,

00:02:39  and then I'm going to combine them together

00:02:41  by going up to the Object menu,

00:02:42  choosing Compound Path,

00:02:44  and then choosing Make,

00:02:46  and we end up turning all of those new path outlines

00:02:49  into holes.

00:02:50  And to see what that looks like,

00:02:51  I'm going to go ahead and click on this outermost path

00:02:54  to select it and then I'll right-click on the path,

00:02:57  choose Range, and then choose Send to Back

00:03:00  in order to send that path outline to the back of the stack.

00:03:03  And then, finally, I'll click on the Fill icon

00:03:05  on the far-left side of the Control Panel,

00:03:07  and I'll change the fill color to, let's say,

00:03:10  this shade of purple here inside of this swatch group.

00:03:13  And we can now see that purple showing through the holes

00:03:15  in the heart.

00:03:17  And that, for better or worse,

00:03:18  is how you draw straight and perpendicular segments

00:03:21  using the pencil tool here inside Illustrator.



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 or command-Z on the Mac, and try drawing that section again.

  Sometimes you just need to go the other direction  or draw a smaller line.

 Alright, now notice that the path outline is selected,

  and so if I move my cursor away,  I'm going to see a little asterisk next to the pencil.

00:01:19  But if I move my cursor near to the open path outline,

00:01:22  I see a little diagonal line,

00:01:24  which tells me that I'm going to extend

00:01:26  that selected path like so.

00:01:29  And that is a function of a couple of settings

00:01:31  in that pencil tool options dialogue box.

00:01:34  I'll go ahead and press the enter key,

00:01:36  or the return key on the mac,

00:01:37  to open the dialogue box on screen.

00:01:39  And notice this check box right there, Keep selected.

00:01:42  You most likely want to leave that on, because that way,

00:01:45  the last path outline you drew remains selected.

00:01:48  But you can turn it off, it is an option.

00:01:50  And then notice that you can Edit selected paths

00:01:53  as long as you drag within six screen pixels from them.

00:01:58  And again, you can turn that off

00:01:59  or adjust that distance as you like.

00:02:02  I'm just gonna go ahead and click OK

00:02:04  to dismiss the dialogue box.

00:02:06  Alright, now let's say I just want to

00:02:09  extend things a little farther up and over in this direction

00:02:13  to let's say right about there,

00:02:14  or I may just decide to draw a completely different section.

00:02:18  And you can see, even though the other path outline

00:02:21  is selected because I did not drag sufficiently close to it,

00:02:24  I'm seeing an asterisk next to my cursor.

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور

00:02:27  At which point I'll go ahead and release

00:02:28  in order to create an independent, open path.

00:02:32  Let's say you want to connect two open paths together.

00:02:35  Well then, press and hold the control key,

00:02:37  or the command key on a Mac,

00:02:38  to get the last used arrow tool,

00:02:40  which in my case is the black arrow,

00:02:42  and then add the shift key and click on this path.

00:02:46  So in other words, I'm control-shift-clicking here on a PC,

00:02:49  that's a command-shift-click on a Mac,

00:02:51  and what that allows me to do

00:02:52  is select that other open path.

00:02:55  Then you just drag from its endpoint

00:02:57  to the other path's endpoint,

00:02:59  at which point you'll see

00:03:00  that slash next to the cursor again

00:03:02  and you'll join what were formerly two open paths into one.

00:03:06  And now I'll go ahead and finish things off

00:03:08  by dragging from this endpoint

00:03:10  and then finally releasing on the other endpoint

00:03:13  in order to close the path outline like so.

00:03:17  And that, friends, is how you extend and connect

00:03:20  open path outlines using the pen tool.



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  of segments in between. You can also, by the way, just go ahead and drag

00:01:25  along the path if you like, or you can drag along

00:01:29  the smoother outline that you're looking for.

00:01:31  Another option is to get rid of this area altogether

00:01:35  by grabbing the Path Eraser tool and then dragging

00:01:38  its hotspot, which is the eraser portion of the cursor

00:01:41  by the way, from one endpoint to another,

00:01:44  and then that's just going to delete that range

00:01:46  of points in between.

00:01:48  Then you can redraw them by switching back

00:01:51  to the Pencil tool, which, of course, you can get

00:01:53  by pressing the N key, and then you could just try

00:01:55  to draw a better path outline in between.

00:01:58  Another way to work is to go ahead and start

00:02:01  at a certain point and then draw the better path

00:02:04  outline like so, and then end at a specific point

00:02:08  in the shape, and you've got to be very careful

00:02:10  if you're going to do that, especially when you're

00:02:12  working with close path outlines because it's easy

00:02:15  to do this number where you don't quite end things

00:02:17  right and you end up opening the path outline.

00:02:21  So if what I want to do is change the course

00:02:23  of the path, then I'll go ahead and undo

00:02:25  that modification and I will once again drag

00:02:28  like so from one point,

00:02:30  one interior point in the shape, to another.

00:02:33  And then, I might just go ahead and say, "All right,

00:02:36  "I want this to be a little sharper down here

00:02:38  "at the bottom," and so I'll redraw that section

00:02:41  and then I'll redraw this section,

00:02:43  as well, and so on.

00:02:45  And that's how you smooth out as well as redraw

00:02:48  certain portions of a path outline, using a combination

00:02:51  of the Smooth tool, the Path Eraser

00:02:54  and the Pencil tool, which are all, as we've seen,

00:02:58  available from the same flyout menu.
