دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

illustrator آموزش ایلوستریتور آموزش افترافکت After Effects ادوبی فتوشاپ Photoshop پریمیر پرو Premiere Pro راینو Rhino

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافیک انیمیشن

دانلود آموزش تصویری جلوه ویژه گرافکی انیمیشن : ساخت وکتور با ایلوستریتور illustrator و جلوه های ویژه سینمایی ادوبی افترافکت adoby After Effects دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن

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دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور



در این فیلم، من به شما نشان خواهم داد که چگونه این کلاه قرمز بزرگ را که در ابتدای این پاراگراف اول ایجاد شده است، ایجاد کنید. پیش از آن شما سوابق خود را به سند من تغییر دهید و من در آن پاراگراف اول را بزرگتر می کنم خوب. حالا، من بین W و Hin دوبار کلیک میکنم که اولین کلمه است، و Wby را با کشیدن روی آن انتخاب میکنم، و سپس Ctrl + X یا cmd + x را در Mac فشار میدهم آن را قطع کن سپس کلید Escape را فشار دهید تا کنترل را به ابزار فلش سیاه برگرداند. و من Ctrl + V یا cmd + V را روی Mac میگذارم تا این حرف کوچک را بچرخانم. همه چیز درست است، بنابراین متوجه میشوید که آنچه در اینجا داریم، یک حرف تک متن است. آن را به سمت چپ آن نقطه، که به زیبایی کار می کند.بنابراین من فقط قصد دارم آن را به خط چهارم ببرم چون من این شخصیت را چهار خط قد بلند می خواهم. همه حق دارند، حالا من قصد دارم مقدار اندازه اندازه را انتخاب کنم اینجا در پانل کنترل است و من فقط می خواهم آن را به 80 پایتل تغییر دهم زیرا می دانم که این کار را انجام می دهد. من نیز در داخل فیلد نوع چهره کلیک کرده ام و در تراجان شماره گیری می کنم یک بار دیگر، و این بار من می خواهم Trajan Pro را انتخاب کنم. نه یک تصویر جسورانه، فقط سبک معمول، برای ایجاد این حرف بزرگ W اینجا. و اکنون، با پر کردن activehere در پنل swatches، به جلو و بر روی آن قرمز رنگ قرمز fillR193 G39 B45 کلیک کنید تا این اثر را در اینجا ایجاد کنید. همه چیز درست است، حالا سوال این است که آیا ما متن را به دست می دهیم تا اجازه دهیم اتاق را برای W انتخاب کنیم؟ و پاسخ این است که یک بسته بندی متن ایجاد کنید. حالا می توانید متن را به طور مستقیم در اطراف یک کاراکتر قرار دهید تا به منوی Object بروید، گزینه Text Wrap را انتخاب کنید و سپس انتخاب Make کنید، در این نقطه این پیام هشدار به شما می گوید که متن قرار است در اطراف W.At که در آن نقطه، شما فقط می خواهید بر روی OK کلیک کنید. اما توجه داشته باشید که این به شما می دهد راه بیش از حد wrap.We باید فقط بسته بندی چهار خط اول، نه شش اول، همانطور که در اینجا اتفاق می افتد بنابراین من قصد دارم به منظور فشار دادن کلید ctrl + z یا cmd + z روی Mac، این تغییر را خنثی کنم، و به جای آن، من قصد دارم یک مستطیل را با انتخاب مستطیل طوفرم از منو گزینه فوری شکل انتخاب کنم. فقط به جلو بروید و از تقاطع این دو راهنمایی درست در اینجا، پایین و به سمت راست بکشید، تا زمانی که مقدار عرض را 90 پیتا ببینم. ارتفاع 61 پنت فقط خوب است.


00:02:18  And by the way, you'll need your smart guides turned on

00:02:21  to see that little heads up display.

00:02:23  All right, now we don't want a fill or a stroke,

00:02:26  so just go up here to the control panel,

00:02:28  click on the first swatch, and change it to none.

00:02:32  And then, go to the Object menu once again,

00:02:34  choose text wrap, and choose Make.

00:02:37  And that will create a wrap around this rectangle

00:02:40  that's going to effect the text beneath it.

00:02:43  So whatever object is doing the wrapping

00:02:45  has to be on top of the text that it's going to wrap.

00:02:49  And it has to be on the same layer as that text as well.

00:02:53  Now, notice that in addition to the rectangle,

00:02:55  we have a little bit of an offset,

00:02:58  which is represented by the larger rectangle.

00:03:00  I don't want that offset,

00:03:01  and so to get rid of it,

00:03:03  I'll return to the Object menu,

00:03:04  once again choose Text Wrap,

00:03:06  and this time I'll choose Text Wrap Options.

00:03:09  And I'll turn the Preview check box on.

00:03:11  Notice that currently our Offset value is 6 pt.

00:03:14  We want it to be 0,

00:03:16  at which point we'll see the text get closer to the W,

00:03:19  which is exactly what I want.

00:03:20  So I'll go ahead and click OK.

00:03:22  And then I'll press the "v" key to switch back

00:03:24  to the black arrow tool,

00:03:25  and I'll click off the rectangle to deselect it.

00:03:28  And that's how you create a drop cap

00:03:30  using the little known Text Wrap feature

00:03:32  here inside Illustrator.

00:03:34  In the next movie, I'll show you how to wrap text

00:03:36  around an actual graphic.


دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور


در این فیلم، من چند روش مختلف برای فرمت کپی بدن، که متن اصلی درون یک سند است، به شما نشان می دهم. بنابراین اولین کاری که من انجام می دهم این است که در هر یک از این ستون های متن دوبار کلیک کنید تا به طور خودکار به ابزار Type بروید و موقعیت نشانگر موربم را قرار دهید. و پس از آن من قصد دارم به انتخاب تمام متن در تمام فریم متن رشته با رفتن به منوی انتخاب و انتخاب همه دستور و یا فقط فشار دادن کلیدهای Ctrl در اینجا بر روی PC، کلیدهای Cmd A در مک. بسیار خوب، در حال حاضر در این نقطه من قصد دارم به جلو بروید و زوم در فشار دادن Ctrl + کلیدهای Cmd + چند بار، و در حال حاضر من می خواهم به حرکت سند من، بنابراین من می توانید پاراگراف اول را ببینید. و شما ممکن است از فصل ناوبری یادآوری کنید که نمیتوانید فضاپیما را فشار دهید تا ابزار Hand را فشار دهید زیرا این کار پیش میرود و همه متن شما را با کاراکترهای فضایی جایگزین میکند. بنابراین، به جای آن، می خواهید کلید Alt یا کلید Opt را در Mac فشار دهید و سپس سند خود را مانند آن بکشید. خوب، اولین چیزی که می خواهم انجام دهم این است که برخی از ویژگی های قالب بندی پاراگراف را با کلیک بر روی کلمه پاراگراف بالا در اینجا در کنترل پنل تنظیم کنید. و توجه کنید که در حالی که مقدار تورفتگی چپ من صفر است، و ارزش تورفتگی راست من صفر است، و هر دو از آن ارزشها توسط راه، در حال رفتن به تورفتگی متن در سمت چپ و راست دو طرف از ستون. مقدار اولیه ی خط اول ما گم شده است، زیرا احتمالا از یک پاراگراف تا بعد متفاوت است. اگر ما می خواستیم یک ردیف اول خط، من می توانم یک مقدار مانند نه امتیاز را در آن زمینه وارد کنم و سپس ما فقط 9 خط از هر ردیف را برای خط اول هر پاراگراف داریم.


00:01:34  But where this text is concerned,

00:01:35  that's not the way I want to work.

00:01:37  So I'm going to change that value to zero

00:01:40  and then press the Tab key.

00:01:42  And so instead of having a first line indent

00:01:44  in order to distinguish one paragraph from another,

00:01:47  I'm going to enter a Space before

00:01:49  or Space after the paragraph,

00:01:51  but I'm going to start by just zeroing out these values

00:01:54  so I know what I have to work with.

00:01:56  So you can see, if you don't have a first line indent

00:01:58  or you don't have some kind of paragraph spacing,

00:02:01  then your text is just going to run together.

00:02:03  But, if I were to just click

00:02:05  in this Space before value right here,

00:02:07  and press the Up arrow key a few times,

00:02:10  you can see that that helps to move those paragraphs apart,

00:02:13  and at a value of five points things look pretty great.

00:02:17  Now, when you're working with body copy,

00:02:19  you can Align the text to the left.

00:02:21  You generally never want to center it,

00:02:23  or align it to the right.

00:02:25  But while left is okay,

00:02:26  it leaves a ragged effect on the right-hand side.

00:02:29  If you want to make sure everybody's aligned

00:02:31  on the right as well,

00:02:32  then you want to switch to one of the Justify options,

00:02:35  most likely Justify with last line aligned left,

00:02:39  which is this fourth setting right here,

00:02:42  and that's going to give you this effect

00:02:44  with the last line on the left as we're seeing right here.

00:02:48  At which point I'll go ahead and press the Escape key

00:02:50  in order to hide that Paragraph panel.

00:02:52  Now let's take a look

00:02:53  at our character formatting attributes

00:02:55  by clicking on the word Character

00:02:57  and I'm going to change the font,

00:02:58  which you can see is already selected, to Minions.

00:03:01  So I'm just going to type in M-I-N-I

00:03:04  and that should get me to the various styles

00:03:06  of Minion Pro.

00:03:07  The one I want is this guy right here,

00:03:09  that's just called Minion Pro and nothing more,

00:03:12  and what does is it selects the regular style.

00:03:15  Alright, so having done that,

00:03:16  I'm going to dial in a type size value

00:03:19  into this very first numeric field,

00:03:21  and I'm going to set that type size to 14 points.

00:03:25  And by the way, the type size is a container

00:03:27  that holds everything from the highest ascenders

00:03:30  down to the lowest descenders.

00:03:33  And you can get a sense for just how tall that container is

00:03:36  by tabbing your way over to the Leading value.

00:03:39  Now notice when I hover over this little icon here,

00:03:42  that I can see the tool tip that says Set the leading.

00:03:46  It's actually led-ing,

00:03:47  because back in the days of hot metal type

00:03:49  they used to insert lead between one line of type

00:03:53  and the next.

00:03:54  And so leading is the distance between the baseline,

00:03:57  the line upon which the type sits,

00:04:00  and the next baseline up.

00:04:01  So it's essentially the distance between one line of type

00:04:04  to the next line of type.

00:04:06  If I were to set it to the same value

00:04:08  as the type size,

00:04:10  we'd end up with solid leading.

00:04:12  So a type size of 14 on 14 point leading,

00:04:15  is solid leading,

00:04:17  and we can see how the tops of the ascenders,

00:04:19  or at least the top of this capital letter here,

00:04:21  is almost touching the bottom of the descender,

00:04:23  meaning the bottom of that letter Y.

00:04:27  If you want a little more space,

00:04:28  as you generally do,

00:04:29  then you can click this down pointing arrowhead,

00:04:31  and swich to Auto.

00:04:33  And Auto is going to automatically assign

00:04:36  a leading value that's 120% of the type size,

00:04:40  so notice right now it's 16.8 points.

00:04:42  If I was to click in the Size value

00:04:44  and press the Up arrow key to send it up to 15,

00:04:47  then the leading value would expand to 18 points.

00:04:51  I actually want that leading value to be exactly 17 points,

00:04:55  so I'm going to override the current value,

00:04:57  and then I'm going to take the type size value

00:04:59  back down to what it was, which is 14.

00:05:02  Alright finally, we don't want to leave

00:05:04  this kerning value set to zero.

00:05:06  That is never a good idea.

00:05:08  If you ever see that,

00:05:10  then go ahead and click this down pointing arrowhead,

00:05:12  and choose Auto.

00:05:14  Auto is going to work great for body copy,

00:05:16  and you can see it's slightly adjusting

00:05:18  the horizontal positions of all of the selected characters.

00:05:22  And for the most legible results,

00:05:24  you also want to leave the Tracking value

00:05:26  set to its default, which is zero.

00:05:28  At which point you can go ahead and press the Escape key

00:05:30  in order to hide the Character panel.

00:05:32  And then you can press the Escape key a second time

00:05:35  in order to escape the text editing mode

00:05:37  and switch back to the black arrow tool,

00:05:39  at which point I'll click off the text to deselect it.

00:05:43  And now, even if I press Ctrl 0,

00:05:45  or Cmd 0 on the Mac,

00:05:46  to fit the document on screen,

00:05:48  it remains nice and legible

00:05:50  even within the context of this video.

00:05:53  And those are a few different ways

00:05:54  to format body copy here inside Illustrator.


دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور




در این فیلم، من نشان خواهم داد که چگونه این نوع از نوع عنوان را متناسب با آن به درستی متناسب با عرض راهنمای حاشیه. بنابراین من به جلو بروید و به تصویر من در حال پیشرفت بروید. من روی این خط بالا نوع کلیک میکنم و چند بار فشار را به سمت پایین فشار میدهم تا آن را پایین بیاورم و به اتاقم کمی توجه میکنم. من می خواهم همه چیز را با چند کلید میانبر بسیار مفید برای تنظیم اندازه متن شما شروع کنم. برای این کار، متن شما باید با ابزار Type انتخاب شود. من به جلو بروید و در داخل متن دوبار کلیک کنید، به همین ترتیب، به طور خودکار به Tool Type بروید و موقعیت نشانگر چشمک زدن خود را قرار دهید. سپس تمام نوع در این شی متن را انتخاب می کنم. ساده ترین راه برای انجام این کار این است که به منوی Select بروید و تمام دستور را انتخاب کنید یا راحت تر، می توانید با استفاده از کنترل a یا command روی یک مکینتاش فشار دهید. حالا بگم من دقیقا مطمئن نیستم که چه نوع اندازه من دنبالش هستم من فقط می توانم در داخل این نوع اندازه اندازه کلیک کرده و دکمه فلش بالا را فشار دهید تا اندازه اندازه را افزایش دهد یا دکمه فلش پایین آن را کاهش دهید. همچنین می توانم کلید shift را با یک کلید فلش فشار دهم تا با افزایش 10 نقطه حرکت کند، اما راه دیگری برای کار وجود دارد و برای استفاده از آن، کلید کلید فرار را فشار می دهم تا اندازه اندازه نوع دیگر برجسته نشود و سپس من دوره تغییر کنترل را فشار می دهم، این دوره تغییر فرمان در Mac است، به طور پیوسته افزایش اندازه نوع من.


00:01:21  The reason it's period is because the period key

00:01:24  also features the greater than sign

00:01:26  on an American keyboard.

00:01:28  If you wanna reduce the size of your text,

00:01:30  you press control shift comma, or

00:01:32  command shift comma, which is the same as

00:01:35  control shift or command shift less than sign.

00:01:39  If you wanna move in bigger increments still,

00:01:41  then you can add the alt or option key.

00:01:43  This is the result of pressing control shift alt

00:01:46  greater than sign, or command shift option

00:01:49  greater than sign on the Mac, whereas

00:01:52  this is what happens when you press

00:01:53  control shift, or command shift, less than sign.

00:01:57  However you get there, we wanna end up

00:01:59  increasing the type size until it's 40 points,

00:02:02  as we're seeing up here in the control panel.

00:02:05  Now what I wanna do is take advantage

00:02:07  of a command under the Type menu

00:02:08  called Fit Headline, but currently, it's dimmed,

00:02:11  and that's because it doesn't work with point type.

00:02:13  You have to first convert your text to area type.

00:02:16  You do that by pressing the escape key

00:02:18  in order to escape the text entry mode,

00:02:20  and then you bring back your bounding box

00:02:23  by going to the View menu and choosing

00:02:25  Show Bounding Box, or you can press

00:02:27  control shift b, or command shift b on the Mac.

00:02:30  Now you can go over here to this little widget

00:02:33  and double-click on it, like so, and that

00:02:36  will convert your text to area type,

00:02:38  at which point you can go ahead and make it wider

00:02:41  so that the text frame fits the entire width

00:02:44  of the margin guide.

00:02:46  That still doesn't quite take care of our problem.

00:02:48  Notice here under the Type menu, Fit Headline

00:02:51  is still dimmed, and that's because I need

00:02:52  to perform one more step, which is

00:02:54  to double-click inside the text in order

00:02:57  to automatically switch to the Type Tool,

00:02:59  and then, with just that blinking insertion marker

00:03:02  sitting there and nothing more, go up

00:03:04  to the Type menu and choose the

00:03:06  now-available Fit Headline command.

00:03:08  That will increase the amount of horizontal space

00:03:10  between the letters in order to fit

00:03:12  the width of the margin guide.

00:03:15  Now I'm gonna press the escape key

00:03:16  in order to switch back to my Black Arrow Tool,

00:03:19  and I'm gonna press control shift b,

00:03:21  or command shift b on the Mac, to hide

00:03:23  that bounding box.

00:03:25  Now I wanna change the color of my text.

00:03:28  Color is a character-level formatting attribute,

00:03:30  just like Font and Style and Size and so forth,

00:03:34  but you're not gonna find it here inside

00:03:36  the Character panel.

00:03:37  Instead, you just wanna go ahead and bring up

00:03:39  the Swatches panel, which you can do

00:03:41  by going to the Window menu and choosing

00:03:43  the Swatches command, unless, of course,

00:03:45  it already has a check mark in front of it,

00:03:47  in which case the Swatches panel

00:03:49  is already onscreen.

00:03:50  Notice that I have all these global swatches

00:03:53  that came in along with my text.

00:03:55  I'm gonna get rid of them by selecting

00:03:57  Black 11 right here, and then shift clicking

00:03:59  on Blue to select all the global swatches.

00:04:03  Then to get rid of all of them without a warning,

00:04:05  I'll alt click, or option click, on the little trash icon,

00:04:09  and they will disappear.

00:04:10  Now I'll make sure my Fill is active.

00:04:13  As I can see, it is, in the top left corner

00:04:15  of the Swatches panel, at which point

00:04:16  I'll select this dark shade of red,

00:04:19  which is R193 G39 B45.

00:04:23  That will recolor the text, as we're seeing right here.

00:04:27  Now I wanna further adjust the amount

00:04:29  of horizontal space between my characters.

00:04:32  Notice if I go ahead and zoom in here,

00:04:35  that while the amount of horizontal space

00:04:37  between, let's say, the d and the e in the word

00:04:40  Denslow looks just fine, we have way too much space

00:04:43  between the w and the period.

00:04:45  That's a function of what's known as kerning.

00:04:48  So basically, every single character of type

00:04:51  has its own spacing metrics built in,

00:04:55  but every once in a while, two neighboring characters

00:04:57  don't really go together very well,

00:04:59  in which case, they become a kerning pair

00:05:01  that Illustrator is designed to modify automatically.

00:05:05  But right now, we have the kerning turned off,

00:05:08  and so what you need to do is go ahead

00:05:10  and marquee these top two lines of type,

00:05:12  taking care not to accidentally select

00:05:15  any of the body copy.

00:05:17  Make sure you're not seeing any purple lines,

00:05:19  as I'm seeing when I hover over that text.

00:05:22  Then go up to the Character panel

00:05:24  and notice this option right here.

00:05:26  It's the one that affects the kerning.

00:05:28  You can see right now, it's set to zero,

00:05:30  which means that all kerning pairs

00:05:32  are being ignored.

00:05:33  What you wanna do is click on this

00:05:35  down-pointing arrowhead, and at the very least,

00:05:37  select Auto, which is gonna look up

00:05:40  the kerning information that's built into

00:05:42  each and every font.

00:05:44  You can see, that took care of our spacing problem

00:05:46  quite nicely.

00:05:47  Another option is to go with Optical.

00:05:50  Optical tells Illustrator to automatically evaluate

00:05:53  the shape of each and every character

00:05:55  in a selection and adjust the spacing accordingly.

00:05:59  You may find that it really works wonders

00:06:02  on display type, which is why I'm going

00:06:04  to choose Optical in the case of my selected text.

00:06:08  Then I'll press the escape key to hide that panel.

00:06:11  I wanna do one more thing, and that's

00:06:13  to zoom out a little bit so that I can see

00:06:15  more of my text at a time.

00:06:17  Then I'm gonna click on this point text

00:06:20  right here, the one that represents the bylines.

00:06:22  Now I wanna space these characters out

00:06:25  a little more, and so I'll once again click

00:06:27  on the word Character and switch from

00:06:29  the Kerning option to its next-door neighbor,

00:06:32  which is Tracking.

00:06:33  Tracking is essentially kerning

00:06:35  for multiple characters at a time.

00:06:38  So, for example, if I change this Tracking value

00:06:40  to 100, let's say, I'm gonna really space

00:06:43  those characters out from each other,

00:06:45  which is why, in the end, I came up

00:06:47  with a Tracking value of 40, like so.

00:06:51  Now I'm gonna press control zero,

00:06:52  or command zero on a Mac, in order

00:06:54  to zoom out so that I can take in my entire document.

00:06:57  It seems to me that this top line of text

00:07:00  could be spaced a little bit better.

00:07:02  So what I'm gonna do is double-click

00:07:04  inside of it again in order to switch to the Type Tool,

00:07:07  and position that blinking insertion marker.

00:07:09  I'm gonna choose Type, Fit Headline.

00:07:12  You may wonder, well, why are you choosing

00:07:13  that command again, Deke?

00:07:15  Well, the fact is, you mighta see a shift onscreen there.

00:07:18  I have done a better job of filling up

00:07:20  the width of the margin job, and that's because

00:07:22  switching to optical kerning made a difference

00:07:25  in the amount of horizontal space, which means

00:07:27  that it was worth visiting the Fit Headline command

00:07:30  a second time, just to make sure everything's the way

00:07:32  it needs to be, at which point

00:07:34  I'll press the escape key in order

00:07:36  to switch back to the Black Arrow Tool,

00:07:38  and I'll click off my text to deselect it.

00:07:41  That's how you automatically adjust

00:07:43  the amount of horizontal space

00:07:45  between characters of type using a combination

00:07:48  of the Fit Headline command along with

00:07:50  optical kerning here inside Illustrator.


دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور



 - در این فیلم، من چند راه برای قالب بندی متون نمایش داده می شود. و با استفاده از متون نمایش داده شده، به معنای متن بزرگ، مانند عنوان، و یا یک خط از نوع، مانند این خط، که اساسا هر چیزی غیر از متن اصلی است، که به عنوان کپی بدن شناخته می شود. و من می خواهم همه چیز را با فرمت کردن اشیاء متن چندگانه در یک زمان شروع کنم. و بنابراین، با ابزار Black Arrow من مسلح شده ام، من قصد دارم به جلو بروید و این دو خط اول متن نقطه را بگذارید. و به این ترتیب، می توانم آنها را با هم فرمت کنم. حالا توجه کنید که خط بالایی از نوع متمرکز است، همانطور که در این نقطه در مرکز متن نشان داده شده است. در حالی که این خط دوم از نوع به سمت چپ از نقطه آن است. و ما می توانیم هماهنگی از پانل Paragraph را کنترل کنیم. و بنابراین، پاراگراف کلمه را اینجا ببینید؟ اگر بر روی آن کلیک کنید، آن را به ارمغان می آورد تعدادی از ویژگی های قالب بندی که بر تمام پاراگراف های نوع در یک زمان تاثیر می گذارد، مانند این مرد در اینجا وجود دارد. خط اول، عقب چپ و دلیل اینکه ما یک ارزش را نمی بینیم، این است که برای این دو شیء متن متفاوت است. این برای صفر صفر است و برای پایین یک چیزی غیر از صفر است. من می خواهم آنها هر دو صفر باشند، بنابراین من قصد دارم بر روی آن گزینه کلیک کرده و صفر را وارد کنید. و آن بیمار از خط اولی که در انتهای خط خطی قرار دارد خلاص می شود. حالا من هم می خواهم این بچه ها را پاک کنم.


00:01:18  Notice, they control the space before a paragraph,

00:01:20  and the space after a paragraph.

00:01:23  We just don't need them.

00:01:24  So I'm going to change both values to zero, like so.

00:01:27  But don't worry, we'll see uses

00:01:28  for these options in a future movie.

00:01:30  Now notice that there are alignment options

00:01:32  at the top of the panel.

00:01:33  They are also repeated to the right of the of the

00:01:36  word paragraph, up here in the control panel.

00:01:38  And so I can either Align Left, in order to align

00:01:42  both the text objects to the left of their point.

00:01:45  Or I can click Align Right, to shift

00:01:48  both lines of text to the right of their points.

00:01:50  But what I want is Align Center.

00:01:53  So I'll go ahead and click on that option.

00:01:54  And now I have two lines of center type.

00:01:56  In which point I'll press the escape key,

00:01:58  in order to hide that panel.

00:02:00  Now what I want to do, is align

00:02:02  this text to the center of the art board.

00:02:04  And I'll do that by clicking on the word Align.

00:02:07  I need to confirm that Align to is set to Align to Artboard,

00:02:11  which it is in my case.

00:02:12  And then I want to click on Horizontal Align Center.

00:02:16  That second icon in right there,

00:02:17  in order to center both lines of type like so.

00:02:20  Alright, the next thing I was to do,

00:02:22  is overwrite this funky type size value.

00:02:24  And so I'm going to click on this

00:02:26  down pointing arrow head, and choose 14 to start with.

00:02:30  So you can choose a preset if you like.

00:02:32  Or you can enter your own custom value.

00:02:34  Or in my case, I'm going to click on that value

00:02:36  and press the up arrow key a couple of times,

00:02:38  in order to increase that type size to 16 pt.

00:02:42  Alright, now I'm going to click off

00:02:44  the text objects to deselect them.

00:02:46  And I'll go ahead and drag this guy down to the guideline,

00:02:48  while pressing the Shift key, so I don't mess up

00:02:51  the way the text is centered in the artboard.

00:02:54  Alright, now lets take a look at font.

00:02:55  I'll go ahead and click on this top bit of point text.

00:02:58  And notice up here, we've got the Character panel.

00:03:01  And the Character panel offers formatting attributes that

00:03:04  affect just those selected characters of type.

00:03:08  But in my case, I have an entire text object selected.

00:03:11  So I'm going to change the formatting

00:03:12  of all of that selected text.

00:03:15  Right next door to the word Character, is my font option.

00:03:18  And I can use it in a few different ways.

00:03:20  I can click the down pointed arrowhead,

00:03:22  in order to see a list of all the fonts

00:03:24  that are installed in the system,

00:03:26  and you're fonts by the way, are going to be different,

00:03:29  because you're going to see

00:03:30  the fonts installed on your system instead.

00:03:32  And then once I come across something that looks good,

00:03:35  notice that we have these samples of each font.

00:03:38  I'll go ahead and click on that font to select it.

00:03:41  Another way to work is to click inside the font,

00:03:44  and then press the down arrow key in order

00:03:46  to advance to the next font in alphabetical order.

00:03:50  Or you can press the up arrow key,

00:03:52  in order to move backward through your fonts.

00:03:54  But lets say you know the name of

00:03:56  the font you want to work with.

00:03:57  Then just enter the first few characters of that font name.

00:04:00  For example, I entered T-R-A-J for the font Trajon.

00:04:05  It which point I'll see,

00:04:06  all the styles associated with that font.

00:04:09  And for my part, I'm going to choose Trajon Pro Bold.

00:04:12  If you can't find that font installed on your system,

00:04:14  then you can try out a different font.

00:04:16  Now notice this style option that's right next door.

00:04:19  Now instead of seeing an italic button,

00:04:22  and a bold button, the way you do in some programs,

00:04:25  Illustrator is smarter about things,

00:04:27  and it just shows you the actual designer styles

00:04:30  that are associated with the given font.

00:04:32  So in this case, in the case of Trajon,

00:04:34  I'm seeing Regular and Bold.

00:04:36  There is no Italic.

00:04:38  Compare that to a font that has way more going on.

00:04:41  I'll go ahead and click this second line of type right here,

00:04:44  in order to select it.

00:04:46  And then, instead of entering the font name,

00:04:48  this time I'm just going to enter

00:04:49  a style name into the font area.

00:04:52  And the specific style is italic.

00:04:54  And I can now see all of the fonts that have italic styles,

00:04:58  which of course, is a very long list indeed.

00:05:00  And I'm going to scroll down

00:05:01  until I find this one right here.

00:05:03  Minion Pro Italic.

00:05:05  And then I'll go ahead and click on it to select it.

00:05:08  But now notice, that if I were to click on a style option,

00:05:11  I am seeing a ton of style names.

00:05:15  Now even if you have Minion Pro installed on your system,

00:05:17  you probably don't have this many styles.

00:05:20  It's just that I've gone ahead and installed every single

00:05:23  style of Minion there is.

00:05:25  Which is a very long list indeed.

00:05:27  So again, we have more than bold and italic to choose from.

00:05:31  At which point, I'll go ahead and press the Enter key,

00:05:33  in order to dismiss that menu.

00:05:35  And those are a few basic ways to format display types,

00:05:39  including font, style, type size, and alignment,

00:05:44  here inside Illustrator.


دانلود آموزش ایلوستریتور




در این فیلم، من به شما نشان می دهم که چگونه با استفاده از ابزار Type، شخصیت ها، کلمات و پاراگراف ها را انتخاب کنید، و همچنین به شما نشان می دهد که چگونه با متن هایی که از نقطه خاصی که به عنوان متن نقطه ای در Illustrator شناخته می شود، کار کنید. من قصد دارم تا Ctrl 0 یا cmd 0 روی Mac را فشار دهم تا از صفحه Artboard کم شود، زیرا هنوز به اولی نگاه می کنم و بگذارید بگویم من این خط اول را می خواهم و آن را تبدیل می کنم به عنوان فصل، در اینجا در بالای صفحه Artboard. خوب، پس از آن، من نیاز به برش آن متن، و سپس آن را به عنوان یک شیء متن جدید قرار دهید، و برای رسیدن به آن متن، من نیاز به استفاده از ابزار تایپ، و البته، شما می توانید به نوع ابزار را با انتخاب آن در اینجا در جعبه ابزار و یا می توانید کلید میانبر خود را که دقیقا همان چیزی است که به نظر می رسد را فشار دهید، که نامه T است، فشار دهید. راه دیگری برای کار این است که در داخل متن دوبار کلیک کنید با یکی از ابزارهای Arrow و این نه تنها شما را به طور خودکار به Tool Type تغییر می دهد، همانطور که در جعبه ابزار می بینیم، اما نشانگر درج لمسی در داخل متن قرار می گیرد. اکنون می توانید متن را با روش های معمول انتخاب کنید. شما می توانید در سراسر آن بکشید، مثل این. شما می توانید در یک مکان کلیک کنید و برای انتخاب طیف وسیعی از حروف، با کلیک بر روی یکی از گزینه های دیگر، یا می توانید تمام کلمات و پاراگرافها را انتخاب کنید. برای انتخاب کل کلمه، بر روی آن دوبار کلیک کنید، مانند. برای انتخاب یک پاراگراف کامل، سه بار کلیک کنید یک دو سه. شما لازم نیست واقعا به سرعت در یک ردیف کلیک کنید، به طوری که آن را لزوما یک کلیک سه گانه نیست؛ این فقط سه کلیک یکبار کلیک می شود. شما همچنین می توانید طیف وسیعی از کلمات را با کلیک کردن، و سپس کشیدن بر روی کلیک کنید دوم را انتخاب کنید، به طوری که یک کلیک و کشیدن راست در یک ردیف است.


00:01:42  If you want to select multiple paragraphs,

00:01:44  then click one, two, three times

00:01:47  and drag on that third click,

00:01:49  as you're seeing me do here.

00:01:51  You also have the option of using the Shift key,

00:01:54  and so, if I click between the A and the S in chasing,

00:01:58  and then I press shift right arrow,

00:02:00  I'm going to select the character to the right,

00:02:02  which is the S.

00:02:03  If I want to select a whole word,

00:02:05  then I would add the ctrl key, or the cmd key on the Mac,

00:02:09  and so this is the result

00:02:10  of pressing ctrl shift right arrow,

00:02:12  or cmd shift right arrow on the Mac,

00:02:15  so it's not necessary you remember

00:02:17  every single one of these tricks,

00:02:18  but I do want you to at least know they're there.

00:02:21  All right, let's go ahead and grab this headline

00:02:24  by clicking on it three times,

00:02:25  so, one, two, three, like so,

00:02:29  and then I'll go up to the Edit menu

00:02:30  and I'll choose the Cut command,

00:02:32  or you can press ctrl X, or cmd X on the Mac.

00:02:36  All right, now I'll go ahead and press the Escape key,

00:02:39  which not only exits the text entry mode,

00:02:41  but it takes me back to the Black Arrow tool as well,

00:02:44  and then I'll go up to the Edit menu

00:02:46  and choose the Paste command,

00:02:48  or I can press ctrl V, or cmd V on the Mac,

00:02:52  in order to paste that text as a new object.

00:02:54  Now, it looks a little bit too tall right now,

00:02:57  and that's because it has an extra paragraph return,

00:02:59  so what I'm going to do is double-click

00:03:01  inside the text, like so,

00:03:03  and then I'll press the right arrow key

00:03:05  a few times in order to move my cursor

00:03:07  as far to the right as possible,

00:03:09  and now I'll press the Backspace key,

00:03:10  or the Delete key on the Mac,

00:03:12  in order to get rid of that invisible paragraph return,

00:03:15  and then I'll press the Escape key,

00:03:16  and now notice that I'm seeing a smaller Bounding Box,

00:03:19  but I want you to know that this is a Bounding Box;

00:03:22  it is not a text frame.

00:03:23  Notice, if I drag the bottom-right handle,

00:03:26  I'm not going to reflow this text;

00:03:28  I'm going to end up stretching it,

00:03:30  and that's a function of working with point text

00:03:32  inside Illustrator, and so I'm going to undo that,

00:03:35  but I want you to know,

00:03:36  any time you just free-form paste text,

00:03:38  as you saw me do a moment ago,

00:03:39  you end up with point text,

00:03:41  which is emanating from a very specific point.

00:03:43  It's this little point right there, by the way,

00:03:47  and you can switch between point and area text

00:03:50  by double-clicking on this little widget,

00:03:52  to the right of the text, and so,

00:03:54  notice if I double-click, I'm going to switch to Area type,

00:03:58  which is text inside of a frame,

00:04:00  and now I can go ahead and drag

00:04:02  that bottom-right handle in order to wrap the text.

00:04:05  Notice, when we're working with area text,

00:04:08  that is text in a frame, that we also have this widget

00:04:11  underneath the text frame,

00:04:12  and, if you double-click on it,

00:04:14  you're going to collapse your frame

00:04:16  so that it's only as big as the text inside of it.

00:04:18  Then you have the option of dragging

00:04:20  this thing back down,

00:04:21  at which point you can double-click

00:04:23  this thing again if you like.

00:04:25  I'm going to go ahead and move my text onto a single line,

00:04:28  like so, and I'm going to double-click

00:04:30  this thing on the right

00:04:32  in order to switch from area text back to point text,

00:04:35  and point text, by the way,

00:04:36  is great when you're working with

00:04:38  single lines of type inside of Illustrator,

00:04:41  and you create point text, incidentally,

00:04:44  by selecting the Type Tool

00:04:45  and just clicking some place inside the document,

00:04:49  and then you enter whatever text you like.

00:04:52  Now, I'm going to switch back to the Black Arrow tool

00:04:53  for a moment, so I can demonstrate that the Bounding Box,

00:04:58  while very useful when you're working with area text,

00:05:00  text inside of a frame, it's misleading, at best,

00:05:04  when you're working with point text,

00:05:05  so what I recommend you do at this point

00:05:07  is go up to the View menu and choose Hide Bounding Box,

00:05:10  or, again, you've got that keyboard shortcut

00:05:13  of ctrl shift b, or cmd shift b on the Mac,

00:05:16  and now we can see the difference.

00:05:18  If I click on this text, this is text inside of a frame,

00:05:21  we can actually see the frame around the text,

00:05:24  whereas, if I click on this text here, this is point text

00:05:27  that's emanating from this center-point,

00:05:29  so, in other words, the text is actually centered

00:05:31  on that point, and you can use that point

00:05:34  as a point of alignment.

00:05:36  All right, there's one other line of text I want to grab,

00:05:39  by pressing shift pgDn,

00:05:41  and it's this text right there,

00:05:43  and what I'm going to do

00:05:44  is I'm just going to double-click inside the text,

00:05:46  Written by, in order to switch to my Type Tool,

00:05:50  and then I'm just going to drag from the W

00:05:52  all the way to the D at the end of my last name,

00:05:55  and I'll press ctrl X, or cmd X on the Mac,

00:05:58  to cut that text, and then I'll press the Backspace key,

00:06:01  or the Delete key on the Mac,

00:06:02  in order to move the insertion marker

00:06:05  to the end of the word, fed,

00:06:08  without getting rid of its period.

00:06:10  We want to keep that period,

00:06:11  and then you want to do is press the Escape key,

00:06:13  in order to escape the text edit mode,

00:06:15  and now press shift pgUp

00:06:17  in order to go back to the first artboard.

00:06:20  I'll go ahead and zoom in here,

00:06:22  and then I'll press ctrl V, or cmd V on the Mac,

00:06:25  in order to paste my text, like so,

00:06:27  and, as you can see, I once again have point text.

00:06:30  This time it's located way over here,

00:06:32  to the left of the W in Written by,

00:06:34  and that's because this text

00:06:36  has a little bit of a left indent,

00:06:38  which we will deal with in a future movie,

00:06:40  but, for now, just bear in mind

00:06:41  the differences between point text and area text.

00:06:45  Area text is great for long passages of text

00:06:47  that you want to automatically wrap

00:06:49  from one line to the next,

00:06:51  whereas point text is great for large display type,

00:06:54  or single lines of type,

00:06:56  as we'll see in more detail in future movies.
